Grass-type energy and shadows are entangled with each other, exploding, and suddenly there is an amazing explosion!

After one blow, both elves suffered a lot of damage and took two steps back towards the rear!

Then, Susu sauce's command sound came again!

"Meloetta, use the bottom kick!"

After hearing Susu Jiang's command, Meloetta's expression changed, her body lowered instantly, and she swept towards Ye Elf's two front hooves!

Meloetta, who has transformed into a dance posture, is definitely a powerful player in the fighting department, very powerful!

In the face of Meloetta's attack, Lin Wen's response was announced almost instantly!

"Leaf elf, trample with front hooves!"

Facing the kick of the bottom plate that was about to be swept away, Ye Elf's hooves suddenly lifted!

A faint light was brewing in it, and then, in an instant, he stepped fiercely towards the Meloetta below!

"Meloetta, get out of the way!"

Susu sauce's voice reached 907!

In the singing stance, Meloetta is not an elf that is good at speed, and dodging is not too sensitive, but after switching to the dancing stance, its speed has undergone earth-shaking changes!A real qualitative change occurred!

Therefore, in the face of the attack of the Leaf Elf so close at hand, Meloetta suddenly dodged and managed to dodge!

Dodged the inevitable blow of Ye Elf!

Lin Wen's brows slightly wrinkled, naturally he would not let Meloetta leave so easily, he looked at the distance between Ye Elf and Meloetta, and the order was issued again!

"Leaf Elf, use the vine whip! Bind Meloetta to me!"


Accompanied by two sounds, the sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded!

Leaf Elf's skill release speed is very fast, and now the distance between it and Meloetta can be described as close at hand. Kong, the spirit is in a short period of relaxation (bedh), and there is no defense at all for the two sturdy vine whips that suddenly hit!

In an instant, Meloetta was tied up by the leaf elf's vine whip!

On the other side of the podium, Su Sujiang's eyes changed, and she was annoyed for her carelessness, but...she didn't think too much, didn't dare to waste time, and immediately ordered: "Meloetta, use the split on the rattan whip. watt!"

At the other end, as soon as the vine whip tied Meloetta, Lin Wen's command voice also came out: "Leaf Elf, use the seed bomb!"

I saw a faint light flickering on Meloetta's arm, and then, one hand turned into a knife, facing the vine whip, and abruptly slashed!

The vine whip is a very flexible plant. If you want to break free with brute force, it is almost impossible, you must cut it directly!

Swish twice!

Along with Meloetta's two sharp hand knives, the vine whip was suddenly cut off and fell to the ground. Meloetta has regained her freedom again!

However!Lin Wen needs enough time!

From the very beginning, he never thought how long the vine whip could restrain Meloetta, he just wanted to compete for a short time!

And now, at the moment when Meloetta used the tile-splitting to split the vine whip, he needed enough time!

The seed bomb containing powerful grass-type energy has already been condensed!

At the moment when Meloetta cut off the vine whip and finally broke free of the vine whip, she still charged towards Meloetta!

Amazing momentum!

Susu Jiang's somewhat anxious voice of instructions came down: "Meloetta, get out of the way!"


Susu Jiang's order was issued very timely, almost as soon as Meloetta broke free from the shackles of the vine whip, she had already issued the order, but... she was still a step behind!

Because... the distance between Meloetta and the Leaf Elf is too close!

Because of such a close distance, the leaf elf's vine whip can successfully restrain Meloetta. Because of such a close distance, when the seed bomb suddenly hits, there is almost no time for Meloetta to dodge!

Although Meloetta's speed nearly doubled after it was transformed into a dancing stance, at such a close distance, its dodging was just useless!

Just when Meloetta heard Susu Jiang's command, her whole body jumped high, trying to avoid the seed bomb, the seed bomb had already hit Meloetta!

Then, it exploded!


The powerful grass-type energy is overflowing, and the power is amazing!

Almost as soon as the seed bomb exploded, Meloetta's body flew out. Facing the seed bomb that was so close and powerful, it was hit from the front and endured an unimaginably huge amount of energy. harm!

If it weren't for the fact that its defense had been improved to a certain extent after it was transformed into a dance stance, then... I'm afraid the damage would have been even more serious!

At the same time, because of the appalling distance, the moment the seed bomb exploded, the ferocious grass-type energy also vented towards the leaf elves, with amazing power!

However, these violent grass-type energies did not cause any damage to the Leaf Elf!

As the Ye Elf King, as the only Leaf Elf King in the Elf Century, Ye Elf is the king of grass!The possibility of grass-type skills wanting to cause damage to it is very small!

At the beginning of the battle, the fierce competition between Ye Elf and Meloetta deeply attracted the attention of every player. Everyone kept watching the battle scene, and Nuo Da was in the audience seat of the battlefield hall. , the audience for communication is in the minority.

It's completely different from the lively scene in front of the station!

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