Then, its eyes turned to the strange force at the other end, and its eyes were full of fighting intent!


at the same time.

After the strange force defeated Shanaido, the media who had been reporting all the time immediately spread the latest news!

"Hellfire's First Victory! 》

"Is there any hope of a comeback in Hellfire? 》

The latest report of the "Carnival Competition Finals" "September [-]": Hellfire finally won a victory! 》

"1v2 battle! 》

Before the start of the finals, the media paid attention to Linwen and Hellfire, and believed that their chances of winning were basically [-]-[-], but as the two elves of Linwen easily defeated the two of Hellfire Elf, so the wind direction suddenly shifted towards Lin Wen.

And now, even if Hellfire finally won its first victory, no one in these media thinks that Hellfire will have a great chance of winning in this battle!

To know.There is only one monster left in Hellfire, and by comparison, the Heart of Yang Yan still has these two trump cards that have not yet appeared, the Leaf Elf and the Flashing Dragon!

No matter which one it is, it is a powerful spirit that can stand on its own!

In this case, these media do not dare to speculate in reverse, otherwise, I am afraid that they will be slapped in the face in the future!


On the ring!

With the appearance of the Leaf Elf, the system prompt sounded, and the battle officially began!

"Leaf Elf vs. Monster Power!"

When the battle just started, Lin Wen's commanding voice came out!

"Leaf Elf, use the moving forest!"

Moving the forest!Lord-level skills of the Leaf Elf!

After hearing Lin Wen's command, Ye Elf's body flashed, and the rich grass-type energy suddenly condensed, moved the forest, and began to play its role!

If I had to use one word to describe it, it would be a flower!

In a single thought, the entire rocky terrain has undergone earth-shaking changes and transformed into forest terrain!

This made Lin Wen feel like a dream.

You must know that at the very beginning, in the top 1500 qualifying matches, Lin Wen and his opponent chose the rocky terrain!

At that time, after using the lord-level skills to move the forest, the entire terrain was transformed into a forest terrain!


Still at the carnival competition!

However, in the finals!

Still rocky terrain.

It is still a lord-level skill, moving the forest!

The entire site has turned into a forest green.

Afterwards, Lin Wen's gaze turned to the strange force not far away, and he said, "Ye Elf... Let's start a close combat with it!"

After hearing Lin Wen's command, Ye Elf's hind legs suddenly kicked, and then rushed towards the strange force!

Ye Elf and Shanai Duo are two completely different types of elves, one is a wizard type elves, and the other is an almighty type elves!

Ye Elf, whether it is long-range attack or close combat, does not have any weaknesses!

It is not afraid of head-on collision!

In the process of Ye Elf sprinting, Lin Wen's order came over again!

"Leaf Elf, use the mysterious sword!"

The single horn on Ye Elf's forehead suddenly shines brightly!

The light flickered, the light on the unicorn suddenly elongated and widened, and the lightsaber was revealed!

From the very beginning, Lin Wen let Ye Elf use a very powerful skill!

He's ready to decide the winner from the start!

On the other side, when Ye Elf started to sprint, Hellfire sensed Lin Wen's intention and said softly, "Want to decide the outcome with one blow?"

His eyes froze, and then he said boldly: "Don't be afraid of it! Weird power, fight head-on, use a blasting punch!"

Compared to Lin Wen, Hellfire wants this kind of battle that directly decides the outcome!

Because, in the battle with Shanaido, the strange force has already suffered a lot of damage, if it drags on, it will be detrimental to it!

In this case, facing the simple and rude attack of Ye Elf, the strange force also chose a frontal battle!

Two elves, fast, sprinting towards the middle of the terrain at the same time!

The audience at the scene realized that the battle was about to come to a climax. What would happen if the two elves collided head-on?

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