Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 10 - The Next Generation

The drive south out of Oldale sees us passing by low woodlands and open fields. Birch and May are in the front seat while I'm on the small bench in the back. Crammed up beside me is a snoring, nearly four foot tall, deep blue bat.

A towel is laid out on the seat to keep his fur from getting all over May's vehicle but my clothes are getting covered in Shak's shedding hairs. Twice now the little claw on his right wing has scratched my arm and I swear this basterd's farts could clear a room. Luckily it's a nice evening and the top of the jeep is removable.

I tap Birch's seat, "You sure this is necessary? I don't know if my nose can take him being out of his ball in a vehicle like this."

The professor laughs, "Your goal is a Crobat right? This first evolution from the juvenile tier to the species' ȧduŀt form is a critical time for bonding. He's already got the size advantage for further evolving towards what would be considered a champion among the zubat family. Support him as his trainer and he won't let you down."

Apparently many pokemon have quirks with their development. Zubats for example, only a few stronger bats in a large cave family may make it to a Crobat. They are like the patriarchs or champions of their cave system. If a Golbat doesn't feel like he has duty to protect its family, it'll never evolve to Crobat. For a trainer, they have to become that family.

Joltik evolve once they gain a certain measure of strength and age, this is the most common requirement.

My Phantump on the other hand, it will need to gain a certain measure of wisdom and maturity by means of travel and fighting. Like a tree that stands strong long enough to witness the test of time. But instead of waiting for the world to pass by it, the Phantump must see the world itself.

After growing strong from defending their original grove, the little ghosts travel from woodlands to woodlands. Eventually they settle down, either returning to their place of origin or founding a new grove in a place with strong spiritual energy to evolve into a mighty Trevenant. Once more their form adjusts during the evolution to blend into their surrounding woodlands.

I wonder if they look like palm trees in southern regions?

Another thing I've learned is that the evolution process closely resembles natural events from earth. Blue will grow like a plant, tess will molt like a spider, and Shak will semi hibernate while shedding everywhere like a dog with mange.

I'm exaggerating but it's still playing hell on my sinuses. I hope i'm not allergic to bats… if that's a thing.

Cresting over a hill the sunset light flares from the reflection of a large white observation tower.

Birch chuckles, "I never get tired of coming home and catching my lab in the evening light."

May gives him a sideways glance, "Hopefully the dozen odd tax paying parents waiting with their kids don't get tired either."

The Professor gives a nervous laugh before looking back to me, "By the way Kurt, seeing as your on your first experience as a trainer I'll feel bad having ya watch while everyone else gets a pokemon. So I'll cut ya a deal, make a delivery for me in Dewford and I'll set ya up with an adoptable pokemon tonight."

Sounds far too simple, "Just like that, surely there's more involved than that?"

He smiles, "No need to be suspicious, my lab doubles as a hospital for local wild pokemon that get brought in as well as the poor buggers that get abandoned and can't fend for themselves in the wild. Here, take a look at the list."

I'm handed a tablet pc open to a list of housed pokemon.

While browsing the list I ask, "So what's the delivery?"

Birch, "A Pokemon egg for a league official living on the island as well as some care items for once it hatches. I believe he intends to give it as a gift for his granddaughter."

May, "That's not an abuse of position is it?"

He laughs, "Arceus no, Steven paid quite the sum. Or should I say donated to the lab in exchange for me calling in a favor." Looking back at me, "Steven is a former champ, so don't have an accident, an egg is an egg after all. Last thing you want is his Skarmory chasing you across the region."

I'll keep that in mind. The list of pokemon in the lab has a couple themes going on. First being that most of the pokemon are quite young, older ones probably don't have to large an issue surviving. Also the reasoning that the longer a trainer has a pokemon the less likely they may be to ditch it.

Second is that the ones listed certainly aren't rare or overly impressive, most just clearly aren't adapted for this region or climate. Honestly I'm not sure how I feel about most of these or the idea of having to work through a pokemon's abandonment issues.

Messing with the sorting options I'm surprised find a list of pregnant pokemon. There's four currently, an Arcanine, an Alolan Sandslash, a Walrein, and a Dodrio.

Considering my team so far; electric bug, poison flying, ghost grass, eventual water rock… I'm not sure, the fire type or the ice and steel.

Turning the tablet to show Birch, "How bout an egg for an egg? What's the story on the Arcanine and the Alolan Sandslash?"

He looks at the pokemon in question, "The Arcanine is actually from a cop who was injured on the job, poor gal is still in the hospital. Her service pokemon got pregnant while she's been on rest and unfortunately the pups will belong to the League."

