on the forum.

Just after the battle list post appeared on the top post of the forum, countless players clicked into it!

Some players are okay and want to know the list of player battles tomorrow, so watch it bit by bit!

However, there are many players who want to know who the bye is in the next round, but they are not so calm. After entering the post, they quickly scroll down and see the bottom sentence first. talk!

0 ...

This round bye player:  …

After seeing the name behind, I don't know how many players who watched this place at this time, all froze in place!

How is he?

How could it be him?

How could it be him?

This is not scientific!

This is the idea that surged in the hearts of countless players!

Because, behind the bye quota, is the Heart of Yang Yan!

How lucky is this to be able to get two byes in a row?

Players can't believe it!

If you don't know that there is no problem with the intellectual brain, and the Heart of Yang Yan does not need a bye to advance, I am afraid that many players will guess whether the Heart of Yang Yan has hacked the system!

One bye, everyone can accept it!

But now, as the number of byes is becoming more and more important, some people have been bye twice!

Moreover, this bye is also a very well-known player in this carnival competition!

Almost in just a few minutes, there are more and more players on the forum who know that the Heart of Yang Yan has once again qualified for the bye!

Countless posts have emerged one after another, and the topics of discussion are all about the Heart of Yang Yan's obtaining a round bye spot!

This is a very rare scene! .

Chapter eight hundred and ninety-six almost perverted luck

"Damn it! I'm not convinced, why did God Yang Yan have a bye again!"

"Yes, there are two byes in a competition, this is completely unprecedented! I can't even think about it!"

"I only serve the Great God of Yang Yan!"

The forum is in a heated discussion!

Being able to take a bye, in the eyes of the players, is already a matter of breaking through the sky, but being able to take a bye twice, in the eyes of the players, is completely unbelievable!


Others need to fight hard to advance, but you are better, just take two byes!

That is to say, the person who obtained the bye qualification is the heart of Yang Yan. Most players agree with his strength and know that with his strength, even if he does not need a bye, he can go all the way!

If it were another "[-]" player, I'm afraid the cynicism would have come right away!

But even now, there are already satirical posts on the forum!

"Heart of Yang Yan, a player who scores by luck! 》

Among them, the one that received the greatest response and caused countless players to reply, is this post!

Go in a little, and you can see a lot of words from the first floor owner!

"Heart of Yang Yan, two byes in a row!"

"Without any battle, he was successfully promoted to the next round. Now, among the top 47 players gathered in the top 24, he has even been qualified for a bye, and he has become a top [-] player in one fell swoop!"

"In the final analysis, what is the difference between this and relying on luck to advance? Does it have anything to do with strength?"

"It's really nothing more than that!"

The post was very simple, it just recounted Lin Wen's two byes and satirized it.

However, the post below has aroused a lot of repercussions!

There are those who support the landlord, and similarly, there are those who support Yang Yan!

2nd floor: The landlord is brainless, the strength of Yang Yan is here, what is the impact of fighting or not fighting?

3rd floor: Support the landlord, does the heart of Yang Yan rely on luck at all? If it really hits, who can guarantee that he will advance. What if he encounters a really powerful opponent?

4th floor: The 3rd floor is really funny. Looking at the whole carnival competition, who would dare to say that he will definitely win the great god Yang Yan?Do the current players dare to say that?

5th Floor: That is, you are so cheating, I don't know when you were eliminated?

6th Floor: Anyway, it's a fact that Yang Yan's Heart didn't fight, and there is indeed a suspicion of relying on luck to score points.

7th Floor: Agreed.

This post became popular almost immediately, attracting countless players to reply!

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