Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 14 - Team Planning

While starting to help me strip the dive gear, the crew gal points to a locker across the room that shakes every couple seconds, "What exactly is in there? Thats way too creepy."

I can't help chuckling, "A Tentacool, maybe the mopey boy will show more emotion than a wilting house plant."

Shaking her head, "Whatever, I don't care if a spoiled brat gets a good fright as long as it isn't the spoiled brat that signs my paychecks."

After finding nothing interesting among the Pokémon for the younger kids, Jane stomps over, "How's this Mister, as of now you're on my team until my carp evolves into a dragon"


Crew Gal gives me a raised brow before explaining, "The large majority of young trainers team up for their gym run. The parents and league encourage it for safety concerns as well helping kids develop social skills. At the same time budding rivalries make the league stronger as a whole."

Now entering from the doorway, Princess Wattson, "Exactly, which is what I've come to discuss with you Mr. Kurt. You did well today and I spoke to Professor Birch on the phone to get some background info on you."

That doesn't sound nice, or very polite.

She continues, "So after also conferring with my father. My family is prepared to hire you on as a bodyguard per say. Which means he'll be on MY team, Miss Jane."

This little Princess just gave the bully girl the dirtiest of side glares.

Jane actually looks hesitant to protest for some reason.

The net gun locker rumbles again, startling the girls before they can really get into an argument.

Having a moment of silence to consider the options I stand up while stripping the dive suit. Both girls immediately turn to face the wall with red faces.

Crew Gal laughs at them, "He has shorts on ladies."

I go over and haul the locker onto my shoulder, "How 'bout this, I accept the job Miss Watts. Bossy, you're on the team too. The two of us will beat up anything that threatens our payday. Oh, and I get to keep the net gun."

Naomi nods as if she expected this answer, "Excellent, I'll inform my father." She then skips off towards the stairs.

Bossy seems like she can't figure out what just happened.

After setting my suit back on a rack the Crew Gal brings me the net gun, "Careful using these sort of things too much Mr. Kurt. Arceus frowns on such behavior and will send local guardian pokemon for retribution."

This sounds like some sort of local religion mumbo jumbo, "You Serious?"

She seems shocked, "Of course! Why do you think all those nefarious teams that make global headlines seem to fade away almost as quickly as they make a big splash. Lord Arceus is very attentive of the balance. Whether it is a boon of luck to a heroic young trainer or inciting a local powerful pokemon into a rage, Arceus finds a way. History is full of such tales."

Well I guess I should be wary of PokeJesus, "Thanks I'll keep that in mind."

Heading up to the back deck I find the rest of the trainors. Tubs is defending his lunch from a persistent Wingull, and Emo is avoiding the sun like a vampire with his umbrella. Over by the pool Dawn is sitting with her legs soaking, I admit it's no small wonder she became a model.

She looks over at me, "No Feebas then, or is it in that box?"

I set it down on the deck, "Nope this is for the pale kid."

Edgar perks up and walks over, carefully eying the locker, "My pokemon is inside?"

"Yup, just open it up and have yourself a battle."

He shakes his head, "I'll skip step one."


The young lad tosses out a pokeball, a flash of red light reveals a large blue candle.

Shielding his eyes from the sun he points a the locker, "Wisp, use Ember."

Just like something out of a cartoon the Candle hops over to the metal container before sending a small torch of flames from its wick.

The locker begins to shake erratically, a bloom of red heated metal appears on the front.

Hardly seems fair, "Hey, Hey, you're kidding right?"

It plops onto the wooden deck and just collapses there, seeming to breath heavily.

Edgar tosses out a pokeball, without a single shake it pings to confirm the catch. Assuming that the poor squid is even alive after being boiled.

"Uh, good job kid… I guess."

He takes a bow like he was giving a performance before retreating inside from the blaring sunlight.

Dawn shakes her head, "That boy needs a good lecture on ethics. Anyway what's the net gun for Kurt?"

Getting over the live cooking performance I pop open Tesla's ball, "This. Okay Tess, watch carefully and think of ideas for your webs!"

My red spider nods eagerly and follows my every movement.

Considering targets on the deck while I wind the firing mechanism. A pool chair just seems boring. Dawn will probably murder me if I net her, wouldn't want to accidentally give an international celebrity a concussion either I suppose.

Tubs is losing ground saving his lunch from the wildlife, "Piss Off you Flying Sea Rattata!"

Tesla chiters excitedly while Dawn screams, "By Arceus what are you doing?!"

She rushes over and carefully extricates the Wingull while leaving the poor kid to figure his own way out of the net.

Dawn gives me a mean look while lovingly stroking the bird to calm it down. Once it relaxes the winged menace even rests it's head on her ċhėst. It makes no attempt to flee as she grabs a pokeball from her beach bag and captures the pokemon.

Whatever, "Tommy, stop messing around and bring my net back kid!"

The chubby child finally breaks free, "What was that for Mr. Kurt?!"

