Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 22 - Red Rebels

Before we leave, Steven also hands over a bag of special Pokemon food for steel types, plus the data chips for the incubator and the move Gyro Ball. Along with instructions for us to come back once we have more gym badges. He'll help Jane evolve her Onix to Steelix.

Dawn seems annoyed about something as we separate at the front gates. Her eyes slightly glaring and she's biting her fingernail.

Oh please you're a grown woman.

I step in front of her, "Out with it girly I ain't got all day."

While I sound serious there's no hiding my joking grin.

She clicks her tongue, "Triple. Whatever the Wattsons are offering, I'll triple it to have you on my team. You're obviously experienced when it comes to action, and I can feel it, you've got some wild luck."

Want to read my palm while you're at it?

Sighing, "Look Lady, I think you're forgetting the whole spirit of adventure thing here. I don't mind the kids, besides I'd wager that luck of mine that you probably have some crazy fan club or something that would flay me alive."

Her tongue clicks again, "Fine… Fiiiine. I'll see you around then. Ah, in fact Naomi invited our team to join your little Alola trip next month. We'll put that luck to use then. Chao."

Edgar gives a polite bow as he follows Dawn away.

I call out to him, "Good lookin out on the ship Eddy, now go and look after that world renowned fashion model. Don't let her fan club catch you sharing a tent!"

Jane and I stop at a tackle shop along the way. I pick up a dive watch and fancy collapsible fishing rod. Jane picks up a belt of dive weights.

Seeing my questioning look, "Strength training for my Pokémon. Heard about it from… older trainers."

Eventually we do make it back to the hotel. In the penthouse I can hear a hair dryer buzzing from Naomi's room.

She walks out in a sporty red trainer outfit. Yoga pants, sport jacket, but still fashionable…

It's already late afternoon, "Going somewhere Princess?"

She smiles while sticking her tongue out, how unladylike, "Yup. My Premier as a star trainer is tonight! The camera crew is already at the gym setting up. My initial interview was in the casino this morning and I performed brilliantly in my screening battle for the gym earlier."

Seems someone forgot to tell me Miss Princess was planning on being a Teen Idol.

"I don't remember cameras mentioned in my employment contract."

She waves her hand, "Lisia talked me into it this morning, she set me up with her uncle's company. Don't think I'm just gonna cave on battles and do the Contest circuit, Hoenn is ripe for a female battle icon! Your new contracts are on the coffee table along with some gifts I won downstairs!"

…well I am supposed to be getting myself seen on tv. This 'missing person' cover story is a pain… oh well.

"We brought souvenirs as well."

I take the sun and moon stone from my bag.

Naomi takes a look, "They're beautifully cut, but I don't think any of the Pokémon we looked at require them. I'll put them in storage for now. Hurry and get cleaned up, you two can have your qualifier battle before my Badge Match tonight."

Meanwhile Jane is having a lag spike trying to decipher the legalese on our employment contracts.

I'm obviously not a pro but everything looks above board. We watch the princess' back, don't do anything embarrassing on camera, and accept a small percentage of any promotion income.

The signing bonuses on the table however…

Next to my contract is a sleek new phone and a Steel Wing T M.

Jane is holding a perfectly round, orange glass ball. Looking inside is a weird egg fragment...Ah! The Jurassic park thing!

"That's an Amber Fossil right?"

Naomi pokes her head out, "I think my scary big sis needs a big scary bird right? Fortree Gym still requires at least one flying Pokémon. Hopefully you'll have a Crobat by then Mr. Kurt."

Nice, I start syncing my phones, "hopefully, what about the Swablu we planned to catch you Princess?"

She calls from her closet, "Grandpa suggested we catch one north of Rustburo before going to Alola. Oh, come see my Ralts egg!"

Jane quickly scampers to the bedroom. Inside she's fawning over a pinkish white and pale green egg the size of a cantaloupe on the bedspread.

Guess we'll have a couple eggs to cart around soon. Our teams are shaping up, which reminds me…

On my own bedsheets, a fat blue bat larger than Naomi is still snoring the day away in semi hibernation.

I nudge him, "Shak bud, make sure you drink those fancy vitamin filled blood packs tonight."

One of the few I left at a feeding station in the room has been torn open. Farm fresh, vitamin enriched blood is scattered across the wall like a homicide scene.

"The cleaning staff is gonna have a panic attack for sure, I better leave a warning on the door…. I should…I could?"

Jane walks in, "what are you mubbling about in herrerrr, Holy Fuck thats a lot of blood!"

I laugh at her jumping back out of the room. I suppose that's enough.

Calling the service desk, "ya this is miss Wattson's room. Our Golbat is resting but he left a bloody mess with dinner. Please warn room services, thanks."

I hang up and head for the Pokémon restoration equipment in the room entryway. Placing in all my pokeballs, the machine pings that my Clauncher is unregistered.

Oh shit that's right!

Calling over Jane, "let's check our pirated Pokémon!"

Our Lureballs open and reveal two red lobsters onto the lobby floor.

Jane just laughs, "I think your luck triggered again Kurt."

The Corphish and shiny Clauncher scuttle together and regard their surroundings cautiously.

I squat down in front of the duo, "easy there, you're safe, nothing is gonna bother you two,"

Naomi hops into the room, "Hey what you looking at?"

