Just after Lin Wen and Lin Qi released the double-headed lineup, various media who received the news immediately reported it!

"Double Boss vs Double Lord, who wins and who loses? 》

"The new routine of the Heart of Yang Yan? 》

"Prediction: Heart of Yang Yan will play a ditch for himself this time! 》

"Who can advance to the finals? 》


no doubt!

Before this battle started, when Yiyuzhilian and Fengyu Ke encountered the combination of Lin Wen and Lin Qi, the players regarded Lin Wen and Lin Qi as a must-win game, after all, the strength of Lin Wen and Lin Qi Put it here, as long as they take out the main elf, then... Yiyuzhilian and Fengyu Ke have almost no chance to resist!

However, now, with the release of the elves fighting against Lin Wen and Lin Qi, and the appearance of the two boss-level elves with 290 Sun Elf and the Nine Tails of Alola, the players who watched the battle immediately thought about it. For a while, the result of this battle seemed to be in suspense!

How can two boss-level elves fight two lord-level elves?

This is something that players simply don't understand!

That is to say, it was Lin Wen and Lin Qi who released these two boss-level elves. If it was replaced by another combination, if they dared to release such two boss-level elves to fight, I am afraid they would have been sprayed by players long ago. not anymore!

After all, from the most intuitive point of view of the players, the two lord-level elves and the two boss-level elves have no comparison at all!

Not to mention the players, after the elf chosen by Lin Wen and Lin Qi was released, even Yiyuzhilian and Fengyuke, who had been watching the situation here, were dumbfounded!

After they knew that their opponent was the Heart of Yang Yan, they thought that they were defeated under the incomparably powerful super power storm of Shanaido, that they were defeated under the shading body of the Flash Dragon, and they thought about it. I was defeated by the almighty and sensitive Leaf Elf!


They never thought about it!

Facing them, Lin Wen and Lin Qi actually chose two boss-level elves as their opponents!

This made Yiyizhilian and Fengyuke, who had already done the first and second friendship in the friendship, rekindled hope in their hearts!

It seems, it seems, there is still the possibility of this victory!


the other side!

Seeing the uproar from the players after the Sun Elf and the Nine Tails of Alora were released, Lin Qi couldn't help turning his head to the side, and glanced at the calm expression on the side, Lin Wen, who had not changed in any way!

In her mind, the conversation she had just logged into the ring flashed through!

"Brother, do you really want to use these two elves?"

"Of course!"

"But, wouldn't this be a little unsafe? After all, the opponents are two lord-level elves!"

"It's okay, trust me!"

According to Lin Qi's own thoughts, in the face of such a powerful enemy, it is natural to use his most powerful elves. In fact, the ivy snake is always on standby!

But (bjaa) Now, because of the incomparable confidence in Lin Wen, when releasing the elves, Lin Qi directly followed Lin Wen, one released the sun elves, and the other released the Nine Tails of Alola!

It looks like it's ready!

Players on the scene, the voice of doubt is still coming out!

Because the battle has not yet started, the noisy voices of the audience can be heard by the players on the field at this time!

This undoubtedly caused a great disturbance to the players on the field!

However, Lin Wen's expression is very calm. Although many players below are still questioning the two boss-level elves released by Lin Wen and Lin Qi, but Lin Wen and Lin Qi have released the elves now, naturally not Changes possible!

at the same time!Lin Wen's expression was also very calm, as if he was winning!

This expression of his passed through the big screen and was seen by an unknown number of players!

Suddenly, there are some doubts in my heart!

Could it be that the heart of Yang Yan is really unsure?How does it seem, Yang Yanzhi is not the kind of player who gives up hope by himself!

This has made many players suspicious, and they are very doubtful in their hearts!

Could it be that the heart of Yang Yan released these two boss-level elves, and they really have the one to win?

Under this kind of mentality, I don't know how many players stopped talking and didn't continue talking!

After all, no one is sure, whether the heart of Yang Yan is true is not at all certain!

It's impossible. After all the byes, this person chose to play around, right?

Players can't believe it!


On the ring, four elves stepped on the platform and shook their heads!

On Lin Wen's side, the bodies of the Sun Elf and the Nine-Tails of Alora are very noble and elegant, and they seem to be able to give full marks to their impression points!

However, in comparison, the other side's strong crocodile and Raichu are all elves that look more unique!

Then!On the big screen above the ring, flashing suddenly started!

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