
In the face of the electric shock attack, the Flash Dragon didn't even show any pain!It doesn't seem to have been hurt in any way!

Its defense is too strong!

Dragon-type elves are typical of rough-skinned and thick-skinned elves. All of them are elves with very strong defenses, and the Flash Dragon is the best among them. In terms of defense, it is definitely not inferior to many legendary elves!

Therefore, the [-] volts of Electric Shock Warcraft, the damage caused to it is almost insignificant!

Just after the [-] volts of the electric shock monster passed, Lin Wen's order came: "Flash fast dragon, use the dragon god to dive!"


The dragon roar sounded!

Flashing Dragon's dragon wings flashed, and the body together, in this relatively spacious third-layer space, suddenly swooped towards the electric beast!

In the face of the coming flashing fast dragon, the electric monster hurriedly dodged!'s too late!

Although the speed of the flash dragon can not be compared with the defense, but that is for himself!

Compared with these boss-level elves... its speed is still very unimaginable!

Although the Electric Shock Warcraft had done its best to dodge, it failed to dodge from the swooping range of the Flash Dragon's Dragon God, and it took a full set of damage directly!

Then... it fell powerlessly to the ground!


In just over a minute, two of Deshal's three elves had already lost their ability to fight, and they were all killed instantly and neatly!

The cold sweat on Deshal's head, who has a fat body, has already broken out, but he still tries to stay calm as much as possible, facing the self-exploding magnetic monster that still has combat power at the end, commanding, trying to struggle for the last time.

Lucario's wave missile has already hit the Exploding Magneto!

"Exploding Magneto, dodge!"

Hearing the order, the self-detonating magnetite dodged nimbly in mid-air, and immediately avoided the wave missile!

but!At this moment, the two instructions from Lin Wen's mouth made Deshar fall into despair!

"Shanaido, use your mind to control this self-exploding magnet!"

"Leaf Elf, use the Sun Beam!"

The two orders have been issued!

The corner of Shanaido's eyes flashed, and then, a lavender light shrouded the body of the self-exploding Magneto!

The self-exploding Magneto suddenly noticed that its body was controlled and could no longer move in midair!

Deshal felt that something was wrong. If he couldn't move, he would undoubtedly become a living target and be slaughtered by others!

"Exploding Magneto, hurry up and break free!" Disal ordered!

Hearing the master's order, the self-destructing magnetite exhausted all his strength, trying to break free from the shackles of Shanaido's psychic power!

However, as a lord-level elf, and the power of thought that he is best at, how could Shanaido be freed by it?

No matter how the self-exploding magnetic monster breaks free, there is still no way to release the shackles of psychic power!

At the same time, Ye Elf's sun beam has begun to charge!

Sunbeam is a charging skill, so... Lin Wen will let Shanaido control the self-exploding magnetic monster, and let the two elves cooperate at once!

In the blink of an eye, the solar beam is fully charged!

In the next second, the dazzling light lit up, facing the self-exploding magnetic monster bound by the power of thought, the speed of the sun beam was extremely fast, and the self-exploding magnetic monster had no chance to evade, and was directly hit by the front!

Then... it fell directly to the ground.


Disal's three elves were all eliminated.

At this time, the barrage watching the live screen of Lin Wen has been covered by countless 666!

Many players, after watching Lin Wen break into the third floor, have realized that the guy in front of him is the final boss.

I thought it would be a wonderful battle, but what the majority of players didn't expect was... This turned out to be a unilateral massacre by the Heart of Yang Yan!

"God Yang Yan is really invincible!"

"I don't know if there will be anyone who can fight against the Great God of Yang Yan during the qualifying competition in this carnival competition."

"Looking forward." 240


After his three elves lost their ability to fight, Deshal became slumped.

He understands that he can no longer stop this intruder!

The strength of the other party is far beyond their imagination!

After defeating all three elves, Lin Wen's eyes did not fall on Deshal again.

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