
In just a few seconds, the players' three views were advanced!

Ye Elf, who seemed to have lost his fighter and was about to be defeated, had a shocking reversal!

Under the command of Lin Wen, he made a clean comeback!

At the beginning, the players were still a little confused and didn't understand what the situation was, but with the last sentence of the Lord God: "You did it on purpose." Understood!

It seems that Ye Elf has fallen into a great disadvantage. Who knows, it is actually a trap set up by Lin Wen!

Look at the enemy as weak, and then take advantage of it and suddenly attack!

The effect is remarkable!

Under the powerful skills of Ye Elf, the flaming chicken, this lord-level elf that has undergone MEGA evolution, was instantly killed!

Kill 297 in seconds!

Another new tactic has emerged!

It can be said that after the battle of the Heart of Yang Yan, many players suddenly appeared on the forum to discuss, and there was only one thing they discussed, and that was the tactics used by the Heart of Yang Yan!

These tactics have undoubtedly given players a lot of inspiration and enriched their fighting styles!

And the initiator of all this is such a familiar name!Heart of Yang Yan!

with the passage of time.

A round of battle is going on!

The entire 1500-strong battle will take 750 games!Even at the speed of ten sets at a time, it also takes a long time.

Lin Wen briefly strolled around the Lingxi Guild's residence for two laps before returning to the small room before.

He didn't do anything else. He simply browsed the forum and was a little surprised by the discussion on the forum. Then, he watched the battle!

Each of the 1500 players in the Carnival Ranking Match can be said to be the top players in the elf (bjcj) century. There is merit!

With luck alone, it is not easy to get to this point!

So... When Lin Wen watched their battle, in addition to getting relevant information, after all, the list of the top 750 had not yet appeared, and every player who was currently fighting could become his next opponent!

Moreover, watching the masters play tricks, you can also gain some benefits!

In the following time, Lin Wen completely put himself into the identity of a spectator and watched every game seriously!

Even...sometimes when he saw something intense, he couldn't help but post a barrage or two to praise him!

"This elf is amazing!"

What Lin Wen never expected was that the appearance of this barrage actually caused a shock to all the audience in the live broadcast room where he was!

You must know that Lin Wen watched the live broadcast directly on the live broadcast interface in the game, so the id of the barrage he sent out was the Heart of Yang Yan.

"Heart of Yang Yan: This elf is very powerful!"

It is such an ordinary barrage that attracts the attention of countless players.


"God Yangyan??"

"Fuck! This is the deity!"

"I found a God of Yang Yan, go, Poke Ball!"

"Take a group photo!"

"God Yangyan is also watching the live broadcast!"

"Where is the Great God of Yang Yan?"

Originally, everyone was watching the live broadcast seriously and discussing with the two players currently fighting on the screen. As a result, Lin Wen's bubbling changed the wind direction of the entire barrage!

No one was paying attention to the battle at all, and all attention was focused on the bubbling Heart of Yang Yan!

"Where's the Great God of Yang Yan? Bubble again!"

"Di Di Di, call the Great God of Yang Yan!"

"Same call!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Wen was a little dumbfounded. After hesitating for a while, he typed again: "Everyone, focus on watching the battle, don't focus on me."

"666, God of Yang Yan is bubbling again."

"God Yang Yan, I'm from Yang Yan Tuan, what?"

"I'm a female fan, add God Yang Yan as a friend!"

"God Yangyan even watched the live broadcast, and suddenly I feel that he is so down-to-earth."


The barrage was completely messed up, almost no one focused on the battle, and all focused on Lin Wen.

After all, in fact, for the majority of ordinary players, the heart of Yang Yan at this time is like a star!

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