Facing the deafening cheers from the audience, Lin Wen was not affected in the slightest!

After so many things, he is no longer the original self!

If it is said that when he first entered the game, facing such a large scene, facing a battle watched by tens of thousands of people on the spot, and a battle watched by hundreds of millions of players through live broadcast, Lin Wen is afraid I can't help myself when I'm nervous!

But now, he has long lost this feeling!

Step by step to become famous in the Elf Century, step by step to become powerful in the Elf Century, Lin Wen has experienced too much, these imposing scenes can no longer disturb his mind!

After seeing Meloetta being released by Susu sauce and understanding Susu sauce and this third lord-level elf, in addition to being surprised, Lin Wen also had regrets flashing in his heart!

If I had known, in the second battle, Shanaido would not be used to fight before!

You must know that Meloetta also has the attributes of superpowers, which means that the two elves can completely fight for superpowers!

However, now, after using Super Rampage, Shanaido has fallen into a state of exhaustion, and there is no way to fight again, no doubt missed this opportunity!

However, Lin Wen didn't care either!

It was just a battle anyway, the regret was just a flash, looking at the opposite Meloetta, a Poké Ball appeared in Lin Wen's hand!

Just after the Poké Ball appeared in Lin Wen's hands, the sound in the audience suddenly became much quieter. Countless players wanted to take a look. The Heart of Yang Yan was facing Susu Jiang's Meloetta. , what kind of elf will you choose to fight?

Nobody knows!

You must know that Meloetta’s strength must not be underestimated. The lord-level template is placed there, which represents a very powerful fighting ability, then... In the face of such a powerful lord-level elf, the Heart of Yang Yan Will you choose to send out the Flash Dragon that has not yet appeared in this event, or will you send out the Leaf Elf who was actively replaced by the Heart of Yang Yan, but did not suffer any damage?

Players are looking forward to it!

Just in anticipation of countless players, Lin Wen suddenly threw the Poké Ball in his hand!

With a flash of light, a figure appeared on the spot!

"Heart of Yang Yan has released the elf, let's see, what elf will he choose to fight with Meloetta!" From the commentary, came the voice of a male commentator!

"Appeared! The heart of Yang Yan finally chose the elf to fight, the leaf elf! The lord-level Ye elf king!"

I saw that on the platform, a green figure stood proudly, and the golden eyes were noble and majestic, like a king!

Leaf Elf!

The elf that Lin Wen chose to fight against Meloetta was the Ye elf that he took the initiative to replace before!

At this time, the Ye Elf was full of energy. Originally, in the battle with Minas, it did not consume much of its physical strength, but now it has been directly taken back into the Elf Ball to rest for a while, plus the grass-type Elf's powerful 043 The recovery ability of , and now there is almost no loss!

It can be said that the Leaf Elf at this time can be regarded as the most perfect state!

With the release of the Leaf Elf, the battle between the Leaf Elf and Meloetta officially begins!

Accompanied by the sound of the broadcast in the battle hall!The battle officially begins!


Six battles!

After the sound of the start of the battle, Susu sauce started the action immediately!

"Meloetta, use phantom rays on the leaf elves!"

After hearing Susu Jiang's order, Meloetta responded softly, and then, the phantom light attacked the Ye Elf!

The seven-colored light exudes a very mysterious color, and the speed is very fast. In the blink of an eye, it has spread half the distance and came not far in front of Ye Elf!

"Ye Elf... Dodge!"

Lin Wen's steady commanding voice came out!

With Lin Wen's commanding voice, facing the attack of the phantom light, Ye Elf kicked his hind legs, and his entire body moved out in an instant, dodging the attack of the phantom light!

Afterwards, Lin Wen did not hesitate, and said directly: "Elf Ye, use Ye Feng on Meloetta!".

Chapter [-]: Unexpected Strength

Leaf storm!

Grass-type energy suddenly condensed, and in the sky, it condensed into countless sharp blades, and in the blink of an eye, the condensing has been completed!

Then... with a whistling, the swarming leaf storm swept towards Meloetta!

Susu sauce is not in a hurry. Meloetta has absolute confidence in her last trump card. After seeing the surging Ye Fengfeng, she suddenly gave an order again!

In mid-air, countless blades cut across the sky, making a whistling sound!

"Meloetta, use psychic power!"

Mind Power!

Meloetta's body flashed a mysterious note, and then... Psychic power was activated!

The target of the mind power is not the Ye Elf in the distance, but the Ye Fengfeng who is attacking it quickly!

I saw that Ye Fengfeng, who was rushing towards Meloetta, was suddenly controlled!

Ye Fengfeng, who was going forward and made countless piercing sounds in the air, was blocked at this time, and the dark purple thought power enveloped Ye Fengfeng, blocking their way and making them unable to continue to move forward!

"Meloetta! Let the leaf elves also taste the taste of Ye Feng!"

With the sound of Susu sauce's command, Meloetta's thought power suddenly increased!

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