Also the host of this competition!

"Welcome to the Battle Arena of the Carnival Competition!"

After many players were sent in, after the live broadcast started, the two hosts suddenly started to speak!

. . . . . . .

"Today, it is the scene of the top six battle of the Carnival Competition!"

"Carnival competition, after hundreds of millions of players joined the group elimination quest, and after the thrill of the qualifying competition, now, it has finally reached the semi-finals!"

"The remaining six players, each one of them is one of the best players in the elf century! Each of them has a very powerful signature elf!"

Two hosts, a man and a woman, agreed with each other.

After chatting a few more words, the male host raised his hand: "I think everyone can't wait. In this case, we will officially invite our players to enter!"

As he said that, he waved his hand suddenly: "Welcome to the heart of Yang Yan from the Guandu area, God of Yang Yan!"

As early as yesterday, Lin Wen received a private message from the system, and he had a plan for this kind of thing. After hearing the host's call, he got up from the contestants' seat and walked slowly towards the ring!

The moment he got up, the audience of as many as [-] suddenly gave him huge cheers!

This is his worthy voice!

Long before the Carnival Competition started, Lin Wen was already a very famous player, and in the eyes of many players, he was a strong contender for the Carnival Championship!

Facts have proved that Lin Wen also lived up to everyone's expectations! .

Chapter [-] Battle!fighting!

Every game of Heart of Yang Yan is a pleasure for the players watching the game. Every time he beats his opponent lightly, the strength displayed is completely unmatched!

He already has a lot of fans. On the forum, there is also a dedicated fan group of the Yang Yan Group. After this carnival competition, the number of his fans has undoubtedly increased a lot again!

Therefore, the cheers and applause of the players came from the bottom of my heart!The cheers of the whole scene rang out!

With this fierce cheers, Lin Wen slowly walked to the ring!

"The Great God of Yang Yan."

As soon as Lin Wen came to the male host's side, he heard the male host's voice: "It's already the semi-finals of the carnival competition, so... what is your final "nine-eighty" goal?"

Hearing the male host's questioning voice, Lin Wen smiled slightly: "Since I have already made it here, then... my goal is naturally to be the champion!"

Accompanied by Lin Wen's voice, the audience suddenly cheered even more vigorously!

"God Yang Yan is domineering!"

"Champ, champ, champ!"

"Support the Great God of Yang Yan!"

"It seems that God Yang Yan is bound to win this championship!" The hostess took over the conversation, and she raised her hand: "Next, let's welcome the beautiful players from the Carlos area, Susu sauce!"

On the player's seat, a figure stood up!

It is Susu sauce!

"Goddess, I love you!"

"Goddess Susu!"

"Support Goddess Susu!"

Su Su Jiang's steps were not in a hurry, and she slowly walked to the ring next to the hostess!

"Susu sauce." After she came to the ring, the hostess asked: "You must have heard the goal of Yang Yan's heart just now, and as far as I know, in this battle, today's game Inside, there is a battle between you and the Heart of Yang Yan, so... do you have confidence in defeating the Heart of Yang Yan?"

"The strength of the Great God Yang Yan is obvious to all, very powerful." Su Su Jiang said, and then raised her eyebrows: "But... I'm not easy to deal with!"

"Yoyoyo! The goddess is domineering and leaking!!"

"Just got up! Just got up!"

"I serve me!"

On the barrage, there was also a wave of 666666 in real time.

The male host continued, "Next, let's welcome the right fire from the Guandu area!"

On the player's seat, another figure appeared!

Right fire!

Then, with the host's welcome sound, six players came on stage in turn!

Heart of Yang Yan!


Susu sauce!


Dark spot!

Right fire!

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