"Really handsome!"

"No, the caviar on the opposite side is not an ordinary person... Although the Flash Dragon is the first lord-level elf in the hands of the player, but after such a long time, everyone's strength has already improved, and I want to be like the original. It's obviously impossible to be nearly invincible like that!"

"The classmate in front is right!"

On the barrage, there was a heated discussion!

Kuailong is born to be a quasi-god-level elf. Lin Wen's flashing dragon is very famous among players. It is not only a flashing elf, but also a lord-level elf. It can be said that it is very powerful.

Under such circumstances, the players were greatly shocked by Lin Wen's release of the Flash Dragon!

Just after the Flash Dragon appeared beside Lin Wen, even the opposite Caviar showed a stunned look.

Obviously, he did not expect that the elf that Lin Wen would use this time would be the Flash Dragon! .

Chapter eight hundred and fifty-four funny height ratio

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Chapter [-] No distinction?

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Eight hundred and fiftieth chapters take away, the next

"King Yanwu, use Flash Charge on the Flash Dragon! Approach it!"


Accompanied by a slight sound, a raging flame suddenly burst into flames on King Yanwu's body!

Then... it's heading straight for the Flash-Fast Dragon!

However, under the watering of the rain, the temperature of the flame has obviously dropped a lot!

"Do you want to fight head-on..."

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed, without the slightest fear, he said directly: "Flickering Dragon, use the dragon's tail!"


The flashing dragon agreed, ready to go!

The attack speed of King Yanwu was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he was about to sprint to the front of the Flash Dragon!

Just then, the flash dragon moved!

Its huge body turned abruptly, and the long dragon tail waved over behind it!

In the next second, King Yanwu's body suddenly collided with the tail of the Flash Dragon!


There was a deafening sound!

I saw that under the collision of the elves on both sides, a figure suddenly flew out!

That is the figure of King Yanwu!

Facing the dragon's tail under the blessing of the flashy dragon attribute, it had taken the initiative to attack, but it was actually swept away!

This is an absolute gap that only collides and sees!

"Flash Dragon, don't give it a chance!"

Seeing that King Yanwu was directly ejected, Lin Wen hurriedly said, "Use the original dragon breath!"

Original Dragon Breath!

Profound Skills!

A flashing dragon's mouth is open, and the hot dragon breath has been sprayed out, and it is followed by King Yanwu!

Yu Zijian has obviously also checked the relevant information of Lin Wen. He has seen this skill in the video material and knows its powerful power. Seeing this, he hurriedly shouted: "King Yanwu, get out of the way!"


At this time, King Yanwu had just fallen to the ground!

Facing the incoming dragon breath, it also sensed the crisis, and with a flash of its body, it was ready to move away quickly!

But... it's already a step behind!

The scorching dragon breath acted on it, and King Yanwu immediately suffered unimaginably huge damage!

The power of every profound skill is amazing!

Because of the rain-seeking skill, King Yanwu was a little sluggish, but now he was hurt by the original dragon breath, and he couldn't help crying!

Seeing that the original dragon breath could not kill King Yanwu directly, Lin Wen continued: "Flashing Dragon, use the destruction light!"

The flashing dragon standing in place suddenly began to charge up!

Because of the serious damage caused by the original dragon breath, King Yanwu collapsed on the ground and struggled hard!

Yu Zijian's eyes were full of unwillingness, he didn't expect his ace to be hit hard in such a short period of time!

However... he did not give up, and still shouted anxiously: "King Yanwu, get up! Get up quickly!"

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