Lin Wen's eyes changed from surprise to joy.

He thought this Jingxiu was just joking before, but following Jingxiu's narration, Lin Wen found out that this is a true fan!

Although now because of the growing reputation of Yang Yan Heart, the things he did in the past have long been revealed by the players, but... If you are not a real fan, how can you remember these things so clearly?

The Jingxiu opposite is undoubtedly his true fan!

It was undoubtedly a pleasant surprise to be able to meet his true fans in the qualifying match of the Carnival Competition.

Thinking of this, Lin Wen nodded slightly towards Jing Xiu, and said, "Thank you for your continued support."

Jingxiu laughed.

Afterwards, he opened his mouth and said, "God Yangyan, when I came to participate in the carnival competition, I didn't expect to meet you as an opponent in the qualifying competition. Do you think I am lucky or unfortunate?"

Without giving Lin Wen a chance to speak, Jingxiu continued, "Tell me unfortunately, I finally took this opportunity to get to know my idol, say I'm lucky... Meeting you, basically my carnival competition ends here... …”


After sighing with emotion, Jingxiu's eyes became firmer: "God Yangyan, I won't let you go because you are my idol. If you want to succeed in the promotion, then show your real strength!"

Lin Wen nodded lightly and said, "Don't worry, I will naturally do my best!"

The conversation between them was passed into the ears of every player watching the game, and there was some emotion in their hearts.

On the field, fans meet idols!

Presumably, this battle will also be passed down as a good story, right?

After all, this kind of thing is really rare!

After a few words of conversation, Lin Wen and Jing Xiu's ears sounded a system prompt!The battle officially begins!

Before the battle even started, Lin Wen had already thought about the elf he wanted to use. Now, after hearing the system prompt, a elf ball appeared in his hand!

At the same time, after remembering the sound of the system, Jing Xiu on the opposite side did not hesitate at all, and took out the Poke Ball!

Obviously, he has long thought about what kind of Poké Ball he will play first in this battle!


The Poké Balls in the hands of the two were thrown like a platform in front of them at the same time!

The light shines!

With two bangs!

Two elves have appeared on the platforms in front of the podiums on both sides!

I saw that on the platform in front of Lin Wen's podium, a sensitive figure fell on the ground!


As early as yesterday, Lin Wen was going to let his other elves appear in the battle, so in the first battle, he directly chose Lucario!

The watching players quickly recognized Lucario!

"It's Lucario!"

"Looks so handsome!"

"This is also a very powerful elf of the Great God Yang Yan!"

On the other side, Jingxiu's elf was also released!

That's a firestorm!

The back of this fiery beast is spitting flames, obviously very strong!

Two elves, log into the battlefield at the same time!

Lin Wen's eyes swept across the Firestorm Beast's body, and his Wisdom Eye skill played a role, and he could see the strength of this Firestorm Beast at a glance!

Boss level!

Lin Wen already knew about it!

As early as yesterday, when I was watching Jingxiu's battle video, this fire beast had already appeared. 363 Lin Wen had a certain understanding of him, but I didn't expect... Jingxiu's first elf was actually it!

The spirits of both sides appear!

Then, on the big screen, the picture flashed!

Both Lin Wen and Jing Xiu's eyes fell on the big screen above their heads!

At the same time, the players watching the battle also looked at the big screen, wondering what kind of terrain will be randomly generated this time!

The terrain undoubtedly has a certain impact on the battle!

On the big screen above, the terrain kept flashing, and after seven or eight seconds, the picture stopped abruptly!

Stop moving!

Everyone's eyes suddenly turned to the screen, wanting to see what kind of terrain came out randomly!

I saw that on the big screen, a picture of the appearance of the arena was displayed!

In the upper right corner of the picture, there are two words "Race"!

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