"Want to fight me head-to-head?"

Lin Wen thought to himself: "Don't you think that my Leaf Elf is a soft persimmon? Maybe he thinks that the giant gold monster with the steel attribute occupies an absolute game in frontal combat-?"

Thinking of this, Lin Wen didn't hesitate at all, and didn't even let Ye Elf release his long-range skills, but directly instructed Ye Elf to say, "Ye Elf, since the other party wants to have a proof battle with us, then we can't coax him!"

"Leaf Elf, use the mysterious sword!"

With the sound of Lin Wen's command, the single horn on Ye Elf's forehead flickered, suddenly stretched out, and gave him wide!

In the process, Ye Elf has already stepped forward, facing the incoming giant gold monster head-on, without the slightest fear!

In the blink of an eye, the holy sword took shape!

The players watching the battle didn't dare to take a breath, for fear of missing some wonderful pictures!

They didn't expect that these two were so angry that at the beginning of the battle, the two elves went into hand-to-hand combat!

On the ring, Ye Elf and Giant Gold Monster suddenly rushed towards each other!

The speed of the two elves was very fast. In just a few seconds, the distance between the two elves was getting closer!

In the next second, the mind hammer and the holy sword collided abruptly!


Between the two clashes, there was a sound of steel clashing!

I saw the head of the giant golden monster shining with mysterious power, directly on top of the holy sword!

In the next second, the battlefield suddenly changed!

It seems to be a moment of time, the mysterious power contained in the head, shattered!

The giant gold monster has no defense!

The holy sword is like hitting the enemy, instantly causing unimaginable huge damage to the giant gold monster!

This is the mysterious sword skill!

Ye Elf's most powerful single attack skill is the mysterious sword!

The mysterious sword, the most powerful ability is the ability to break defenses, so what if your defense is shocking?In front of the mysterious sword, it is as fragile as a piece of paper!

On the other side, Fei Tianmao's complexion suddenly changed, and he didn't expect this scene to happen at all!

Who would have thought that a steel elf, who is good at defense, would be so traumatized in a frontal battle with a grass elf?

I saw that under the power of Ye Elf's mysterious sword skills, the giant golden monster even shook a little, obviously suffering unimaginable huge damage!

"Giant golden monster, hold on!" Flying cat's voice revealed anxiety, no longer arrogant!

Lin Wen really didn't expect that the other party would take this approach to fight, but at this time he has already caught the opportunity, so naturally he won't hold back at all!

Facing the giant golden monster that was shaking and enduring pain, Lin Wen suddenly ordered: "Leaf Elf, Vine Whip!"


Two voices sounded, and two thick vine whips suddenly shot out of Ye Elf's body, and then suddenly tied to the giant golden monster!

Fei Tianmao's heart tightened, and he said loudly: "The giant gold monster, open it!"

Normally, it would be very easy for a strong and strong giant to break away from the vine whip, but in this case, because of the huge damage caused by the mysterious sword, it is enduring huge pain. With the attacking vine whip, it was impossible to open it at all!

At this time, Lin Wen's next order came out!

"Leaf Elf, use the Sun Beam!"

The leaf elf's vine whip controlled the giant golden monster, and the sunlight suddenly condensed!

The sun is full today, and in the blink of an eye, the sun beam has been condensed!

Then, facing the giant golden monster under the control of the vine whip, who was shaking because of the pain, he suddenly vented out!


The skill of the sun beam is extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it has already crossed the distance between the leaf elves and the giant gold monster, and bombarded the giant gold monster!

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The sun beam is a very powerful skill, not to mention, under the power of the mysterious sword, the giant gold monster suffered unimaginably huge damage!

Under this blow... the sun beam became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, and it lost its ability to fight!

In the blink of an eye, the first round is over...

The players watching the game are still in a daze, some don't understand what happened!

You may not believe it... I saw two lord-level elves fighting and even the lord-level elves were not released, and the battle was over...

I might have watched a fake game.

The players watching the live broadcast can be said to be very confused. What about a good battle?What about the confrontation between the dark horse and the demon king?


In the first round, two lord-level elves played against each other, which could be described as crushing, so they were defeated?

In the field, Fei Tianmao's expression was stunned and speechless, obviously some could not accept this result!

His most powerful elf was defeated by his opponent so easily!

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