The first player to be promoted to the top 47!

The first female player to be promoted to the top 47!

This means that Qianxia's strength can already be ranked in the top fifty in the entire elf century!

Although it may be because of the immediate distribution of opponents, in the previous ranking competition, there were strong players who were defeated and missed the higher term, but the game is like this, luck is also a kind of strength!

Even if Qianxia was able to enter the top 47 in the qualifying competition, even if she went out and said that she was among the fifty best players in the entire Elf Century, no one could refute her!

Nowadays, the carnival competition has become a competition that the whole people pay attention to. Compared with the Olympic Games, it is more than anything. Now that the new year is approaching, everyone has a lot of leisure time. Although [-]% of the players have been The elimination of the carnival competition, however, does not mean that they will no longer pay attention to the carnival competition!

Just because they participated and were eliminated, players will pay more attention and want to know more about who can win the carnival competition and who can get a good ranking in the carnival competition!

Players are very concerned about this matter!

In this case, there are definitely hundreds of millions of players following this event!

National competition!

As the ranked battles are getting further and further, the enthusiasm of the players has also become higher and higher!


Seeing Qian Xia's successful promotion, Lin Wen nodded secretly, approving this girl's strength!

Her strength is definitely not to be underestimated!

Originally, I chose to enter the opposing battlefield at this time. Unexpectedly, just after Lin Wen was ready to agree to the invitation of the system, the broadcast of the venue in the live broadcast room sounded!

"Next battle: Right Fire from Kanto District 977, against the big bug from the Shenno area!"

Right fire!

Lin Wen's movements stopped!

Lin Wen was all too familiar with this name.

His old opponent, and he has been working hard to challenge his opponent!

In the Guandu area, there is a rumor that if the strongest player in the Guandu area is the Heart of Yang Yan, then... the second strongest player must be the Fire of the Right!

The powerful player who holds the MEGA evolution's fire-breathing dragon!

You must know that the super evolution stone is very rare. Even the Lucario evolution stone of Linwen was only rewarded after passing through the tower of refinement, and the fire on the right can be used so early At that time, he has already mastered the super evolution stone, so that the fire-breathing dragon can perform MEGA evolution during the battle. The strength can be imagined!

If it weren't for the existence of Lin Wen...the fire on the right was directly suppressed, then I am afraid that the fire on the right would definitely be the most dazzling star in the entire Guandu area!

It's a pity that both Shengyu and He Shengliang?

In the face of an opponent like Lin Wen who played cards unreasonably, the Fire on the Right did not take advantage of him at all, and he never won a match against Lin Wen! .

Chapter [-] Luck is the key

With the sound of the battle hall, there was another fluctuation on the barrage!

"The next battle turned out to be the fire of the right!"

"God! This is it!"

"Is this the right fire that never won against the Great God of Yang Yan?"

"I can't say the same... In fact, if the right fire I think was born in other regions, then I am afraid it will develop better!"

"Since Shengyu and He Shengliang are talking about the Great God of Yang Yan and the Fire of the Right Side."

There was a discussion in the barrage.

There are countless players who watch the live broadcast every day and know the information in real time!

Under this circumstance, there are only less than [-] players left in the qualifying competition. It can be said that the name of each player has been deeply remembered by the players!

The Right Fire was originally a little famous in the Kanto area.In the group elimination task that countless people paid attention to, he boldly challenged the heart of Yang Yan. Although he was abused in the customs clearance time in the end, it still left a deep impression on the players!

Similarly, in the qualifying match, he can be said to have swept all the way, so he has also attracted countless fans who support him!

Although so far, the fire of the right side has not won the heart of Yang Yan, but the strength he has shown is also worthy of the pursuit of countless players!

In this case, there are countless fans who recognize him at this time.

However, in contrast, the big bug in the Shenno region who was fighting against him also had countless players to speak up to encourage him!

Lin Wen himself has never been to the Shenao area, so he doesn't know much about it. However, seeing the support and encouragement of many players, he immediately understands that this big bug is probably also a master in the Shenao area, and he is famous!

This can be said to be a battle of needles against Maimang!

After the change of the competition system, players can choose to fight at the same time into three elves. There is no doubt that this allows players to show their strength more, which is undoubtedly a change that can better reflect the players' combat effectiveness!


Both enter.

Simultaneously unleash the sprites!

There is no doubt that on the right side of the fire, it is very confident to release its main ace, the fire-breathing dragon!

On the other side, the elf released by the big bug also surprised many players who were not familiar with him!

It's Bangira!

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