Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 12 - Embarking

So this lady posing like a pop star should be one of the sidekick characters from the show. I remember seeing her somewhere, I must not have watched that season or something.

"Well it's a pŀėȧsurė to meat you Miss, Dawn was it?"

She seems at a loss to how I haven't heard of her, "I guess not everyone follows the Contest Circuit, Fashion, or Movies and TV...You live under a Rock for the past fifteen years!?"

Waving my hands and trying to keep smiling, "Sorry, lost a solid chunk of Memory. Only woke up a couple weeks ago."

Her eyebrow raises, "How big a chunk?"

No way she believes me, "Like all of it, just here starting a league run in hopes someone at the end of year tournament recognises me."

She watches as Josh takes my tray of 3 pokemon to the equipment, "I don't believe you, I can tell that last bit was a lie. But if you're here starting then tell me, what kid took the Turtwig I brought to the lab from Sinnoh?"

I hope I don't have a tell when I'm bullshitting or something, "May, from Petalburg just up the road."

Dawn seems even more surprised now, "Like the full grown ȧduŀt May and not some kid?!"

This chick is annoying, "Ya that's the one, said she wants to give the gym circuit a go and challenge her husband as a surprise. Not that it's any of our business."

She scoffs, "When a Rival enters a competition it's always your business."

The admittedly attractive yet weird woman walks off muttering, "damn her getting married first then deciding to have fun on her own," She dials up someone on her phone, "Cilan dear, remember what we talked about the just other day?... No the other thing… Right, could you send one of those darlings to the Littleroot Lab in Hoenn?"

Josh returns after a bit with my pokemon, "Here you go Kurt. Say did you intentionally trigger Miss Dawn to enter this year's league against her long time rival May? The viewership will be insane!"

Is that what just happened?

"Of Course, aside from how great it will be, I'll also have a better chance of someone recognizing me right?"

This guy couldn't see the bullshit if I shoved it in his face, "Man thats some quick thinking, you had me going for a minute. I'm surprised she took the hook though, she's reportedly very clever."

One last fake laugh for the night, "Well, celebrities and their acts."

At this point I hear a loud thump from outside. Looking towards the door I see a large red dragon ducking through the sliding door.

Two horns, massive claws, bright leathery wings, and a striking flame trailing smoke from its tail, "Holy shit a real Charizard…"

Josh hops over the counter, "That's far enough Big Red, don't want ya setting off the fire alarm again buddy."

The Real Fuckin Dragon hands the lobby guy a large box that was strapped to a harness before lumbering back out the door and taking off into the night with a great leap.

The clerk checks the box before calling over, "Hey Kurt, it's your prize from the League, for your Zubat."

Everyone else in the lobby is still going about their business, only a couple kids from out of town seem excited over what just happened.

Walking over, "So Delivery Dragons is a thing here?"

He seems confused for a moment before laughing, "Big Red has been dropping off large packages here in Hoenn for at least a decade man."

An older bellhop brings a wheeled cart over, the box isnt too heavy but I can definitely tell its full to the brim. An elevator with a glass outer wall towards the coast take me up to the fourth floor. At the end of the hall I find a corner room that is surprisingly roomy. The sign on the door interior states guidelines for letting my team enjoy the room outside of the balls.

Won't wild pokemon trash a hotel room like a rockstar on cocaine? But sure enough I find couple large animal beds stored under my bed and a large perching tree by the window. There's even a sandbox running along the base of one window with a large hollowed out rock.

I can take a hint, "Come on out you three."

Tesla skitters over to the tree before surveying the room while Blue actually heads into the bathroom and closes the door behind him. Shak flaps once to plop himself onto the master bed before going back to sleep.

Um no, "Hold on big fella that's mine."

Rolling him over even a little reveals the massive amount of shedding blue fur, "Nevermind, help yourself big guy."

From the bathroom I hear a hair dryer, "Oh nice, if the hotel wasn't haunted before it sure is now."

Tesla comes down from the tree and actually knocks on the bathroom.

The door cracks slightly and Blue gives one of those creepy kid laughs. Tesla raises her front legs up and waves them back and forth. The ghost nods and let's her in before slamming the door shut again.

"Well, that's a thing."

A wet sounding fart from the bed reminds me of the large box at my feet. I hope it's got a can of air freshener.

Inside the package is first, a nice black backpack, the brand is Rydel. Checking on my phone, it is a bike shop in Mauville. The pack has a set of nice aviator sunglasses and a black leather bomber jacket with red striping on the sleeve, the tag claims it's weather resistant.

