This is undoubtedly a very shocking thing!

Even Lin Wen was a little lost when he saw that the Meloetta released by Susu Jiang turned out to be a lord-level elf for the first time, he couldn't believe it, and then he came back to his senses!

After all, at the beginning, even Lin Wen did not expect that Su Sujiang would have a third lord-level elf!

The other party is hiding too deep!

In the entire qualifying competition, from the top 1500 to the top 6, the absolute main force of Susu sauce on the outside is the two defeated lord-level elves, Minas, and the elegant fairy!

These two elves are very powerful, and they are both lord-level elves, which makes countless players feel that the main elves of Susu sauce are these two lord-level elves!

After all, in the eyes of ordinary players, players with a lord-level elf are already very powerful players!A player with two lord-level elves is definitely a master of masters!Under such circumstances, how could Susu sauce have a third lord-level elf?

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Therefore, after Susu sauce's elegant fairy was defeated by Shanaido's unimaginable super power storm, many players who watched the battle thought that the battle had already been decided. After all... their own two Only the main elves, Minas and Fairy Elegance were all defeated. Under the premise that the two lord-level elves were defeated, Susu sauce would not seem to be able to make a comeback!


Susu sauce gave countless people a surprise!

Meloetta was released!


Moreover, it is also a lord-level elf!

You must know that there are hundreds of millions of players in the elf century. Among them, there is no shortage of players who, like Lin Wen, have some kind of player who can watch the attributes of the elf!

In this case, as soon as Meloetta was released, it was recognized by countless players watching the live broadcast!

Lord-level wizard!

Susu sauce's third lord-level elf!

This is absolutely groundbreaking!

Originally, most of the people had already declared their failure in Susu sauce. After all, both of his two lord-level elves had lost their ability to fight!However, it was in this situation that the third lord appeared!

Moreover, this lord-level elf is still a very powerful quasi-god Meloetta!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that, hidden by Susu sauce, Meloetta's strength is probably stronger than Fairy Grace and Minas!

This is the real hole card!Hidden deep hole cards, beyond everyone's expectations!

This made this battle a bit more suspenseful!

As soon as Meloetta's identity as a lord-level elf was recognized, it spread throughout the entire elf century!

Countless players watching the live broadcast all know that the third elf of Susu sauce is also a very powerful lord-level elf! .

Chapter [-]: Three Lords

This is undoubtedly a scene that shocked countless players!

If there is one lord-level elf, they can be regarded as a master, and if there are two lord-level elves, they are even more masters among the masters!Today, Susu sauce actually has three lord-level elves!

This is absolutely unimaginable!

"Fuck, Goddess Susu is really strong!"

"I didn't even think of having a third lord-level elf!"

"This is the real trump card. It won't be known until the last moment, and it has been hidden until now!"

"That's right, I never thought that Goddess Susu would have a third lord-level elf!"

As Meloetta's identity was revealed, the chatter of the audience immediately rang out!

"Nine Five Zero"

at the same time!

The two commentators on the commentary table also showed a trace of embarrassment on their faces!

They have also learned that Meloetta, who was just released by Susu sauce, is also a very powerful lord-level elf, and may even be the most powerful lord-level elf of Susu sauce!

This news undoubtedly shocked them, and at the same time was a little embarrassed!

You know, just now the two of them, as commentators, were still analyzing that the main force of Su Su sauce had already taken action, and the hope for the next battle was basically very slim. At this time, Su Su sauce actually released the third Only lord-level elves!

Moreover, it seems to be a more powerful trump card than her previous two lord-level elves!

This undoubtedly made the two commentators who were very confident just now slapped in the face!

However, fortunately, in their profession, their ability to adjust is very powerful. There was only a flash of embarrassment on their faces, and they were taken back immediately. Unexpectedly! Player Susu sauce actually has such a deep hole card, a lord-level Meloetta! It is definitely a symbol of strength!"

"That's right!" The female commentator took over the words: "Susu sauce is really hidden. In the previous battle, this Meloetta has never appeared, and now it reappears, which undoubtedly gives everyone a great deal of attention. It was a big surprise, and it brought some suspense again in this top six match!"

"You must know that as a quasi-god lord-level Meloetta, and Susu sauce's last trump card, its strength is likely to exceed our imagination, and it is definitely very powerful!"

The female commentator said one after another.

"But..." the male commentator on the side interrupted: "If it's facing someone else, then with the current lineup that Su Sujiang has shown, I'm afraid I've already won! However, what she's facing is the heart of Yang Yan! "

"You must know that her two lord-level elves have lost their ability to fight, but in contrast, the Heart of Yang Yan still has these two lord-level elves that can fight!"

"Needless to say, the Flash Dragon, as the first lord-level elf captured by players in the elf century, everyone must be very familiar with it, and Ye elf! This is the only Ye elf king in the elf century. , I am afraid that Yang Yanxin has already been promoted to the lord level, otherwise, in the face of so many lord level elves, Ye Elf would not be able to defeat the opponent very easily!"

"Although Meloetta's strength is estimated to be very strong, but if you want to help Susu Jiang break through the siege, then... facing it, and blocking it in front of it, will be two mountains!"

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