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Eight hundred and fifty-ninth chapter vacancies

The Dragon Trial in the Dragon Cave can be said to have had a major impact on Lin Wen's entire game journey!

Not only did the reputation of the Heart of Yang Yan start in other regions for the first time, but in the Dragon Cave, Lin Wen even obtained his now very powerful fighting partner, the Flash Dragon!

Some people say that the real rise of the heart of Yang Yan in the game is that in the Dragon Cave, a Huck Dragon defeated the siege of the elite teams of the three major guilds in the Chengdu area at that time!

This is an unimaginably powerful record, and after that battle, the Heart of Yang Yan was almost victorious in a hundred battles, gaining an incomparably huge prestige in the game, and being regarded by the players as the real God of War!

Thinking of all the things at that time in his mind, Lin Wen showed a smile.

It's been a long time since this happened, but looking back now, it is undoubtedly quite interesting.

At that time, in the Dragon Cave, when there was a conflict with the three major guilds, I did not expect that later, Nirvana and Longao Tianxia, ​​the two opponents at that time, would join the Lingxi Guild, and everyone became a guild. Combat Buddy!

Just when Lin Wen thought of this in his mind, the battle in front of him had already begun!

Nian Meilong and the heroic force released by the other party came into contact with each other in the blink of an eye!

Lin Wen retracted his mind and watched the game earnestly.

At the same time, the number of barrages is also much less, ready to watch this battle seriously.

On the screen, the cute night cat has a very serious expression, directing Nianmeilong to fight, and nibbling away at the strength of the opponent!

The battle is over soon!

The cute night cat has won!

As a quasi-god-level elf, Nianmeilong is naturally powerful. After being promoted to a lord-level elf, his combat power has doubled. Facing the opponent's two elves, Nianmeilong also completed one challenge at a time. Two, successfully advanced!

From here, you can see the difference between players!

The real top players are, after all, a minority!

Even now, including yesterday, all 1500 players who participated in the Ranked Battle were selected from hundreds of millions of players in the entire Elf Century.

However, there are also clear distinctions between them.

A group of people who really stand at the top, who have the strength to advance to the semi-finals and even the finals, facing their opponents in this period, as long as they are not the same group of people who are also at the true top, then... the result It will only be easy to defeat your opponent!

This is the result of the huge gap between the strengths!

So... Lin Wen didn't feel the slightest surprise that the cute night cat could easily win.

Just like yesterday, Lin Wen had seen quite a few of the 1500 players, who could be called top players, easily defeated his opponents!

After the battle, the screen in the live broadcast room went dark, waiting for the next battle to happen.

Then, Lin Wen's communication device rang.

Lin Wen took it out and saw that it was the cute little girl behind the night cat who had just ended the battle.

He got the call.

"Brother Yang Yan, how is it? How did I behave?" The cute night cat's tone was full of show off.

In the end is the little girl's heart.

Lin Wen shook his head lightly and sighed, and then praised: "The performance is very good, I easily defeated the opponent."

"Really?" The cute night cat laughed, and then said: "Brother Yang Yan, you have to do your best! We agreed before that we are going to meet at the carnival competition."

"Of course." Lin Wen nodded in response, and then teased: "I don't have any problems at all, but you, little night cat, you have to work harder, don't be eliminated in the front."

On the other end of the communication device, Xiao Yemao sniffed, and then snorted softly: "Brother Yang Yan, look good, even if you are eliminated, I will not be eliminated!"

"Then I'll tell you in advance to cheer you on." Lin Wen said.

"Come on, too." The cute night cat responded, and then said: "Okay, brother Yang Yan, I won't talk to you anymore, I want to watch the live broadcast of the other players."

"Yeah." Lin Wen nodded lightly.

Then, the call was hung up.

Lin Wen shook his head lightly, and began to randomly select the live broadcasts of the players' battles to watch.


time lapse.

Compared with yesterday's large-scale battle involving 1500 people, there are only 750 players left today, and the time required for the battle is undoubtedly much reduced.

It started at 375:[-] in the morning, and at [-]:[-] in the afternoon, with the end of the last battle, the last player was eliminated, and there were only [-] players left in the qualifying match!

After two days of qualifying matches, the number of people remaining has plummeted!

Every day's battle has countless wonderful scenes, and countless high-end players show their strength. This time is no exception. With the second day's top 750 promotion to the top 375, the battle is completely over. At this time, it is The discussion on the forum is intense.

Countless players from all regions gathered in the forum to discuss and summarize today's battle!

Posts were posted one by one.

After two days of fighting, some of the top 1 elite players of the 500 (no money) undoubtedly emerged. Some players fell into a hard fight during the battle, but some players defeated themselves very easily. opponents, no effort at all!

This makes most players realize that even if they are the same elites, there is a difference!

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