On the forum, there are countless related discussion posts, and everyone is discussing the wonderful things of this carnival competition!

Although many battles may have been hotly discussed by many players for a while at the end of the previous battles, but now, as the individual battles of the entire carnival competition have ended, these wonderful battles are immediately reminiscent of the players. In the carnival competition, the classic battles were brought up one after another, and related discussions were held!

Among them, there are many players involved. Players who can enter the ranking competition can definitely be regarded as the elite among the players. Each of them is not weak, and can naturally show all kinds of wonderful battles!

A classic battle has been turned over by the players, and posts discussing one by one have emerged frantically...

Among them, the Heart of Yang Yan was inevitably brought up again!

However, the reason for bringing him up is not because of the wonderful battles, but because, in this carnival competition, the heart of Yang Yan was bye!

From the top 1500 qualifying competition to the final final, there are a total of three byes in the entire qualifying competition!

These three byes have undoubtedly given many lucky players a chance. Maybe he is not strong enough, but he was lucky enough to win the bye, so he can improve his performance in the qualifying competition!You must know that players with different rankings will receive completely different rewards after the carnival competition is over!


In this case, the heart of Yang Yan!He even got a bye spot three times in a row!

Don't give anyone a chance!

You must know that in the process of the carnival competition before, when Lin Wen got a bye spot, there were still many players who were not optimistic and did not like the heart of Yang Yan to belittle the performance of the heart of Yang Yan, threatening that he was relying on The lucky player!

However, all this, with the heart of Yang Yan winning the carnival competition, is self-defeating!

You must know that although the Heart of Yang Yan has won three byes, compared to other players, it has played three fewer battles!

But... along the way, he still encountered countless powerful opponents, defeated many dark horses, and was hailed as a dark horse killer by the players, at the same time!In the crucial semi-finals, in the finals, they met Susu-chan, a beautiful player from the Carlos region who is very powerful and has three lord-level elves!

At the same time, in the final (good Li Hao), he encountered the hellfire who was rampant and overbearing and mastered the fighting spirit!

Looking at the two battles now, in the eyes of other players, there is no doubt that that battle is the top of the top. Hellfire and Susu sauce are definitely not ordinary players, however, they are still ruthlessly defeated by the heart of Yang Yan!

And what the players are discussing is the luck of the Heart of Yang Yan!

You must know that the three byes were all obtained by the heart of Yang Yan without exception. How lucky is this to encounter such a thing?

As early as the beginning, when the Heart of Yang Yan had its third bye, it caused a frenzy in the forum, but now, as the individual competition of the Carnival Competition came to an end, this matter was brought up again, and it suddenly started again. The attention and shock of countless players!

Then, over time, the winds on the forum changed a bit! .

Chapter [-] Competition Rewards

Because, the rewards of the carnival contest have been released!

On the forum, there are suddenly more players showing off their rewards!

Posts appeared one after another, and players were discussing the issue of rewards!

This carnival competition, as the first global competition, has attracted countless players from all over the world to join. It can be said that the rewards are also very rich!

Especially the players who entered the Ranked Battle!Although many players were eliminated when they were in the top [-], in fact, they also received rewards that satisfied them!

This carnival competition can be said to be an opportunity for players to show their strength, and at the same time, it is also a good opportunity to improve their strength. It can be said that after this battle and this competition, the strength of elite players will be greatly improved throughout the entire Elf Century. To get further growth, at the same time, many ordinary players who participated in the group elimination task, and passed one or two of them, can also get many consoling awards!

Today, the forums are full of show-off posts!

Among them, there is no shortage of players who have broken into the top 730 to show off their rewards, causing countless onlookers and envy of the players below, [-], but that's all!

Needless to say, the top ten players, who have truly reached the top [-] players in this carnival competition, rarely show their rewards!

After all, making a fortune in silence is the kingly way!

In this carnival competition, the higher the term of the ranking competition, the richer the rewards, and the greater the improvement for oneself!In this case, these players who are really standing at the top of the entire elf world, not many people want to show their rewards, but prepare to use them secretly. In this case, in the future, there will be such large-scale During the competition, you can also surprise your opponents!

Therefore, although there are many reward props that ordinary players are very envious of, but in fact, there are really precious props rewards that can make people short of breath and shocking, but none of them have appeared!


After the finals of the Carnival Competition, countless players in the Battle Arena were teleported out of the Battle Arena and returned to their original locations!

Lin Wen is no exception!

He returned to his residence at the residence of the Lingxi Guild!

Seeing the familiar surroundings, Lin Wen did not go out, but came to the window and fell into contemplation!

Overall, he is very satisfied with his experience in the carnival competition this time!Because after all, he has completed his original goal and successfully won the carnival competition, but also, in some aspects, he is not too satisfied!

Lin Wen felt that his strength was still not enough!

You must know that he has always been far ahead of other players. When other players are fighting against wild elves and opponents who are also players, Lin Wen's opponents have always been various players in the wizard century. Rebel forces!

The strength of these villains has been passed down for a long time, and each has a profound background and unknown trump cards. Compared with them, although the players at this stage finally have a certain strength, they are not considered powerful!

And in this carnival competition, the strength displayed by the players also surprised Lin Wen!

For example, Susu Sauce, a strong woman from the Scarlet Rose Guild from the Carlos region, has three lord-level elves!

Moreover, each one is a very powerful elves!

You must know that although Susu sauce did not win the battle against Lin Wen, this does not (bhdh) mean that Susu sauce is weak!

You must know that as the only female player who can rush to the top six in this carnival competition, this identity represents the power of Susu sauce!

Three lord-level elves, even many well-known NPCs can't have!It can be seen from him that the strength of the players has become stronger step by step!Getting closer and closer to the NPC!

Another example is Lin Wen's opponent in the final, Hellfire with full innate physical strength. Although it seems that he and Lin Wen were easily defeated in the battle, in fact, that is because Lin Wen's elves have a certain degree of restraint. It is to let Susu sauce and Hellfire fight, even if they have the advantage of a lord-level elf, I am afraid they may not be able to win!

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