Lin Wen and the cute night cat changed the topic, and turned to the players who were fighting in the game, and they had a soft discussion from time to time!

Soon, the two battles are over!

It's the cute night cat's turn!

As a cute little loli, she has undoubtedly attracted countless attention, and she has many fans. With her appearance, the voices from the audience are not inferior to Qianxia's appearance at all-!

And the cute night cat didn't lie!

The strength she showed is as strong as ever. After an anxious battle with her opponent, she successfully defeated the opponent and advanced to the top 47_!

Promoted to the second female player in the top 47!

And it looks like a little loli.

Undoubtedly attracting countless fans again!

After the battle, the little night cat didn't stay in the player's seat too much. After saying hello to Lin Wen, he chose to leave here.

It can be seen that she is really anxious, and it is estimated that she has a task to perform. Otherwise, with the relationship between Xiaoye Mao and Lin Wen, she will definitely wait until the end to watch the battle of Lin Wen before choosing to leave!

Time goes by little by little.

Players appear one by one to fight.

It is the first time that Lin Wen has been assigned to the last battle. This is undoubtedly a different feeling. Fortunately, he has already prepared for it. Even if the battle is finished ahead of time, he still needs to watch the live broadcast of the battle of other players. Waiting and watching the battle will undoubtedly make Lin Wen not feel too bored!

In the arena, the battle continued gradually. Now it has reached the top 94 battle. The remaining players are more elite than each other. Although there are also players who came here because their opponents were not too strong, in general, Every battle is really exciting!

Wonderful far beyond imagination!

Players watching the live broadcast can be said to be hooked, and they feel that there is nothing wrong with paying attention to this carnival competition!

As for the lucky draw, the 6000 players and spectators who came to the scene were even happier!

Being able to watch the battles of these powerhouses is also a kind of learning for them, and they can improve their strength through this!

And as time goes by, the sky is getting darker...

A total of 47 players played [-] games!

You know, this is a battle match where both sides can use three elves, so it takes a lot of time!

When the time came to eight o'clock in the evening, it was finally Lin Wen's turn!

The last match of the top 94 battle!

Determines the last player to be promoted to the top 47!

The broadcast sound in the battlefield hall sounded!

"The two sides in the next battle will be the heart of Yang Yan from the Guandu area and the Jingxiu from the Chengdu area!"

The radio sound is down!

In the entire auditorium, because of watching the battle for nearly a day, these players and the audience inevitably felt a little tired, but now they wake up instantly after hearing the sound of the broadcast!

"The next battle is the heart of Yang Yan?"

"Fuck? It's finally the heart of Yang Yan's turn to fight?"

"Meow! The Great God of Yang Yan was queued to the last match today! I almost thought he had a bye again!"

"Yes, but wait for me to die!"

In this carnival competition, the players who have been able to advance all the way to the present in the qualifying competition have gained a large number of fans and become celebrities in the game!

Lin Wen, of course, is no exception!

He already has a lot of fans, and now after the carnival competition, the number of fans has skyrocketed!I don't know how many players regard him as an idol, and every battle of his will be watched!

The list of tomorrow's battles has been announced on the forum, but the order of battles is not announced, only the participating players know!

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This is also to give the audience a sense of surprise. No one knows what kind of two players will participate in the next battle!

Undoubtedly you can make surprises!

And today, after a day of battles, players can all see the intense and exciting battles!

I just didn't see the figure of Yang Yan's Heart!

This even made many players think that they remembered wrongly. There is actually a bye spot in today's game, and it was taken by the Heart of Yang Yan!

And now, as Lin Wen's name finally sounded on the broadcast, the players were excited, but also looked forward to it!

.... . . .

What kind of battle will the Heart of Yang Yan bring?

Players are looking forward to it!

With the sound of the system, Lin Wen suddenly stood up from the contestants' seat!

He has only been sitting in this player seat for one day!

After moving his somewhat stiff body, Lin Wen gradually walked towards the ring!

At the same time, on the player's seat, there was also a player who got up and walked slowly towards the ring!

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