May sighs, "I hope Jen makes a full recovery."

Birch smiles, "She's doing great. Last I spoke she said the physical therapy will be done in another month and she'll be chasing thieves in no time. Now, the Sandslash. She is actually a part of a breeding program experiment."

Shak let's rip another barn burner.

Coughing, "You have my divided attention."

"Well, the last decade has yielded some surprising results in research on type variations across pokemon of the same species but different regions. At the foremost of my particular research of the last couple years is the increased chance of shiny pokemon being born when the region variable pokemon are bred."

Interesting, "So this ice one was bred with a ground Sandslash? Gotta say I think you've got me sold."

The professor mulls it over for a moment, "I can't just give you a program pokemon. So how bout this, I'll write a letter for Steven and request he provide you with materials for training Steel types. Once you deliver the Mawile egg and make your way back here the Sandslash should have laid her eggs. I'll write you up as a study participant with a focus on testing the offspring's type affinity. Show some results come time for end of year finals and I'm sure I can coax some fresh research funds from the league!"

I shake his hand, "Eggcellent."

Our lovely driver cuts in, "Sounds like you Eggheads have a deal, which is good timing cause we've arrived."

Coming around a wooded bend we arrive at a small town nestled in the coast with a medium dock bordering a sea inlet. A dozen odd houses frame a hotel like building connected to a large white lab with attached greenhouse structure and the observation tower we spotted earlier.

We pull into an underground parking lot at the hotel. As we get out of the jeep and head towards the lab I suddenly remember the reward I was issued for my zubat.

After mentioning it to May she tells me to just select the Littleroot center as destination of delivery and they will overnight it here.

The entrance of the lab consists of a massive atrium with a gigantic willow tree growing in the center. A few bird type pokemon can be seen gliding about the upper branches while a little league team's worth of kids are pointing up and running about.

A man with green hair comes walking up at a brisk pace, "It's about damn time professor. Some of these people flew in! I'm tired of tossing complaints filed against you. Much more and you know the league is going to force your retirement."

Birch grumbles, "Shove off Sawyer, If you want to succeed this lab when I do finally retire you'll playball. While you're at it you might even succeed at one of your projects, I mean you can't keep striking out forever. Now go get the pokemon, I'll start immediately."

As the surly fellow storms off May whispers, "Sawyer used to be a nice guy, but he failed to win the league after reaching finals six years in a row. He became such a sourpuss that his wife left him, took the kid and moved back with her father, Steven Stone, the fellow your making a delivery to."

Every world has it's drama it seems, "So the egg is for this Sawyer's daughter?"

Birch waves us to quiet down as he walks over to a returning Sawyer. They take a large case over to the tree in the middle of the room.

He puts on a big smile, "Alight folks I won't keep ya waiting a moment longer! Forgive me kiddos I had just discovered an amazing cache of fossils at some old ruins. Remember, adventure and excitement can be found any time while you are on your journeys! Now let's introduce your potential new starters!"

As Birch names out Pokémon, Sawyer opens the ball and let's it loose in the garden.

"Up first are our local starters, Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip!"

With a flash of red light I see a bipedal gecko, a red bobble headed chicken, and an amphibious blue pug.

While the kids are already in awe he continues, "Next are our exchange starters Turtwig, Fennekin, and Popplio."

A grassy turtle, a fox and a clown seal? I'm silently checking these with my phone app, I can't recall all of these. It seems there were far more pokemon than my fractured memory knows.

Birch keeps going, "Next are the wildcards, randomly selected. Sandile, Nidoran, and Mareep."

This time a small brown crocodile, a spiky blue rabbit, and … a sheep. The girls seem over the moon for the livestock.

"Last but not least, our special additions! Flabebe, Litwick, and Roggenrola!"

Some blue flowers, a blue candle and a blue rock… this is a joke right? However the app confirms its a fairy type, a ghost, and well still a rock, no surprise there. But the final evolution of all three seem pretty impressive.

May watches nervously as the kids pick out their choices. Honestly at this point I notice that all the mothers are in great shape, suppose its thanks to the active life of being a trainer. Birch should get out in the field more, that spare tire won't do him any favors.

The flower was quickly claimed by a lass in a clearly pricey dress. A boy in a black suit picks up the candle. A bossy girl shoves another boy aside to talk to the croc, who interestingly seems eager to team up with the brat.

One rather nervous lad walks over to me, "I can't decide, what was your starter?"

Pulling the net ball from my belt, "Come on out Tesla."

As the bright metallic red spider appears the kids all look like they've been caught in headlights.

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