"Welcome to the scene of the doubles match at the Carnival Competition."

With the voice of the male host, the players at the scene suddenly boiled!

The scene suddenly became lively!

"The doubles competition of the Carnival Competition, from the first regional competition to the present, has passed for a long time. Now, we are reunited in this familiar battle hall again. The next battle is the Carnival Competition. A seven-to-four match in doubles!"

"That's right!" The hostess said from the side: "During the previous period, the players from various regions brought us extremely exciting battles, and the exquisite cooperation made people couldn't help but admire them. In the future, the remaining players are more elite, what kind of sparks can they bring us?"

"Now, let's invite the top seven teams who have made it all the way to this carnival competition to appear!"

Afterwards, the two hosts read out the names of the contestants.

As the names of the contestants were read out, each contestant boarded the ring!

Soon, in the entire arena, fourteen players from the top seven have already arrived!

Lin Wen and Lin Qi stood together, but they saw many familiar players!

With a famous player on stage, the cheers in the audience below suddenly became more enthusiastic, and the appearance of some players made the audience boil!


At this time, countless viewers in the live broadcast room also gathered here to watch the live broadcast. With the appearance of a famous player, they swiped 666 recklessly.

"There are also many masters in this doubles match!"

"That's right, although the doubles competition is more of an entertainment game, the rewards are also very rich, so it can attract so many players!"

"That's it!"

"It is estimated that today's game will be very exciting!"

"Am I not mistaken? You came to today's game to watch the battle?"

"That's right, isn't it just to see if God Yang Yan can get a bye spot?"

"Don't leave in front of you, that's my purpose too!"

There are lively discussions in the barrage in the live broadcast room!

In fact, there are many players who are not ready to watch the doubles match. They just want to see if the Heart of Yang Yan can win the bye again, and then come to the live broadcast room to watch it!

I have to say, except for the results of this carnival competition, Lin Wen, who has won many byes in a row, has become a legend!

Because of the many byes, the legend of achievement! .

Chapter 1014 Advancement all the way

Because of this, it has attracted the attention of countless players, wanting to see if he can continue to get a bye spot!

At this time, there are many players in the live broadcast room who are watching the live broadcast with this purpose!

on site.

After many players appeared, the male host said: "Everyone knows that, because in order to show more exciting games, the original rules for assigning battle lists in the system have been cancelled. In the current doubles competition, There will be a lottery before the game on that day, to definitely compete with the players!"

"Now, let's invite auspicious eggs to get us the props for the lottery!"

Then, the lens of the big screen turned!

From the corner of the opposing battlefield.He walked out of a cute auspicious egg holding a box.

Geely Egg was holding the box and soon came to the ring!

Then, the host said: "The contestants in the ring, from left to right, send a representative from each group to draw lots!"

"One thing to note is that we are now in the top 7, so a group of players will get a bye and have the opportunity to directly enter the top four. The combination of cards numbered 7 will be drawn, and they will automatically get a bye spot!"

"There are a total of seven cards in this box, marked with numbers 1-7. Among them, the team that draws card number 7 will automatically enter the semi-finals!"

"As for the other cards, the first card fights with the sixth card, the combination that draws the second card fights with the fifth card, and the player who draws the third card fights against the fourth card!"

The male host glanced at the many players on the stage, and then said, "Does everyone understand?"

The players in the ring all nodded.

"In that case, start from left to right and extract...!"

Following the host's words, the participating players on the ribs started to act.

The players who watched the live broadcast immediately became excited and stared at the lottery situation on the big screen!

"It's finally time for the main dish!"

"That's right, it's time to wait until the draw is this round!"

"I've been waiting for a long time!"

"Drawing lot, I feel like my big dick is getting horny!"

"I don't know if Yang Yan will be able to get the bye spot again!"

With the start of the lottery, the players in the entire Battlefield Pavilion became excited about the loss and started discussions one after another!

You must know that when they came here, in addition to wanting to watch the doubles match, what they also wanted to see was the Heart of Yang Yan, can they win the bye again!

And now, the lottery is just beginning, and finally comes the main event!

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