The players at the scene were having a heated discussion!

At the same time, the players in the live broadcast room are also discussing!

In this case, as the host's voice sounded, the two players in the ring immediately wanted to take a step forward side by side!

Clear voice clear voice!

This couple's combination!

With this step taken by these two players, the grouping of the entire semi-finals became clear!


The combination of Susu Sauce and Rose, against the unvoiced and unvoiced combination!

And the targets of Lin Wen and Lin Qi's battle are Yi Yu Zhi Lian and Feng Yu Ke from the Chengdu area!

The results are officially announced!

Although the result of the semi-finals has already been announced after the step of clear voice and voiceless voice, the players already have a bottom line, but the host in the ring still has to do things according to the rules and regulations!

So, after the voiceless and clear voices stepped forward respectively, the hostess said, "Then, please take a step forward for the player combination who has drawn the fourth card!"

As their voices sounded... ...... Yiyuzhilian and Fengyuke looked at each other helplessly, and then took a step forward!

The battle list of the top four players is completely released! 2.1

Susu sauce and rose from the Carlos region, the voiceless and clear voice of the God of War!

Lin Wen and Lin Qi from the Guandu area will face off against Yiyuzhilian and Feng Yuke from the Chengdu area!

The results of the battle are out!

"The grouping of the top four battles has been completely over!" the male host said.

"I think everyone can't wait for the next battle. In this case, we will not waste everyone's time. Please invite the first group of opponents in today's semi-final battle to come to the podium. Our battle is about to begin!"

"The first match of the semi-finals was Susu Jiang and Qiangwei from the Carlos region, against the voiceless and voiceless combination from the Shenao region!"

After speaking, the two hosts left the ring first! .

Chapter 1023 Sisters vs Couples

Lin Wen and Lin Qi also followed behind. In addition to this, there was also the love of this word and the wind and rain guest, who returned to the contestant table together!

In the ring, the remaining four players were left, and they each logged on to their respective podiums!


Both sides released the elves at the same time!

After all, doubles matches tend to be entertainment-oriented events. Although there are many masters, in comparison, the battle matches are not as solemn as the qualifying matches!

Even if it has come to the semi-finals now!The two sides still only need to fight a battle, that's it!

Even after today's semi-finals are over, tomorrow's final will also be a game to decide the winner!

Compared with the qualifying matches with many rules, the doubles match is undoubtedly very easy!

After the elves were released along with both sides, the battle was about to begin!

Susu Sauce Rose, a sister group from Carlos, will play against the clear 18-tone clear voice couple from Shenao area!

Sisters vs Couples!

The battle is fierce!

In the end, it was Susu Jiang and Rose who won the victory!

However, this battle has been affirmed by countless players. Jue's voiceless and voiceless performance has been very good!

In this battle, the tacit understanding between the voiceless and the clear voice almost shocked every player. It is not a tacit understanding that can be produced after a short run-in, but after a day and night of running-in, before The tacit understanding that arises!

The relationship between the two is obviously very rich!

In contrast, Susu Jiang and Qiangwei are a couple who have a good relationship, but they seem to know that they don't spend much time fighting together, and their tacit understanding is a lot worse than that of the other side!

However, in this game, strength speaks after all!

In doubles competitions, when the strength is close, you can win by relying on tacit understanding, but when there is the most essential gap between the strengths, if you want to win by tacit understanding, there is no doubt that there is very little hope!

Unvoiced and unvoiced is just that!

Susu sauce, but a female player who broke into the top six, and is also considered by countless players, if she is not very lucky, she met the heart of Yang Yan when she was in the top six, then, her The ranking will definitely be greatly improved!

Even, is expected to compete for the runner-up!

This is a fact recognized by many players!

In this case, the strength of Susu sauce can be imagined!

at the same time!

Although her teammate, Qiangwei, did not achieve a particularly high ranking in the carnival competition, as the vice president of the Scarlet Rose Guild, she also broke into the ranking competition with the same strength. Not to be underestimated!

In front of the powerful strength of these two female players, although the tacit understanding of clear voice and clear voice will kill many people in seconds, they still fail to win the battle!

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