Next is a large, black leather harness, this tag says its for riding flying pokemon. It folds up neatly into a compartment in the backpack. Past that are what look like juice packs. A closer inspection of the labels and they are no bull shit blood packs, but from bulls, Tauros actually.

Last are a large jar and a pair of reusable nylon elbow length gloves. At the bottom lies a congratulatory note from the league stating how they look forward to my participation at the end of year event.

"Well if their goal was to motivate me then job well done."

The blood packs are labeled to be given once per day during the golbat evolution to prevent cases of it feeding on local livestock or being aggressive in town. The jar is filled with a purple sludge.

"Wash your pokemon first then massage into the fur of your evolving poison pokemon to ease irritation from the molting. Warning, do not use without proper skin protection, if direct contact is made consult a doctor immediately. Only use in ventilated areas."

Sounds legit enough, "Okay kiddos, bath time then food. Blue open up please."

Sure enough the stump opens the door with a tilted head and curious eyes.

I snap my fingers next to Shak's big ears to wake him up, "Come on big guy, we're gonna clean ya up so you dont itch. Then I got a treat for ya."

He seems eager enough and follows me to the tub. Tesla is spread eagle in front of the hairdryer letting it breeze her red hair. Blue leads the way to the shower that already has a few inches of water.

"Soaking your roots there Blue?"

He splashes cheerily before making room for Shak. The tub basin looks big enough to fit a full grown deer or a small horse. A secondary standing shower for humans is off to the side.

My large bat hops in with a bit of a splash and seems to enjoy the water spraying him down. After liberal use of the hotel shampoo it's time to bust out the sludge. The haunted stump and red bug watch as I slip on the industrial gloves and open a jar that burns the nostrils.

"Good God!"

Blue giggles and Tess covers her nose while Shak seems unfazed. I won't lie, this feels like a level of commitment I wasn't prepared for. The damn thing even purrs like a cat while I'm scrubbing his blue fur. Getting my hands on his wings and belly makes me surprised at how soft and fluffy he feels once we're done.

My phone dings with a notification from the dex app, "Congratulations! Your Zubat has reached 33% of it's evolution, two more days of rest and he'll be ready to battle, please refrain from using him in the meantime."

The ghost pokemon obediently flourishes his stump parts for the herbal spray, and Tesla happily munches on her own food.

A couch under one of the windows will be my bed for the night. Lying beneath the starlight, thinking of future battles, dates with Lacey, discovering strange new sights...I might really enjoy this life.


As long as Shak sleeps in his ball.


Morning check out has me giving a nervous laugh to the girl at the front desk while apologizing for the massive purple stain on the room sheets from my pokemon.

"Don't worry, a couple of ruined sheets is nothing, last week a trainer let his Golem out and the thing decided to jump on the bed! It went through two floors before hitting the lobby. Fortunately most tainers staying here throughout the year are seasoned visitors to the region so quick heads meant no one got hurt."

This world is insane.

"Then there was the time a Muk went from room to room invading guests showering to give them a tickle hehe."

She laughs, but I'm never staying here again!

Back in the lab Professor Birch is waiting with a large case that seems like I can attach it to my new backpack. Next to him is an all white, 3 foot tall Sandslash, like an albino Sonic the Hedgehog but with a bulging belly.

The old timer takes a knee, "The fellow here will be helping us Hauilia. He's gonna take that egg to Steven and then comeback. He'll make one of your pups Strong."

She ambles over and sniffs me, then issues a gentle growl before nodding and heading over to an iced rock formation in the corner of the atrium to rest.

Birch grins, "Well that could have gone much worse. Any way here ya go, Dewford is just south west from here. Once you're on the water you can't miss it."

Which brings the question, "How am I getting there Professor?"

He laughs, "A boat will be leaving from the pier here in an hour. Its privately owned, one of the trainer's parents from last night is lending it to ferry some of the kids that way to challenge Shauna."

"What about Steven, how do I contact him?"

The old man scowls, "He's got a cliffside house on the north most part of the beach. Don't we all wish we could have one. Well best get on the road, leave your number with the front desk so we can monitor your progress. Even in shallow waters you never know what can happen."

I shake the man's hand, "Thanks for the job I suppose, look forward to working with ya."

Another big dude chuckle, "It's exciting isn't it, a new stage of science and discovery, trials and adventure. Between you, May and Dawn, I hope this trend of older trainers making a fresh go of it takes off. Sure would give the economy a fresh boom, more money for everyone."

Ha, "Then we'll see about Mr.Birch's seaside mansion. Later professor."

Outside at the dock I find the bully girl, the tubby lad, the emo rich boy, the princess type and Dawn.

"How far is the swim?"

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