"Heart of Yang Yan won another bye and directly advanced to the top 13!"

"Lucky Avatar!"

Afterwards, because of discussions on the forum and media reports, Lin Wen once again won the bye spot, which spread at an extremely fast speed and was known by more and more players!

The entire elf century has shaken a bit!

Occasionally, everyone will be envious, not shocked, but once or twice, or even the fourth time, it will suddenly cause a sensation among players!

In particular, you must know that there will still be a bye in the doubles match!

This makes players unable to help but think, will the Heart of Yang Yan continue?

You must know that in the past, the Heart of Yang Yan had already won the bye spot four times in a row, so will he continue?

This is the doubt in the hearts of every player!

Most of the people are expecting him to continue, and at the same time, they don't want him to continue.

If the Heart of Yang Yan can win the bye again, then it can be called one of the big events in the Elf Century!

Soon, the news that Lin Wen had won the bye slot spread almost throughout the entire Elf Century!

You must know that after the qualifying match ended, the upsurge of the carnival competition subsided a little. After all, players paid more attention to singles battles, and did not like doubles battles enough!

In this case, the number of players watching the doubles match at this time is much less than when the whole people paid attention to the singles match!

but now!

With the news that the Heart of Yang Yan was bye again!

Players who are following the doubles match have also improved a lot!

There's only one reason they care!

"That is, the Heart of Yang Yan is bye again?"

Fourth bye!

This is undoubtedly a shock to everyone!Can't imagine!

Who would have thought that in a round of carnival competition, four byes could be obtained!

This is something no one has ever thought of!

Because of the four byes of Heart of Yang Yan, there were suddenly many more players who were paying attention to the doubles match, and all of them turned their attention to it!Get ready to watch the next tag team fight!


Because of the bye, Lin Wen and Lin Qi are relaxed, and they don't have to fight tomorrow, they can relax a little bit today!

Just after the two young people were doing what they loved to do at night, the time quietly came to the next day!

The carnival competition, the battle for the top twenty-five doubles competition, has officially begun!

To be precise, this is a battle for the top [-], because Lin Wen and Lin Qi, who have drawn the bye spots, have already advanced to the top [-], so there is no need for today's competition!

But despite this, after all, all the attention at this time was on the doubles match, so Lin Wen and Lin Qi didn't do anything else.Instead, he chose to be teleported into the opposing battlefield, ready to watch today's battle!

Compared with yesterday's battle, today's battle is undoubtedly more exciting!After all, the players who can make it to this step have increased a level again compared to yesterday!

There are only [-] games to be played today, so the time to end is undoubtedly much shorter. Compared with the time halved yesterday, today's battle is completely over. Among the top [-] in the doubles tournament, the other top [-] , has been released!

After the battle, countless players poured into the forum!

Among them, there are many players who have been paying attention to the doubles battle, and there are also some players who do not watch the doubles match!

These players, after the battle, immediately went to the forum with only one purpose!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

They want to see tomorrow's roster!

You must know that because it is now the top [-], there is also a bye in today's battle!

It doesn't matter who the bye quota ends up on. Players who go to the forum want to see, will today's bye quota fall to the Heart of Yang Yan?

This is where players pay attention!

You know, even if there are four bye places in the heart of Yang Yan, the players just think that this person's luck attribute must be super high, maybe it is innately full of luck value, but no one has questioned Yinhe Zhi. Brain problem!


After all, the fairness of the system has been proven many times, and players are very clear about it!

Therefore, in this case, players are very curious, wanting to know whether the Heart of Yang Yan can get the fifth bye spot!

The forum is much more popular than usual. If it wasn't for the fact that the players who came here knew their purpose, no one would have thought that the reason why the forum suddenly became popular was because of a player in the game!

At this time, the posts on the forum are very fast, and every time it is refreshed, countless new posts will emerge!

"I made a bet! Can God Yang Yan get the fifth bye?"

"God Yangyan wants to create a miracle! This is it!"

"Originally, I thought that God Yang Yan could go all the way to be so powerful, but now I'm convinced!"

"Four byes, I don't know if he can get it for the fifth time?"

"I think God Yang Yan is really going to create a miracle!"

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