Freining a hurt look, "Excuse me for trying to help save your lunch."

He waddles over dragging the net while Dawn scoffs as she heads inside to change.

Jane speaks up from behind me, "You should go change as well Fatso, that bird lost its own lunch all over your shirt."

I pat his shoulder, "buck up bud, clean up and then come back to battle the Krabby I found. Think of all the battles you'll crush once it evolves to Kingler."

I size her up, five feet tall, denim overalls covering a swimsuit, wild red hair, "We need to work on your attitude Bossy, how old are you anyway?"

Her grinning face freezes up and she looks like she just ate something sour, "What are you asking for? Too young for you ya creep."

"Relax walking disaster, let's say I don't like swearing in front of toddlers."

Looking like she could erupt again, "I'm 16 you ancient jackass!"

That's a surprize, "I'm a youthful 30ish. So how come you got a late start?"

She turns away so as not to face me, "Like you're one to talk."

Seems I won't be getting a reason today, "Yup, this is gonna be a great team. I can feel it."

Honestly not sure why I can't ignore the hormonal brat.

Checking on Tesla, the little spark bug is attempting to spread a web between two of her legs and slingshotting a ball of webbing. Of course she only has four legs so she can't do it without falling over.

I take one of the elastic cords from the net gun and show her how to shoot it like a rubberband, "Once you figure it out try charging it with some sparks as well."

Taking the words of the Crew Gal earlier seriously as well as the officer back in Rustboro, I should get used to using my pokemon. Folks don't seem too keen on personal violence, getting in there and fighting off a pokemon yourself. All conflicts are solved with pokemon battles, the humans of this world seem like they'd be completely lost without pokemon.

Tesla attempts to copy my method but when she releases the ball it just flops to the floor. Her webs just stretched without any elasticity. She hangs her head low in failure.

Petting her back, "You'll work it out girl, keep practicing for a bit."

She chirps and leans into my hand for a second before getting back to practice.

A couple hours later and the sun is drifting towards the water horizon. Sitting on a deck chair, feeling the rocking waves and the rumbling of the boat engine. This might be the most relaxed I've felt since I woke up in this world.

At some point Naomi walks up, "So bodyguard, what part of Unova are you from? Your accent is a bit hard to place but it definitely sounds similar to some of my father's ȧssociates from there."

I glance at her a moment before looking back to the ocean, "Birch must have left out the extent of my amnesia."

Her voice goes up an octave, "That can actually happen?! But you seemed fine with the dive equipment."

"Right, I woke up in the water off Rustboro a month or so ago. I was in the water there, I feel at home on the water now. I must have been some sort of sailor."

For some reason a dozen Seamen puns crowd my head.. I'll spare the young girl from those.

She smiles, unquestionably pretty, "I'll bet you'll make a great water type trainer then! Father always says to look for talented future employees. Did you catch anything good for yourself while you were down there?"

Pointing at the pool, "Is that chlorinated or sea water?"

Her head tilts, "What's chlorinated? The water is pumped from the ocean and periodically recycled."

Alright, chlorine might not be a thing. I will stay far away from public kiddie pools.

I let loose the dive ball that I ran through the PokeCenter equipment earlier. A spiky brown sea horse appears in the water. It looks warily about, probably scared its going to be strangled again, poor thing.

Naomi gushes, "Awe she's adorable!"

She? "How can you tell the gender?"

The princess walks up and points towards the rounded horns on its head, "These would be much sharper if it was male. She's pretty small too, must not be very old."

Guess that means it will be a long while before evolving.

Glancing at the young heiress fawning over the sea creature, "Speaking of types though, what kind of Pokémon team do you want Miss Watts? Wouldn't hurt to make a plan."

She sighs, "Wattson, whatever. My family seems fanatic for electric types. However I admire the regality of Fairy types. Of course I'm not silly to the point of ignoring team balance. The journey does climax with the tournament after all and I refuse to put on an embarrassing display like some sheltered glass doll."

On a poolside chair I reference the dex, "Gardevoir seems tailor fit then... Mega-Altaria, mega again huh. Aside those... Regal and Balance, Alolan Ninetails also nails it. Is it possible for us to make a quick hop to Alola?"

Naomi relaxes her feet in the water, "Cost isn't an issue, I don't see why not. Some might feel its a bit on fair but plenty of trainers use the breeders so... yes, I'll let my father plan arrangements."

A door bursts open with a force that makes both Naomi and the Skrelp jump.

Jane looks around, spotting the small pokemon peeking from the pool, "Perfect, come out Fail Fish, time to Train!"

The carp appears in the water and lazily starts swimming in a random direction near the edge of the pool.

I can only roll my eyes, "Skrelp, tackle it from below, out of the pool."

Fail Fish... doesn't even see it coming. My Skrelp nervously head buŧŧs it right out of the pool where it begins to uselessly flop around.

Whelp, "Guess I won."

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