The combined tactics of these two elves were made into a synchronous state flow by Lin Wen and Lin Qi!

To put it more bluntly, it is anti-strike, wirelessly transferring special status to the opponent!

After the sun elf has been promoted to the leader level elf, the transfer of characteristic skills has become more controllable, and it can ignite the opponent infinitely, thus causing huge trouble to the opponent!

fighting!Get started soon!

At the same time, it also ended very fast!

With the bodies of the Overlord Flower and the Three-in-One Magneto falling, this battle ended with the victory of Lin Wen and Lin Qi! .

Chapter nine hundred and ninety seventh super combination

The two opponents, Jiujiu and Bayi, had long expected this point, so they were not so depressed!After all, with their strength, even if they didn't fall in the first round, they would still be able to get a very limited number of rankings!In this case, the reward will not be too precious. In contrast, the battle with the Heart of Yang Yan in the arena is undoubtedly something that can be boasted!

This makes both of them very satisfied!

Although the elves on both sides are boss-level elves, there is undoubtedly a big gap even between the two sides who are also boss-level elves!

After all, the growth and skills of elves with the same template will be completely different. In this case, the failure of Ninety-Nine and Eighty-One is inevitable!

Lin Wen and Lin Qi, one is the champion of the "[-]" Carnival Competition, and the other is the top [-] of the Carnival Competition. Their own strengths have long since opened a large distance from ordinary players!It is precisely because of this that the leader-level elves in their hands are even more powerful than the main elves of ordinary players!

Not to mention, the tactics of Lin Wen and Lin Qi also played a big role, and they were initially experimented by them!It can be said that the effect is very significant!

The cooperation of the two elves is much better than expected!And the tactics are also very appropriate!

This undoubtedly gave Lin Wen and Lin Qi a reassurance in their hearts!Make sure your tactics are set up without any problems!


Just after the Sun Elf and Alola Nine Tails won, the players on the scene suddenly cheered!

"As expected of the Great God of Yang Yan, he won the battle so easily!"

"Yeah, that's right, the strength of the Great God Yang Yan is really beyond what ordinary people can imagine!"

"The girl his teammate is also very strong, the relationship between the two looks unusual!"

"That's right..."

Players, affirmed this battle!

Of course, in fact, this battle is not as exciting as imagined!After all, the strength gap between the two sides of the battle is too great!But after all, it is a battle involving the heart of Yang Yan, and players feel that it is going to be exciting!

At the same time, the two people who have just broken through the forbidden fruit can be said to be incomparably close to each other. When they are fighting in the arena, players immediately notice something different!

Of course, this made many players suddenly have the idea of ​​being sprinkled with dog food!

However, Lin Wen and Lin Qi are under the public after all, so it is not too much, so the players did not react to it!

After the battle was over, Lin Qi and Lin Wen quickly walked down the arena at the same time.

There is a special channel for players around the ring, so Lin Wen and Lin Qi left here very easily and walked under the ring!

Afterwards, the two quickly left around the ring, found a very remote corner, and watched the rest of the game!

This mechanism makes Lin Wen feel very lucky!

After all, if there is no player channel, when Lin Wen and Lin Qi leave the ring, they will probably be surrounded by enthusiastic players again!

at the same time!

In the preliminary rounds of the regional competition, each pair of players will have two battles each day!

Therefore, Lin Wen and Lin Qicai did not leave here directly!

Although the doubles competition is not as popular as the singles competition, there are many players who come to participate. Therefore, in order to increase the speed as soon as possible, in the preliminary round of the regional competition, each team will have two battles every day!

After Lin Wen and Lin Qi waited for nearly an hour, their second round has already begun!

The ending doesn't make any difference!

Easy win!

After all, the strength of Lin Qi and Lin Wen is here. At the same time, the experimental tactics have been tested, and they are also very powerful. In this game, the two elves, the Sun Elf and the Nine Tails of Alola, are no longer on the scene. Instead, it was replaced by two Shanaido!

A combination of two super-type elves!

Compared with the combination of the two elves in the previous game, the combination of the two Shanaido is undoubtedly more powerful on paper!After all, one of them, Shanaido, was a lord-level elf who showed amazing strength in the ranking battle!

Moreover, Lin Qi's Shanai Duo is more inclined to support, but Lin Wen's Shanai Duo is more inclined to output!This combination is undoubtedly the most common combination in doubles battles!Assist with the main force!

These two elves, if they were described by one name, would be a spiritual blasting stream!It can be said that it is a powerful special attack combination with a mechanism. It not only has control, but also has sufficient output!

Lin Qi's Shanai Duo is responsible for protecting and providing multiple meditation states, while Lin Wen's Shanai Duo is responsible for the output!

After all, it is still in the preliminary stage, and their opponents are not masters, just two boss-level elves. In this case, the two won the battle very easily!

For the next two days, the doubles match has been going on!

While the doubles competition is currently in progress, preliminary rounds are being held in various regions!

The final doubles match will only begin after the top ten players in several regions have been determined!

With the two-day competition going on, now, the Kandu region has come to the top 20 promotion to the top 10 competition!

The final battle of the sub-regions!

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