Just when Lin Wen saw the reply, the number of Aite messages was still increasing!

Lin Wen had expected this for a long time, and he was ready when he replied!

after all.The player forum is bound to the game id, and it is called the name of the Heart of Yang Yan. In the entire elf century, there is only one!No other number!

In this case, the players would all know that this is his deity.

Lin Wen pulled down the message and looked at the reply to his message one by one!

Most of them are non-nutritious replies, they are worshipping the Great God, the Great God shows up, and so on!

Similarly, there are also some jealous and jealous players who make sarcastic words! .

Chapter [-] Forum on the spray

"Being placed in the first place, and then coming out to praise a good post, you are really arrogant, the heart of Yang Yan!"

"The landlord's method of kneeling and licking has been successful! Successfully made the heart of Yang Yan appear!"

"I take it, I learned a new posture!"

Where there is powder, there is black!

A person, even if he is perfect, can't make everyone like him. Some sunspots will always jump out of black spots that are not black spots to ridicule!

Lin Wen frowned slightly.

Afterwards, he grinned and replied again in this post.

"Being placed in the first place, and then coming out to praise a good post, you are really arrogant, the heart of Yang Yan!"

Choose to reply!

"Who are you? Do I know you?"

After a simple reply, Lin Wen read the post again, and his mood was not affected in any way!

However, after his reply appeared, this post suddenly became popular again!

This post is a good post with some technical content, and it is very popular. When I learned that the 20-year-old Yang Yan, who was ranked first in the gold list, appeared in the post, it immediately attracted the attention of countless players!

At this time, I don't know how many players got the news, clicked into the post, and wanted to touch the spirit of the Great God of Yang Yan!

Those who spoke and ridiculed, there were already many players who noticed their words and refuted them. However, just after they refreshed, they suddenly saw the Heart of Yang Yan speak again?

"Who are you? Do I know you?"

Flat tone!

But the effect damage caused is indeed explosive!

Below this reply, there are countless 666 replies!

"God Yangyan can do it!"

"Inflicted 100000 points of damage to the spray!"

"God Yang Yan is very familiar with it."

"Yes, who are you? Do I know you?"

"Hahahaha, the laughing baby is getting wet!"

"If you mock me, I will serve the Great God of Yang Yan!"

"I'm really lucky to have met the Great God of Yang Yan twice in a row."

Lin Wen's usual temper is not great, but that doesn't mean he has no temper.

For these trolls, Lin Wen has never regarded them as human beings. He is not a Bodhisattva, and he has never thought of influencing them and rushing to provoke him, so he must be prepared to withstand counterattacks!

Just after countless players praised Lin Wen's reply, the troll who replied before spoke up again.

"Hehe, I can't compare with Yang Yan's Heart, I'm just a passerby who can't see it."

"666! I admit it, I admit it."

"Why do I think he is still mocking the Great God of Yang Yan?"

"This troll, oops, I don't know if he can survive a second battle with the Great God of Yang Yan."

"That's right, don't wait for a second, I doubt whether his elf can stand in front of the elf of the Great God of Yang Yan!"

"That's right, what the upstairs said makes sense!"

Lin Wen had been paying attention to the reply, and when he saw this troll's reply, he couldn't help but laugh.

He didn't hesitate, and returned to the past with another sentence!

"Can't you see it? Oh, I don't want you to come and beat me in the qualifying match!"

Reply and tap in the blink of an eye!

At this time, because of Lin Wen's two bubbling, and the fact that he had a confrontation with the troll, this post can be said to have become extremely popular. Before the battle list post appeared, this post can definitely be said to be at the same time in the forum. The hottest post ever!

Countless players are paying attention to the post, wanting to see if the heart of Yang Yan will bubble up!

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