A jet of water blasts my face, the force stings quite a bit and my balance sends me tumbling back. Dexa pings; "Aqua Jet."

Jane chuckles, "the little guy even has egg moves!"

Naomi sweeps in and picks up Clauncher, "it's adorable! Does it have a name? Let's go with Ruby!"

Corphish seems panicked that it's buddy was snatched but Jane carefully pats the spiked head, "Relax partner, from now on we're going on adventures together!"

The petting seems to calm it down while the Clauncher getting easily soothed by Watts' snuggles.

Is Ruby even female? I tap the pokeball to my phone to register it. Stats come up that yes, it's female, approximately two months old, and the most common shiny variation.

Jane registers hers, "mine is male, I'll name him Blood Spike! Spike for short."

Please, just stop.

All the Pokémon are healthy and ready for a night out. Ruby is reluctantly pulled from Naomi. It's time to hit the gym!

In the car ride, Jane seems excited, "I bet your Clauncher got confused and mixed into the Corphish nest!"

The rebellious Ruby is currently sleeping in Watts' ŀȧp like a prized breed kitten, "Maybe, but let's focus on the gym, you mentioned screening battles Princess?"

She nods, "they don't just let anyone challenge. One of the apprentice trainers challenged me with her Mienfoo this morning. Dewford gym is all about fighting and water types, being in tune with the natural world and so on."

Sounds like some monk stuff, "What's the battlefield and what sort of Pokémon should I expect?"

Naomi taps a remote in her seat causing a screen to fold down from the ceiling.

Images roll onto the screen as she explains, "Similar to the casino the gym field is a tidal zone. However, this one is a carefully smoothed beach, waves crash in with varying strength raising or lowering the water level. The sand also can be a hazard, heavy Pokémon may get stuck."

Turning to Jane, "This a problem for your new Onix?"

Jane looks worried by Naomi grins, "I can't wait to see it! But actually, as long as she qualifies with Sandile and schedules her gym match at a low tide, she should win out. It won't be easy though, her Sandile has a serious type disadvantage, this gym may be her hardest challenge for a first half choice. That said most of the gym pokemon are bipedal, close combat specialists."

Hmm, "Should we wait and have Jane challenge Dewford later?"

Our rebel girl huffs, "No way, I'm not backing out tonight. But I'll keep the tide schedule in mind for the big fight. If you two both go first I can get a strategy in mind."

In time with her determination, the car stops in front of a large open amphitheater on the beach. The driver opens the door. I can hear the cheers and whistles coming from a crowd.

Glancing at Bossy, "Hope you don't get stage fright."

A nervous smile from her, "You first Kurt."

Why not.

A woman probably older than me, the hot mom type, with faded blue hair paces up in her clicking heels. An average scruffy joe with a camera trailing behind.

Naomi greets her while I return my Clauncher, "Miss Gabby, a pŀėȧsurė to work with you again."

The reporter type grins, "Likewise Miss Wattson. You got a lot of buzz with our interview this morning, instantly started trending. The match tonight will have massive views. I ȧssume this is the team you mentioned?"

Watts nods while Gabby pats her camera dude, "let's record their intro Ty, we can do a more in depth interview later. Make sure to get some highlight shots of their door battles tonight."

I step forward to let Jane breath first.

Shaking Gabby's hand while the cam light indicates recording.

She kicks it off, "So Mr. Kurt, not often we get older trainers hitting the regional gym circuit. But you're a special case, Miss Wattson told is you're suffering from memory loss?"

I flash a relaxed smile, "Suffering is overplaying it. I may not remember much about myself past a month ago but I'm confident that anyone concerned for me will spot me pretty quick with how popular Naomi seems. She's a good kid so I think we can expect great things this year."

Yup, gotta play up the girl who writes the checks a bit without discrediting myself.

Gabby smiles and checks her notes, "You can talk! Alright Next question."

Game faces back on, "Miss Wattson said you've worked with her to plan a team that fits her style, what about yourself?"

Confident grin, "Not so much planning for myself, I'm more of a go with the flow type. Pokémon have helped me figure out who I am on a personal level. Admittedly I have a flair for mischief it seems, so expect some crafty Pokémon. I'm sure my team will grow as I discover more about myself."

Gabby takes some notes and gives me a thumbs up, "Any mischief for tonight?"

I laugh, "My buddy Blue and I have a few tricks up or sleeves!"

The reporter taps her cameraman, he stops filming.

Couple more scribbles, "Alright, I think that's a fun little intro. Great job Kurt. You're up red."

Jane jumps a bit but Gabby is a pro with young trainers, she straightens Jane's jacket and gives her a reassuring stare. I stand just in eye sight and give a stupid wink.

Gabby signals the camera, "Jane Thompson, rebel with a cause, and an example for our troubled youth. What are your goals for your journey as a Pokémon trainer."

The words trigger something in Bossy, "I'm going to show that no one is really a lost cause. We're gonna shatter your expectations, I'm not trash in a gutter and Naomi isn't a delicate flower that can't fight."

Gabby seems fired up, she's not pulling the next punch, "You know your father Rico will be watching the tournament at the end. What kind of show will you put on for him?"

Jane glares at the camera, "He can sit behind his bars and watch me legitimately crush the competition. No scemes, no cheats, I'll be coming like a wrecking ball!

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