Lin Qi's side is his most powerful main elf, the lord-level ivy snake!

On the other hand, Susu Jiang still chose the Minas she used in the previous battle!

The Eyesight skill came into play, observing the battle forest pattern, and keenly discovered that this Minas was a lord-level elf!

With the selection of rocky terrain randomly selected by the system, the battle is officially started!

Although it was very depressing that the two beautiful girls met, and the players were a little confused about who they should cheer for, but... when the battle officially started, the players on the scene gave the same encouragement to the two girls!

After all, both of them can be said to be master girls who emerged in this carnival competition. Each of them has many fans, and the fans have a certain overlap!

At the same time, on the barrage in the live broadcast room, when the battle just started, countless cheers and blessings emerged!

In the face of these two beautiful female players, none of them spoke ill of each other!Everyone is cheering for them!


Then, the battle officially begins!

This battle lasted for nearly an hour in total!

The final result was that Lin Qi was successfully defeated by Su Sujiang, stopped at the top 47, and failed to be promoted to the top 24!

There is only one reason for everything!

In the battle between the lord-level Ivy Snake and the lord-level Minas, both elves used their best skills, and the battle was very exciting and intense!

In the end, it was Lin Qi's Qingteng Snake who was slightly better, and successfully defeated Minas!

But... Next, Susu Jiang sent an elegant fairy!

What shocked Lin Wen was... This elegant fairy is still a lord-level elf!

It was the first time that Lin Ween had seen a player with more than one lord-level elf besides him!

This made Lin Wen couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Sure enough, a player with a full innate charm value really has something extraordinary!

Lin Qi obviously did not expect that the other party would have a second lord-level elf to appear!

Although she didn't have the exploration skills, she couldn't directly check the opponent's template, but Lin Qi's keen sense of the opponent's combat power showed that the elegant fairy is a lord-level elf!

Before the battle, Lin Qi thought that this Minas, who had been appearing all the time, was the most powerful elf opposite Susu from the Carlos region!It is also her only lord-level elf!

In this case, after Qingteng Snake had spent a lot of time defeating Minas, Lin Qi almost thought that she had won the battle!

Although the ivy snake also consumed a lot of physical strength in the battle with the lord-level Minas, the grass-type elves are known for their endurance recovery ability, and the next opponents are the boss-level elves, with attributes and The ivy snakes are worlds apart. The ivy snakes only need to be defeated, or even do not need to be defeated, but only cause a lot of damage to them, can win this battle!

As for the elves other than the ivy snake, although they are only boss-level elves, Lin Qi is confident that among the boss-level elves, they will not lose to anyone!


Lin Qi was doing all the calculations, but she didn't expect that her opponent was a player who, like her brother, couldn't use common sense!

After the lord-level Minas was defeated, the elegant fairy released by Susu Jiang turned out to be a lord-level elf!

On the one hand, after the battle with the lord-level Minas, there were many injuries on his body, and the ivy snake was consuming a lot of physical strength!

On the other hand, it is the elegant fairy who has just appeared, full of physical strength, waiting for work!

The result of the battle between the two elves can be imagined!

Although the ivy snake successfully broke out of the small universe and fought back in the Jedi, after all, its role as an elf is limited, and it was successfully defeated by the elegant fairy with the least consumption!

Afterwards, facing the lord-level elf, Fairy Grace, Lin Qi's other two competing leader-level elfs had no way to be defeated!

Lin Qi's carnival competition, that's it!

The battle is over!

Along with the announcement of the results by the broadcast voice in the battlefield, the players present (Nuo Mo Zhao) gave warm applause!

This is not only for the winner Su Sujiang, but also for Lin Qi!

Although Lin Qi was defeated, the strength she showed is still worthy of respect, not everyone can look down on it!

As for Susu sauce, it has entered the eyes of everyone. Exploratory skills are very precious. Not every player has Lin Wen's discerning skills. However, although they do not have the ability to directly view Susu sauce's elf attribute template , but you can find clues from the performance of the elegant fairy!

There is a huge gap between the lord-level elves and the boss-level elves. Even if the lord-level elves have been consumed before, I am afraid that with the ability of a boss-level elegant fairy, it is impossible to easily defeat the ivy snake!

Thinking like this, the real answer appears in the hearts of players! .

Chapter eight hundred and ninety-ninth avenge me

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Nine hundred and twenty four gold list

But everyone has a feeling of unfinished business!

Compared with the battle of the top 1500 players in the past, how much is the level of battle now more than one layer or two layers stronger?

After all, this is the dozens of people who have been selected in the entire elf century, and the elite level can be imagined!

Luck, at this time, no longer exists!Because every opponent you meet is not weak!Terribly strong!

This also makes the players very happy to watch, after all, the battle between masters will never be out of date!

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