You must know that after today's top 750 battle is over, there are only 375 players left, or even less than [-] players!

At that time, the system will open the arena!

Watching the battle now, after all, it is broadcast on the screen, it will not be too enjoyable to watch!

But... wait until the next round, there will be a huge battle field, players can enter the auditorium by purchasing tickets, and experience the charm of the battle on the spot!

Of course... this is just the rumors revealed by the official, the specific situation, I am afraid that the news will not be released after the battle of the top 750 is over!


In order for players to freely choose the player battles that they can watch, after the battle list was released yesterday, it also stated which arena, which game, and which player was against which player...  

Rings one to ten.

Written clearly!

This way, players are free to spend their time and choose which battles they want to watch.

Lin Wen had long known about his fight this time. This time, he was assigned to the No. 3 field and only appeared in the third round of the battle.

Now that the game has just started, Lin Wen's game still needs two rounds to come. He is also happy to relax, and he directly becomes a spectator again and watches the game.

In this carnival competition, it can be said that everyone is a master, and Lin Wen has also benefited a lot.

As the time goes.

Soon, the players on the 3rd venue finally ended the battle!

Next, it was finally Lin Wen's turn to appear!

Just two minutes after the battle on the No. 3 venue, countless players suddenly poured into the live broadcast room No. 3!

"The match of the Great God of Yang Yan is about to start!"

"Which elf will be used in 5.7 of the Yangyan Great God's Meeting?"

"This caviar sword is also very powerful. I don't know how the two of them will fight."

"The elf that Caviar used yesterday was King Yanwu, and he also has a certain restraint on the leaf elf. Will the Great God of Yang Yan still use the leaf elf?"

"Who knows!"

Players have long noticed the rounds of the heart of Yang Yan on the battle list. Now, seeing that the third venue is finally going to fight the heart of Yang Yan, they all rushed into the live broadcast room, ready to watch the battle!

The battle has not yet begun. After the last battle, the screen is still black, but countless people have already poured into it!

They all discussed the next battle! .

Chapter eight hundred and fiftieth chapter fast dragon debut

At this time, Lin Wen finally heard the system prompt.

"Ding Dong, player Yang Yanxin, your qualifying match is about to start, do you want to enter the arena?"

"Enter." Lin Wen replied calmly.

Then, with a flash of light, Lin Wen disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he had come to the same white space as yesterday!

Exactly on the battlefield.

After the two players have rolled the dice, it will change to the venue for their battle!

Just after Lin Wen appeared here, on the other side, after a flash of light, a figure slowly appeared in this space!

Caviar Sword.

Lin Wen's opponent this time!

At the same time, the screen in the live broadcast room also slowly lit up.

"Appeared! Appeared!"

"I especially like the dice part!"

"I don't know if it is the big God of Yang Yan this time, or the big point of the Caviar Sword!"

Seeing the screen finally lit up, the barrage suddenly became a lot more lively!

At the same time, 19 Lin Wen and Caviar stepped forward at the same time and came to the table in the middle.

A die is being placed there.

"Heart of Yang Yan, hello, I have long admired your name." Yu Zijian looked at Lin Wen and said softly.

"Hello." Lin Wen nodded slightly towards him, and then said, "I have seen your battles, you are very powerful."


Yu Zijian smiled and immediately said: "Thank you for your compliment, but... I won't be merciful in the next battle."

"Of course." Lin Wen's face turned straight: "I won't be merciful either."

Afterwards, Lin Wen continued, "You come first?"

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