When the name of Heart of Yang Yan appeared in the battle hall, the players suddenly cheered!

"." Heart of Yang Yan ¨ "(Qian Nuozhao)!"

"God Yangyan is safe, bring my sister to win the championship!"

"The most powerful god in the world with sisters, the heart of Yang Yan is exclusive!"

"With my sister, I only serve the heart of Yang Yan!"

The voices of the players rang out one after another!

At the same time, there are voices supporting Yuanbao.

After all, Yuanbao is also a very high-ranking player in the carnival competition!

"I'm really looking forward to this battle! Both sides are ranked high in the carnival competition!"

"That's right, God Yang Yan doesn't need to say more, Yuanbao is a player who can enter the top ten anyway, and his strength is very strong. I am very looking forward to this battle!"

"Same, add 10086!"

"I don't know what kind of sparks the two sides can collide with!"

The players at the scene expressed their thoughts and communicated. .

Chapter 1005 Unexpected Choice

In the auditorium of Nuoda, there were as many as [-] spectators. The whole scene was very lively, and the noise was very thoughtful!

After calling out the names of Lin Wen and Lin Qi to the host in the battlefield, the two got up on the player's seat and walked slowly towards the other end.

At the same time, at the other end of the contestants' seat, two people slowly got up from their seats and walked towards the arena!

One man and one woman!

They are gold coins and ingots!

Just like Lin Wen and Lin Qi, their opponents are also a couple!

The two sides soon came to their respective podiums!

Lin Wen is very familiar with this arena. He has fought countless battles here and is very familiar with this place. Now that he is here again, Lin Wen can't tell what he is thinking!

He looked at the ingots and gold coins at the other end!

This is also a team of couples!

However, among them, Yuanbao is a girl, and gold coins are a man!

For the name of gold coins, Lin Wen 500 is not too impressed, but for the name of Yuanbao, Lin Wen is very impressed.

After seeing in the forum yesterday that his opponent was Yuanbao, a fairly familiar name, Lin Wen had an impression in his heart. Then, after reminiscing, Lin Wen remembered that this player named Yuanbao, It is one of the top [-] players in the Carnival Ranking Competition!

A female player who entered the top [-] players!

This is definitely a very rare existence!

Her strength is also evident!

As for the opponent next to her, the player named Jin Coin, Lin Wen found out after a simple search of information that the opponent was also a player who entered the qualifying competition!However, luck is much worse than that of his girlfriend. In the second round of the qualifying competition, he encountered the fire of the right side, but he was defeated and stopped at the top 750!

However... From here, it can be seen from the side that this player named Gold Coin is definitely more than the top 750!If he hadn't encountered a very powerful opponent, then he would definitely be able to move forward. The strength is quite powerful!

This team of lovers is definitely one of the formidable opponents that Lin Wen and Lin Qi have encountered so far!

After reading the names of the two sides, the two hosts left the ring. Now Lin Wen and Lin Qi, as well as the gold coins and ingots on the opposite side, have boarded their respective podiums!

Then, along with the system's prompt sound, both parties need to release the elf at the same time!

Accompanied by the sound of the system, the four of them threw the Poke Ball they had taken out on the platform in front of them at the same time!

Bang bang bang bang!

Four sounds rang out, accompanied by a flash of light, and four little elves appeared in place!

I saw that on the side of the gold coins and ingots, there were two elves unique to the Shenao region!

Flaming Monkeys and Emperor Naboo!

The second of the three yogas in the Shinno region!

One water element, one fire element!

It can be said that being able to become the most basic elf in the region means that the potential is relatively strong. Although it is more than a step worse than the quasi-god-level elf, compared with the ordinary wild elf, the talent is undoubtedly more powerful. outstanding!

Moreover, what shocked the players was that these two elves were both lord-level elves!

The strength is very powerful!

Facts have proved that the strength of this ingot is so strong. As her boyfriend, the strength of gold coins is obviously not ordinary, but (bieh) is not very lucky. In the carnival competition, just like those dark horses who encountered Lin Wen, Encountered the fire on the right, and the result was directly eliminated!

If it wasn't for the fire on the right, this gold coin that has mastered a lord-level fire monkey, I am afraid it will not stop at the top 750!

But now, they have become Lin Wen's opponents.

What I have to mention is that Lin Wen doesn't know much about Yuanbao, a player who had broken into the top [-] before. After all, in the battle at that time, Lin Wen did not meet Yuanbao, so I don't know about her information. It didn't pay much attention!

I only know that she has a lord-level emperor Nabo, but the others are not very clear!

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