after all!Many people support the Heart of Yang Yan. Under such circumstances, when "May [-]" saw the opponent's Bri Kalong, relying on the effect of the sunny day, he first launched an attack on Ye Elf, and immediately let these players Some worry!

In the blink of an eye, the sun beam has attacked Ye Elf!

But at this time, not only Ye Elf, but even Lin Wen did not give any orders!

On the other hand, Qiangwei's eyes also revealed a moment of surprise. She already had a certain understanding of Lin Wen's Ye Elf, and the very fast speed was absolutely unimaginable!

Under this circumstance, even if he seized the opportunity to let Karibulon take the opportunity to launch a solar beam attack, even Qiangwei himself would not dare to seal the ticket!

After all, the speed of this leaf elf is too terrifying, and it is not comparable to ordinary elf!

So Qiangwei herself can't believe it!

But now!

Looking at the sun beams that attacked Ye Elf across a whole distance in an instant, Qiangwei was surprised to find that it seemed that Ye Elf had no time to dodge!

Thoughts just flashed through my mind in an instant!

Rose's face showed a radiance of confidence. Even if Ye Elf's defense ability and recovery ability are amazing, but she will definitely cause a lot of damage if she bears her Briccaron's solar beam skill in the front. !

This is undoubtedly a very good start!

next second!

A dazzling light flashed past, and the sun beam suddenly hit Ye Elf's body!

At the scene, some players had a gloomy look on their faces. They were all players who supported Lin Wen and Lin Qi, and also liked Ye Elf very much. At this time, it was inevitable to see Ye Elf being directly hit by the sun beam. A little depressing!


The next second, the situation on the scene surprised every player!

I see!

The moment the sun beam touched Ye Elf's body, it did not cause damage to Ye Elf as normal, but gradually melted away!

The violent sun beam disappeared the moment it touched Ye Elf's body!


The players at the scene have been watching the scene in front of them very seriously. At this time, when they saw Briccaron's solar beam skills, the moment they came into contact with Ye Elf, they could not help but let out a shocked cry!

What's happening here?

Players are a little stunned!

"Who can tell me what the hell this is? Sunbeam?"

"No, what's the situation? I've been watching it! I saw the sun beam disappear as soon as it touched Ye Elf!"

"Is this a new skill?"

"I have never seen Ye Elf use this skill before! And I have never heard of this skill!"

"That's right, I haven't seen it at all!"

Countless players on the scene saw this scene happen, and couldn't help but let out an uproar!

Everyone, have expressed their doubts in their hearts!

Not just the players in the field!

Even in the live broadcast room, the players watching the live broadcast were very neat and uniform at this time.

They didn't even want to understand what was going on just now!

After all, Ye Elf clearly did not dodge or evade, and was already hit by the sun beam frontally!

In this case, no matter how strong the defense of the leaf elves is, they will suffer a certain amount of damage in the face of a powerful attack from a lord-level elves!

But now...

After the sun beam hit Ye Elf's body and disappeared, there was no damage at all on Ye Elf's body, let alone the injury, not even a hair fell off!

This situation immediately shocked the players!

Could it be that...they saw a fake sunbeam?So it didn't cause any damage to the Leaf Elf?

This is where players don't understand!

After all, everyone saw the sun beam attacking Ye Elf, and Ye Elf hadn't dodged yet. Almost everyone felt that Ye Elf would suffer damage next!

However, at the time of this song, the sun beam not only did not cause any damage to the leaf spirit, but disappeared directly!

This is something that the spectating players cannot understand at all!

When everyone was at a loss, only Lin Wen showed a faint smile!

He naturally knew why!

If he wasn't confident, how could Lin Wen practice commanding Ye Elf to dodge without even dodging?

 1.6 Know!In today's forest terrain, because of the bonus of the moving forest, the speed of the Leaf Elf has reached a very terrifying level. Most of the skills, it can easily dodge with its dexterous posture!

Even the extremely fast sun beam, as long as Ye Elf is serious, there is still a chance to dodge!

However, Lin Wen did not let Ye Elf dodge at all, but took the blow head-on!

There is only one reason for this!

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