Originally, I wanted to use the sun elf to cause some trouble for the opponent and let the demon fire red fox have some consumption. Then in the next battle, my elf can also gain a certain advantage, but now, this advantage is obvious. Did not get it!

The gap between the boss-level elves and the lord-level elves makes his sun elves just like a child in front of the demon red fox. He is easily defeated without any effort at all!

It's almost lossless!

However, she is also a girl with very strong psychological adjustment ability. The little lost emotions just flashed in her heart and then disappeared completely. After putting away the sun elf, Qianxia flipped her palm, and another elf ball appeared in the original land!

Then, she threw the Poke Ball forward!

After the light flashed, an elf appeared in place!


It was a Lucario who appeared on the spot!

With the appearance of Lucario, bursts of exclamations suddenly sounded in the audience at the scene!

"It's Lucario!"

"This is a lord-level elf!"

"It's finally here, the lord level battles the lord level, I don't know what the result will be??"

"It's hard to say, after all, the sun elves did not successfully consume the demon fire red fox. These two lord-level elves can be said to be in a very complete state at this time, and they must go through battles to determine the winner!"

"Yes, no one can be sure who will win the final victory!"

"Goddess Qianxia, ​​come on, you must move back!"

Chika's Lucario!

This is also one of her main elves, and has always been carefully cultivated by Qianxia!

And now, he has been successfully promoted to a lord-level elf!

A lord-level Lucario!

The strength is extremely powerful!

Therefore, this also makes the players watching the battle full of expectations!

After all, the battle between two lord-level elves must be very exciting!

After being released by Qianxia from the Poké Ball, Lucario made a quick jump, rolled in mid-air, and then landed smoothly on the ground!

With a slight sound, Lucario fell to the ground!

Its gaze fell directly on the Demon Fire Red Fox on the opposite side, and your eyes flashed with fighting intent!

At this time, the forest floor below has undergone earth-shaking changes!

You must know that the fire skills of the demon fire red fox can cause earth-shaking damage in the forest terrain at this time!

After the previous attack was flashed by the sun elf, the flames have ignited the trees in the entire forest terrain!

After such a period of time, not only did the fire not shrink, but it became even bigger!

Spread around!

Although this is a terrain simulated by the system, in the fairy world, it is no different from a real forest. A huge forest fire is about to start!

At the same time, you must know that the terrain will not change in any way before the battle between the two sides. That is to say, before Qianxia and the dark light spot decide the winner, there will be no change in this field!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

Behind him, the raging flames were burning and gradually spread around!

In front of him, Lucario, stared directly at the demon red fox on the opposite side!


The broadcast sound in the battlefield hall sounded, and the battle was just beginning!

At the moment when the sound of the battle started falling, Qianxia and the dark spot of light began to command at the same time!

"Lucario, use the fighting rampage!"

"Demon Fire Red Fox, use big characters to explode flames!"

As the two commanding voices fell, the two elves started to act at the same time!

........ ......

I saw Lucario roared, a strange light flashed across his body, and then, the whole body seemed to have undergone subtle changes!

Fighting rampage!

Lucario's Lord Skill!

Fighting Rampage: Lord-level skill, after using the fighting elf will enter the free mode, you can use the body to strike at will, remove the back waist of all skills, increase the melee combat by 50%, and increase the damage by 100%!

This is an additive lord level skill!

And very powerful!

After using Fighting Rampage, Lucario has the exact same change!

And at the moment when Lucario started the fighting and rampage, on the other side, the demon fire red fox suddenly launched an attack!

As the fire energy condensed, the large-character blasting flames gathered in an instant, and then bombed towards Lucario!

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