In the barrage, a piece of information flashed.

The forest pattern of the originator is not as much as thought (bfag).

The main reason why he chose the rocky terrain was to limit the opponent!

After all, the complex rocky terrain environment itself caused a lot of obstacles to the elves.

In contrast, the Leaf Elf has the ability to ignore the terrain. No matter what the terrain is, it can move like a duck to water without being affected in the slightest!

Of course...and this is the most important reason!

That is... Leaf Elf, there is no need to choose the forest terrain!

Its lord-level skills, the moving forest is not covered, it can completely create elves by itself, and change the environment to the terrain suitable for its own battle!

"Ding dong, the terrain of this area has been determined, and it is rocky terrain."

The system's prompt sound, I thought about it in the ears of Lin Wen and the Lord God.

Then, this white space suddenly began to evolve!

Lin Wen and the main god stood still, but the surrounding environment was changing at a very fast speed!

Obviously, this is the area where they are playing, and they are transformed!

In just a few seconds, the surrounding environment has undergone earth-shaking changes!

The two players, Lin Wen and the Lord God, were also spread to both sides of the terrain.

In front of Lin Wen, Ye Elf stood proudly, waiting for the Lord God to summon the Elf, which also meant that the battle officially began.


At the other end of the rock field, the Lord God frowned and looked at the environment in front of him. After hesitating for a while, he took out a Poké Ball.

After seeing that Lin Wen had chosen the Leaf Elf, the Lord God had planned to choose the Fire Elemental Elf for the first time.

But... the heart of Yang Yan unexpectedly chose the rock site, which undoubtedly made the main god's mind shake a little.

As a well-known player in the Shenao region, he is also one of the seed players, and naturally he does not want to be eliminated directly in the first match of the qualifying competition!

On the other hand, he was facing the famous Yang Yan Xin in the Elf Century. He didn't have any holding back, so he had to go all out to deal with it!

Therefore, after observing the rocky terrain and finding that this terrain is not suitable for fire-type elf at all, the Lord God did not hesitate to summon another elf!

When the elf ball was thrown and the light flashed, an elf figure appeared in front!

Wrestling Eagle Man!

This is an elf that can only restrain the opponent's attributes, and can take into account the terrain and close combat!

"This Lord God chose Wrestling Eagle Man!"

"It looks very powerful, but I don't know how it compares to Ye Elf."

"Who knows."

In the barrage, as the main god released the elves, there was another lively wave.

Then... the number of barrages attenuated slightly. Obviously, players have already started to watch the game seriously.

Lin Wen's gaze also swept across the Wrestling Eagle Man opposite, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Then... the system's prompt sounded in the ears of Lin Wen and the Lord God!

This means that their battle has officially begun!

As the signal for the start of the battle officially started, Lin Wen's mouth curled into a smile, and then said, "Ye Elf... Use the moving forest!"

Moving Forest: You can freely manipulate other trees to fight, the effect of all grass-based skills is doubled, you are immune to grass-based skills, your movement speed in the forest is increased by 100%, and all attributes are increased by an additional 50%.

This skill will cooperate with the power of nature and the deep-rooted two skills, the exclusive lord-level skill of the Leaf Elf King

Force of Nature: An advanced skill gifted by nature, the effect of all grass elements is increased by 50%, and it can transform the field under your feet into a forest environment.

Deep-rooted: One of the unique skills of the Leaf Elf King, fighting in the forest environment, automatically recovers 10% of the HP value every 5 seconds.

Moving the forest!

Lord-level skills of the Leaf Elf!

When he chose the rocky terrain, Lin Wen took this into consideration. The forest terrain has a bonus to the strength of the leaf elves, so how could Lin Wen ignore this! .

Chapter eight hundred and forty second confusion

Hearing the command, the leaf elf lightly foreheaded, green light radiated from his body, and the grass-type energy was released instantly!

The grass-type energy radiating green light was noticed by every player watching the live broadcast, as well as by the main god on the opposite side. I was a little unclear, so I didn't know what Ye Elf was going to do.

The green grass-type energy is getting more and more, and soon, it has filled the audience!

Afterwards, the grass-type energy slowly fell onto the hard rock below!

Then, a scene that shocked countless people~ happened!

Completely destroys the conclusion of nature, I saw, on the hard rock!It turned out - a touch of green!

That is a strong green grass!

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