Holy Sword!

This is already the last game of the day, so there is no need to worry about the CD time, so Lin Wen directly instructs Ye Elf to use his most powerful skills!

As Lin Wen's command voice fell, Ye Elf immediately began to act!

You know, the entire arena is now transformed into a forest terrain because of the lord-level skills and the moving forest!

Best terrain for Leaf Elf!

Above the moving forest, the attributes of the leaf elves have been greatly improved...  

After all the attributes have been improved, the speed has been greatly improved!

After it jumped up in an instant, the whole person turned into a streamer and shot out in an instant!The whole body turned into a green streamer, and others and Ben couldn't see the specific figure, only a phantom flashed by!

Go fast!

"Miaohuahua, use the vine whip to restrain it!"

The sound of Fengyun's command came, and the wonderful frog flower immediately began to act!

Two sturdy vine whips flew out, and in the blink of an eye, they had already attacked Ye Elf!

The reason why he came into contact with Ye Elf so easily is because Ye Elf chose a straight line, and it hasn't changed at all!

After the vine whip came to Ye Elf's side, it spun abruptly, and was immediately tied to Ye Elf's body!

Seeing this scene, Lin Wen frowned slightly, and then said, "Ye Elf, break away!"

After being hindered by the vine whip, the 0.4 leaf elf moved slowly, and then it heard the command voice of Lin Wen!

The body suddenly rushed!

I saw that with Ye Elf's sudden force, only a click was heard, and the vine whip suddenly broke!

The very tough, flexible and extremely high vine whip broke directly!

This is undoubtedly a very rare scene!

Grass-type elf's vine whip, because it is a plant, in addition to being extremely tough, its flexibility is also excellent!

When ordinary elves face the vine whip skill, they all want to cut it off!

If you want to break free like this, it means that there is a huge gap in the strength of the two elves!

to do this!

This difference is undoubtedly very large! .

Chapter 1003 The expected victory

In this case, the difference between the lord-level elf, the Ye Elf, and the leader-level elf, the Frog Flower, is obvious!

Fengyun obviously did not expect that his vine whip skills would be directly activated, the whole person was stunned for a moment, and he did not issue the next order in time!

I saw Ye Elf, who broke free from the shackles of the vine whip, suddenly accelerated, and his entire body rushed out of the spot in an instant!

at the same time!

Mystic Sword in action!

The single horn on Ye Elf's forehead suddenly began to widen and elongate!

In the blink of an eye, a lightsaber condensed!

In an instant, the Leaf Elf has also come to the side of the wonderful frog flower!

Then, the mysterious sword struck with a bang!

The mysterious sword, as a powerful skill mastered by Ye Elf when he was promoted to the lord level elf, can be described as incomparably astonishing, and it is definitely its most powerful single attack skill!

At this time, the mysterious sword suddenly acted on the wonderful frog flower!

You know, Frog Flower is just a boss-level elf!

And Ye Elf is a powerful being that ranks among the top 18 lord-level elf spirits!

Not to mention, the wonderful frog flower was also injured by the ivy snake in the previous battle!

With just one blow, the wonderful frog flower fell to the ground and lost its fighting ability!

Afterwards, Ye Elf's lightsaber was slowly retracted, as if the sword was sheathed.

The battle is over!

Afterwards, Lin Wen, Lin Qi, won!

At the moment when the wonderful frog flower lost its combat effectiveness, the players' voice suddenly sounded at the scene!

"God Yangyan is really awesome!"

"Easy to defeat the opponent!"

"It seems that in this carnival competition, God Yang Yan has a great chance of winning the championship!"

The players had a heated discussion!

The end of this battle means that Lin Wen and Lin Qi have successfully passed the carnival competition and the regional doubles competition!In the next step, we will go back to the battle site of the qualifying battle for the World Championship!

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