The barrage of refueling has been changed one by one, completely filling the entire live broadcast room!


Time goes by!

You know, as early as yesterday, the major media had already made predictions for today's doubles final!

At this time, there are quite a lot of players who are paying attention to the doubles match!

Countless players are waiting for the battle to officially start!

Time goes by!

When the time came to [-] noon, the finals of the carnival competition finally kicked off!

At this time, when the time came to twelve o'clock, countless players were introduced into the battle field one after another!

In the entire auditorium, countless players gathered in an instant!


Two figures suddenly appeared on the player's seat!

Susu sauce and rose!

With the appearance of two players in the player's seat, the surrounding players and the players in the audience seat suddenly exclaimed!

"Come on Susu sauce!"

"Come on Rose!"

"Come on, two goddesses!"

The cheers are almost resounding!

Today, it is already the final of the doubles competition, and it is also the last day of the carnival competition, the last battle, because the players watching the game have shown their passion in their hearts to cheer for it!

In this case, the atmosphere in the battlefield was detonated almost instantly, and countless players shouted!

Just at this time!

In the player's seat, two figures appeared again!

The moment I saw these two figures again, the cheering voice changed again!

It was Lin Wen and Lin Qi who appeared in the contestants' seats!

With the appearance of the two, many players immediately sang against the players who had been shouting for Susu sauce to come on!

Converted to the voice of cheering for Lin Wen and Lin Qi!

Today is the last stop!

The fans of the two groups also started the final battle!


Not only in the auditorium, but also on the barrage. Today is the last day of the carnival competition. All players are ready to vent their depression and devote themselves to the last battle of the doubles competition. middle!

Although they can't go on the field to fight, but below, carry yourself and refine your players to shout and cheer, this is a battle in itself!

Just as countless players were shouting, two hosts stepped onto the ring!

It's still that familiar face!

After the male host stepped into the ring, his eyes swept across the audience, and then he said, "Welcome everyone, to the scene of the doubles final of the Carnival Competition!"

With the voice of the male host, the entire scene was silent!

Then, the more violent 007 cheers sounded!

"In the previous battle, we watched a lot of very exciting battle scenes." The hostess replied, after a pause, and then said: "However, I can confirm that today's battle is definitely more than the previous battle. Wonderful!"

"That's right!" the male host said, "Because today is the final of the doubles competition, and the two groups that have come from the regional competition will decide a winner today, thus determining the champion of the doubles competition in the Carnival Competition. Belong!"

"I think everyone can't wait. In that case, let's invite players from both sides of the finals to the stage!"

"Heart of Yang Yan from the Guandu area, Lin Qi!" the male host shouted first.

"Susu sauce from the Carlos region, Rose!" the male host answered!

With the voices of the two hosts, Lin Wen and the others, who were already seated in the contestants' seats, suddenly stood up!


The four of them looked at each other in the player's seat, the fighting intent in their eyes condensed, and then they got up almost at the same time and walked towards the ring!

As they got up and walked towards the arena together, the cheers at the scene suddenly became more lively, and they could overturn the ceiling! .

Chapter 1029 Four-headed lord level

The walking speed of the few people is not fast, but the distance between the contestant seat and the ring is not too far, so after a short walk, Lin Wen Lin Qi.

Susu sauce and Qiangwei have already come to the ring!

Then, the two hosts conducted a brief interview with the two groups of players!

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