After all, it is the final of the carnival competition. I don't know how many players are watching. If that's the case, then it's good to let other elves show their faces!

Thinking of this, Lin Wen immediately used his right to replace the elves!

This scene immediately attracted the attention of countless players!

"God Yangyan is this... Will you take the initiative to replace the elves?"

"Damn it? I thought I would see the Flash Dragon fight again! In the battle with Abillon, he didn't take any damage at all, okay? Why did he take the initiative to replace the elf?"

"That's right...I don't understand..."

The players suddenly felt puzzled.

Not only the players, but even the commentators on the commentary table showed a puzzled expression.

"Strange, how did the Great God of Yang Yan choose to actively replace the elves." One of the explanations said: "The Flash Dragon had almost no consumption in the battle with Abilang. In this case, it is completely optional. It goes on fighting!"

"That's right..."

Next to him, the commentator on the other side said: "The strength of the Flash Dragon is definitely enough to support another fight, and... this time the opponent is not a lord-level monster, but a boss-level Savaran. That being the case, why did the Heart of Yang Yan choose to take back the fast dragon?"

"No one can understand the idea of ​​the heart of Yang Yan." Another explained: "When he fought with Susu sauce, it was not because Ye Elf relied on absolute attribute restraint and used a huge advantage. After winning the victory, he took the initiative to replace Ye Elf, and he must have his own ideas now."

These commentators and players are very puzzled.

If you let them know that Lin Wen only saw the last battle, and the opponent is still a boss-level elf, so he is going to take back the flashing dragon and let the other elves show their faces, I don't know how they will feel.

Dare to do such a thing in such a crucial final, presumably in the entire elf century, except for the heart of Yang Yan, there will be no second person!

After retracting the Flash Dragon to the Poké Ball, Lin Wen flipped his palm and a Poké Ball appeared again!

Then, he threw the elf ball forward, and after the light flashed, a elf suddenly appeared in place!

When countless players saw the image of this elf clearly, the exclamation suddenly couldn't help sounding!

"It's Shanaido!"

"God Yang Yan has chosen to release Shanaido!"

"Wow wow, it's this Shanaido, it's super strong!"

"I thought that Yang Yan would release a slightly weaker Pokémon after taking back the Flash Dragon, but I didn't expect to release such a powerful lord-level elf!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

"That's right, this is clearly not giving Hellfire a chance!"

"That's right!"

With the appearance of Shanaido, the puzzled expressions of the players suddenly eased away!

You know, in the previous battle between Yang Yanxin and Susu sauce, Shanaido's fighting power was invincible!

The super power storm that swept the entire ring has been deeply remembered by many people until now, and it is impossible to forget it at all!

The super powerful strength of this Shanaido is also deeply imprinted in everyone's heart, and the players who watched it on the spot have an impression of it!


At the same time, several commentators in the commentary booth couldn't help but be stunned when they saw that the elf released by Lin Wen turned out to be Shanaido.

As professional commentators, they obviously won't watch Shanaido's battle match. Since the carnival competition began, Shanaido's debut has never appeared in the battle. The earth-destroying super power storm undoubtedly brought a very successful end to Shanaido's debut!

Really powerful!

Even now, the super power storm that swept the entire ring at that time was very heart-stopping!

"I thought that the heart of Yang Yan had replaced the flashing dragon to give Hellfire some opportunities. Now, he has no such idea at all!" A commentator said.

"That's right." The person next to him echoed: "He doesn't give him a chance at all. As a lord-level elf, Shanaido is still a very mysterious and powerful super-type elf, facing a fighting-type leader-level elf. , this battle has already come to an end from the very beginning."

The analysis of the commentators spread throughout the scene.

Many of the players on the scene also have quite strong analytical skills. At this time, when they heard the voice of the interpreter, they immediately nodded in agreement. .

Chapter nine hundred and seventy-six is ​​difficult to resist


on the ring.

On the platform on one side, the leader-level elf who was just summoned by Hellfire, Savaran!

On the other side, is the lord-level elf released by the Heart of Yang Yan, Shanaido!

Fighting vs super power!

This is a game that has been disliked by everyone before the battle even started!

Then, as the platform slowly fell, the two elves landed on the ground.

The rocky ground remains unchanged.

However, in some places, due to the aftermath just now, cracked potholes such as gravel and slag appeared...

Two elves landed on it.

Then, with the sound of the battle hall, the battle officially started!

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