Long before the carnival competition started, Lin Wen and Lin Qi had already agreed that they would appear together in the doubles competition of the next carnival competition. People naturally need to run the elves together and get to know each other's situation.

As far as Lin Wen is concerned, after Lin Qi entered the game, apart from helping Lin Qi to have the ivy snake elf, he did not help the other party in any way. The game talent came here step by step. In this case, although he also watched the previous battles and knew some information about the Lin Qi spirit, he didn't know much about it after all!

In doubles battles, strength is one aspect, but the tacit understanding between the two is also very important!

If two players who cooperate very well, and two high-strength players play a doubles match, then the probability of the former winning the latter is obviously higher!

Lin Wen and Lin Qi are also aware of this problem, so they are ready to come to the game for a simple run-in!

The two still take the champion of this competition very seriously, although in comparison, the doubles competition of the Carnival Competition is more entertaining, and the level of confrontation will not be as intense as the qualifying competition.

After all, this is a doubles game, you not only need your own strength, but also a base friend or girlfriend who can cooperate with you well!

In this case, the number of participants is much smaller than the number of singles matches, but among them, there are also some masters!

Therefore, the two of them did not relax in the slightest. After a morning of tiredness, they began to separate for a short time and logged into the game!


After entering the game warehouse and logging into the game, Lin Wen appeared in the Lingxi Guild's residence, his residence.

Afterwards, Lin Wen left the room and went straight to the entrance of the Lingxi Guild.

He is going to pick up Lin Qi!

Lin Qi, this little girl, is not in the Lingxi Guild's residence, but the two have already discussed it offline, and Lin Qi will come to the Lingxi Guild to find him.

In the Lingxi Guild resident, there are many players walking on the street. When they saw Lin Wen, they suddenly exclaimed!

"Heart of Yang Yan!"

"Fuck, it's the Great God of Yang Yan!"

A loud exclamation suddenly attracted the attention of countless players!

You must know that the singles match of the Carnival Contest ended only yesterday, and the scene of Yang Yan’s heart winning the championship is still vivid in my mind. Now, most of the players in the Lingxi Guild are players in the Lingxi Guild, and they are fans of Lin Wen. , After the qualifying match, the heart of Yang Yan, who won the championship, undoubtedly made them big fans!

Now that I see Lin Wen, I will be so crazy!

In the blink of an eye, more and more players saw Lin Wen on the streets!Soon he was surrounded by the center.

"God Yangyan, can you tell me how you became so powerful?"

"God Yangyan, you are my idol! Can you sign me?"

"God Yangyan, I love you so much!"

"God Yangyan, I want to give you a monkey!"


"God Yang Yan, up!"

The voices of the surrounding players sounded loudly!

Lin Wen looked at this scene with a headache!

It can only be blamed. The singles match of the Carnival Contest has just ended, and the limelight has not yet passed. He who successfully won the championship is the most beautiful and most watched player. In this case, it has attracted so many people watching , there is no surprise!

Speaking of the most famous and high-profile player among the players, there is none other than the Heart of Yang Yan in the Guandu area!

A worldwide event such as a carnival contest successfully took the name of the Heart of Yang Yan out!

The players gathered around are all members of the Lingxi Guild. Although they had some headaches, after hearing their questions, Lin Wen still answered them with those who could answer them!

Seeing that the heart of Yang Yan actually answered the question, these players suddenly became more enthusiastic!

At this moment!

Lin Wen, who was answering the players' questions, flickered from the corner of his eyes, and suddenly saw a figure through the gap between the crowd.

Immediately, he was not in the mood to answer the question at all! .

Chapter [-] Doubles Tournament Opening

"Everyone!" Lin Wen looked around apologetically: "I can only get here today! I still have some things to deal with, so I can't continue to answer your questions."


"Don't! God Yang Yan!"

"Let's ask a few more!"

Lin Wen's words suddenly made the players feel a little depressed!

These players usually do not have the opportunity to approach the Heart of Yang Yan, even if they are members of the Lingxi Guild, but Lin Wen rarely comes to the residence of the Lingxi Guild!

Therefore, this time, I actually encountered the Heart of Yang Yan here, which undoubtedly made these ordinary players very surprised and shocked, and they were only surrounded by excitement!

Seeing that the surrounding players didn't show any signs of retreating, Lin Wen suddenly felt anxious!

If it is normal, of course he can communicate with the players of these Lingxi guilds and answer their questions. After all, these are players of the same guild as him, and the relationship is naturally closer!

but now!

The reason why he was ready to leave was because just now, Lin Wen saw Lin Qi's figure!

The two had just broken through the last boundary, and their relationship was originally close. Now after going online together, they didn't expect to see so many players on the way to pick up Lin Qi, and were surrounded by so many players!

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