The power of thought suddenly condensed, turned into a substantial attack skill, and attacked the emperor Nabo!

The speed of the attack was overwhelmed, and in the blink of an eye, it had already attacked the front of Emperor Nabo!

Being able to enter the top [-] of the carnival competition, Yuanbao is of course not an ordinary person. After seeing the attack again, he immediately reacted and quickly ordered: "Emperor Nabo, get out of the way!"

After hearing the command voice of Yuanbao, Emperor Nabo suddenly started to move, his body was slightly turned to one side, and he left the place almost instantly!

Although speed is not the area he is best at, but as a lord-level elf 480, the speed is also much stronger than other elf!

Only facing the substantial phantom attack, Emperor Nabo left the place in an instant, thus dodging Shanaido's attack!

Lin Wen's instructions continued, and at the moment when the phantom attack was launched, the next order came out: "Shanaido, use the fairy lock!"

Fairy Sky Lock!

Shanaido's lord-level skills!

Very powerful skill!

Fairy Sky Lock: Fairy lord level skills, Shanaido can release a lot of fairy breath to confuse and block the enemy, the enemy within the range has a high probability of falling into a coma, sleep, confusion and other negative states and lose all skills, the fairy lock state loves All elves cannot leave the combat state.This skill will be adjusted according to the difference in strength between the two sides. It will last for at least three seconds and at most five seconds, with a cooldown of one natural day!

With the sound of Lin Wen's command, it came down!Shanaido immediately started action!

On the entire arena, it instantly compensated for the slowness of the fairy's breath, and surrounded the entire arena!

The strong fairy smell is very strong!

Then, Lin Wen's command sound came again!

"Shanaido, use the quirky elf and move gracefully, leprechaun breath!".

Chapter 1009 Difficult to face the enemy

Three skills!

These are all new skills that Shanaido has mastered when he is promoted to a lord-level elf!

The release speed of super energy system skills is very fast. Now, with the voice of Lin Wen, Shanaido has been released in an instant!

Fairy Breath: The presence of Shanaido will increase the Fairy energy on the battlefield, increasing the damage of all Fairy moves around by 30%!

Weird Elf: A unique skill of the fairy system. The elf with this skill will never be locked by the skill, and all the skills that must hit the target will lose the tracking effect!

Graceful Movement: Shanaido's evasion ability has been greatly improved, and his movement speed has been increased by 30%!

The three skills were used almost in an instant!

After using these three skills, Shanaido's evasion and damage have been significantly improved!

There is no way to compare it before!

At this time, the fairy breath permeated the audience!The power of the fairy lock is released!

The emperor Nabo on the opposite side and the flaming monkey, although they are lord-level elves, are still under control in front of Shanaido's fairy lock!

I saw that the two elves immediately fell into a state of rigidity after the spirit of the fairy was overflowing in an instant!

Just after falling into a state of rigidity, Lin Wen's command voice came again!

Shanaido, use super power to run away!

Super runaway state!

After that, Lin Wen's command voice came out again: "Shanaiduo, use the super power storm!"

Super storm skills!

The super storm skill that shocked every player in the qualifying match!

Accompanied by Lin Wen's two commands, Shanaido suddenly started to act!

In the state of super power runaway, its strength has skyrocketed, and then, the ferocious super power storm swept in again!

Back then, the scene that shocked countless players in the qualifying competition reappeared!

In the state of super power runaway, the power of super power storm has been enhanced countless times!Mind power materialized, and a powerful storm appeared on the ring!

At this time, both the flaming monkey and the emperor Nabo were trapped in place and unable to move because of the shackles of the fairy chain!

Nuoda's super power storm suddenly hit the two of them!

Later, on Lin Wen's side, Lin Qi also gave an order to his Shanaido.

"Xanaduo, use mental strength to recite ' 々!"

After hearing Lin Qi's instructions, Lin Qi's Shanai Duo also took action!

Its eyes flashed a lavender light, and then, a strong mental thought suddenly came out.

On the arena, the super power storm that spanned the heavens and the earth reappeared, and then swept away in the direction of the flaming monkey and the emperor Nabo!

In the blink of an eye, it has already hit the side of these two elves!

The super power storm hit the body, and suddenly caused great damage to the two lord-level elves!

You know, Shanaido is a powerful elf who can fight with Chao Meng while using super power to run away at the boss level!

And now, after being promoted to the lord level elf, in the state of using the super power to run away, the power of the super power storm used is far beyond imagination!

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