As a powerful existence that was still at the boss level, he was able to fight against the legendary elf Mewtwo after he started the super power runaway. Now, after being promoted to the lord level elf, Shanaido's attributes in all aspects, especially the most powerful In terms of special attack, it has been gorgeously enhanced again! .

Chapter nine hundred and seventy seventh two-game winning streak

In this case, even among the lord-level elves, it can be regarded as one of the top elves!Of course, its shortcomings are also very obvious!

Although he has a very powerful attack ability, in comparison, in terms of speed and defense, Shanaido is undoubtedly very weak!Of course, this is also a situation that must be encountered as a mage-type elf!

But... none of this matters at all!

In front of its powerful offensive ability, other weaknesses have been infinitely reduced!

As a top leader-level elf, if Sawarang can really sprint to Shanaido's side, then perhaps he can really pose a certain threat to Shanaido. After all, as a wizard-type elf, Shanaido is most afraid of It is to be approached by the enemy!

Once you get close, the weak defense and slower speed will give the enemy an opportunity!

But... Sawarang obviously doesn't have such a chance!

In the psychic skills supported by Shanai Duo's extremely powerful special attack, Shawarang exhausted all the solutions and could not break free!

Directly become a living target! 18 Later, he was easily defeated by Shanaido's extremely powerful skills!

The battle is over!

The battle has only been going on for such a short time, but... the elves of hellfire have already lost two battles one after another!

Moreover, it can be said that these two elves were almost defeated in the form of crushing!

The first battle, the lord-level flash dragon vs. the lord-level Abilang!

What I have to say is that Abilang is definitely a very powerful elf!As one of the main forces of Hellfire, he can go all the way from the top 1500 qualifying matches to the finals, and he can't get rid of Abilang. As a very powerful lord level fighting spirit, Ai Bilang is definitely one of the coveted partners of many players!


It was such a powerful Aibi Lang, when facing the Flash Dragon, he seemed to be crushed and easily defeated!

Head-to-head collision, the huge gap between the body types, caused Abillon to be no opponent at all!

The Flash Dragon was even in the midst of a rush attack, seized the opportunity and successfully made Abilang fall into a state of rigidity, and then easily defeated him!

That battle has shocked many players!

But now!

With the end of the second battle, the silent players on the scene found that Abilene's performance was excellent in such a comparison!

At least they have come to me a few times with the real opponent!

But what about sawarang?

From the beginning to the end, no skills were used. Facing the battle of Shanaido, it was a slaughter. After being controlled by the power of thought, there was no resistance, and it was easily defeated!

This kind of clean and neat battle has not been encountered for a while in the carnival arena!

Therefore, the players at the scene fell into a strange silence!

After a few seconds of silence.

The audience of up to [-] people at the scene suddenly issued a fierce cry!

"Heart of Yang Yan!"

"Heart of Yang Yan!"

"Strong! The two elves were defeated like this!"

"There is only one elf left in Hellfire, but there are still three elves that can be used by the Heart of Yang Yan. In this case, how to fight?"

"That's it!"

"Although the monster power left by Hellfire is super strong, but facing the three main powers of the Heart of Yang Yan, I'm afraid they are powerless to return to the sky, right?"

"I thought this would be an evenly matched battle, how did it develop to what it is now?"

There was a heated discussion in the audience!

If, after the first round of the battle, many viewers still had hope for Hellfire News, then with the second round of the battle, it ended in such a short time, and these hopes gradually disappeared. !

As the players said, there are still three lord-level elves in the hands of Yang Yanxin, and the last main force is left in the hands of Hellfire. In this case, how can Hellfire win?what to win?

Therefore, these players are undoubtedly disappointed with Hellfire!


With the end of the second battle, the news that the Heart of Yang Yan will go to another city was spread out immediately!

Immediately, there are countless media reports!

"Unexpected situation in the carnival final, Yang Yan's heart has won two games in a row! 》

"Champion is doomed?Can Hellfire make a comeback? 》

"Who is the first person in the carnival competition? 》

"The two elves were easily defeated, is the heart of Yangyan too strong, or is the fire of hell too weak? 》

"Detailed analysis of the winning ratio of both sides! 》

The two elves that accompanied Hellfire were easily defeated. In the next battle, he was left with only the last elves. The media who were still on the sidelines after the first battle, also followed suit. Start singing bad 293!

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