Ice Elf King!

Just like the evolution of Ye Elf, after absorbing the ice crystal core of Tianguan Mountain, the Ice Elf finally broke through that boundary and was promoted to the Ice Elf King!

It has also become an elf with only one attribute, and its strength has advanced greatly!

at this time!

In Lin Wen's ear, the system's prompt sound suddenly sounded again!

"Ding Dong, player Yangyan Heart, your elf ice elf king's strength has reached the limit of the boss-level elf, triggering the lord-level promotion task "Challenger of the Iceberg""

With a move in Lin Wen's heart, he hurriedly clicked on the quest interface, and saw that the ice elf's lord-level advanced quest was on the top list!

Mission: Iceberg Challenger!

Requirements: Complete within a month!

Difficulty: S level

Quest content: Go to the Frost Ruins in Tianguan Mountain and get the approval of the guardians of the Frost Ruins, no matter the method!

Reward: After the task is completed, the ice crystal will be promoted to the lord level elf!

The first time after watching the mission, Lin Wen's brows could not help but wrinkle slightly!

He is a little fortunate now, because he was with Lin Qi greasy in those days, and because he had to participate in the doubles competition, he did not check the rewards of the qualifying competition before. The ice crystal core is used by the ice elf, so he will have to face the situation of the lord level promotion task and the doubles match crash! .

Chapter 1041 The Lord of Ice Elf Advancement

You know, this task only has one month to complete!

Compared to the S-level difficulty, one month's time is undoubtedly very tight!

not to mention!

This quest also involves hidden areas!

Frost Ruins!

In Lin Wen's impression, he doesn't remember the existence of Frost~ Ruins!

This is a hidden map!

Thinking of this, Lin Wen- couldn't help but have a headache.

Hidden areas are very difficult to find. Even if it is Lin Wen, from the beginning of the game to the present, the only hidden areas that have been encountered are Meteor Lake and the World Tree area!

And the World Tree area, because of the shortage of sixteen, no one has broken into it yet!

Not to mention, this lord-level promotion task has only a one-month time limit, and the requirements are very tight. It can be said that there is almost no hope of completion!

After taking a long sigh, Lin Wen adjusted his mentality!

Although this task is very difficult, it involves whether the ice elves can be promoted to lord-level elves, and Lin Wen obviously has to do it and try!

Try your best to succeed so that the ice elves can be promoted to lord-level elves!

After all, if this lord level advancement mission fails, then I don’t know how long it will take to wait for the next lord level advancement mission!

Therefore, Lin Wen must try hard!


The alliance competition officially kicked off three months later. At this time, it is imminent to become stronger. Only when the strength becomes stronger can we achieve an excellent result in the alliance competition!

Not to mention, the ice elf's lord-level quest is here. As long as it can be successfully completed, the ice elf's strength will greatly increase. If he becomes a lord-level elf, Lin Wen's comprehensive strength will also increase!

Thinking about all kinds of things in his heart, Lin Wen greeted Lin Qi immediately, explaining that he was going to complete the task next, and then directly contacted Ling Feng!

Hidden areas are extremely difficult to find, and Lin Wen wants to rely on his own ability, and his hope is undoubtedly very slim, so at this time, he must use the power of the guild!

After all, there are many players in the guild. With their help in searching for information, more relevant information can undoubtedly be collected, and news of the hidden area of ​​Frost Ruins can be obtained!

After receiving the communication from Lin Wen, Ling Feng readily agreed to Lin Wen's request, and said that he would order it immediately!

For Ling Feng, the power of Yang Yan's Heart is the power of Lingxi Guild!

After winning the double crown of the carnival competition, the reputation of the Lingxi Guild has soared. A master is an indispensable figure in the guild!

At this time, Lin Wen asked the guild for help because he wanted to improve his strength. Of course, Ling Feng could not refuse!

After all, Ling Feng's eyes also noticed the alliance competition three months later!

With the existence of such masters as the Heart of Yang Yan in the guild, Ling Feng naturally set his sights on him!

I look forward to the heart of Yang Yan to get a good result in the league competition. At the same time, if it can really win the championship, then even the status of the Lingxi Guild will also rise!

Therefore, for any request of Lin Wen, Ling Feng will do his best to help.

After hanging up the communication with Lin Wen, Ling Feng immediately ordered to let the members of Lingxi Guild collect information!


at the same time!

After contacting Lingfeng, Lin Wen is also preparing to move towards the Shenao area!

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