Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 29 - Port Call

While the guide tug leads us into the ranger dock I mull over my conversation with The Pike, Lucy. I had been largely ignorant of a two sided coin very critical to trainers in their first year.

On one side, it's difficult to split your time training more than one pokemon. Haste makes waste and other old folk sayings. The other side is that by limiting what you catch you limit your options. While in a controlled environment that might be less important but these journeys are no park walks.

Next part was something I also haven't considered, nothing stops you from catching all you can. Sure if you nab a whole nest of the same species you'll be fined. However, six is not a hard limit.

Even what May told me wasn't entirely accurate. If you say 'emergency' or hold down the pokeball buŧŧon for three seconds, your locked pokeballs will still function...And it sends a ping to the local rangers in case you need ȧssistance.

Lucy speaks up as she sees our destination, "Heads up, Isaac Moss is planning on letting your team each pick a pokemon as a reward. He's heir to the family so I'm sure you can weasel a bit more if you promise not to mention what happened. Oh, and the rangers are going to offer you half the poke from auctioning this boat."

Hey, "Only half?"

She laughs, "Yup, the other half is mine. Sorry but my time is worth more even if you did most of the work."

Comes with owning a gyarados I guess. I won't gripe about getting half of something I didn't expect.

I put the engines to full stop and let the tug position the ship. Wingulls bring tie lines and in short order we're down on land again.

The rangers get my statement and then start moving all the pokemon to a waiting flatbed truck with the Moss Ranch logo. A green standing stone in a circled wooden pen, sorta like a pokeball with a stretched up buŧŧon.

By the time the grunts are hauled off the other two ships have both docked. Golduck and Greninja swim over to the Jolteon. I get a text from Naomi with the address of a local restaurant.

Showing Lucy, "Shall we?"


The place is fancy enough, on the second floor of an imported goods shopping mall and overlooking the bay. A Wattson family lawyer and one for the Moss family meet us at the table. Isaac Moss, nervously trying to keep his sea green hair out of his face, shows Jane, Naomi and I a ship's inventory of the pokemon.

For Naomi, she has a Flabebe, Clamperl, and a Ralts egg. On her capture wishlist is Cottonee and Swablu. She mumbles something about a fairy garden. Otherwise she has a bunch of fancy horses she'd like but aren't around here. Blitzle apparently doesn't make that cut.

"My whole family uses electric pokemon, pass thank you. Did anything else catch your eye Mister Kurt?"

Staring at a type chart on my dex app, "If you care about coverage at all, how about a fighter. One of the Mienfoo was unique."

She looks it up on her phone, eyes bulging a little, "Perfect!"

Jane meanwhile has been in a whispered huddle with her aunt. She turns to Isaac, "We see you only have two Venipede. Was that meant to be a breeding pair?"

He nods hesitantly while glancing at the lawyers, "I'm sure we can make an arrangement so long as you're willing to loan the resulting Scolipede back to… well you know."

Both her and Lucy give a satisfied nod, "Works for us."

The table turns to me, I haven't touched the inventory printout in front of me, "I hear your ranch has Eevee?"

Isaac looks visibly relieved, his lawyer interjects, "Yes, I'm sure we'd be happy to let you jump the waiting list for purchase,"

I cut him off, "Nope, you'll be giving me a female as young as possible. Along with a leaf stone or moss rock. In this ball."

A Luxury ball gets placed on the table, this one has green and silver trimmings instead of red and gold. I traded the first one at the casino.

Isaac gulps and looks to the lawyer again.

Doing the classic glasses push, "Overplaying your hand Mister Kurt? The wait list for Eevee alone is over a year long."

"Not at all," my grin wolfish, "I'm willing to sign a nondisclosure agreement concerning how poorly protected your shipment was and escort the truck to Mauville City."

Lucy chuckles and closes Jane's open jaw, Naomi hides a smile.

Lawyer man actually nods, "Naturally we'd request one from Miss Jane here as well but that should be agreeable. The truck will leave tomorrow morning."

Slumping in his chair Isaac whɨnės, "Lydia is gonna kick my ȧss."

After the early dinner, our next stop is the hotel. Again apparently owned by the Wattsons.

I get a creepy surprise when two of my Joltik pop out of her ball. Only one moves to snuggle onto the bed however. I nudge the remaining husk, "You molting girl?"

She chitters a delicate nod after making a blanket burrow.

The room has a computer, so I link it with my phone and scan both the husk and Tesla.

A video featuring Professor Juniper pops up, "Joltik Evolution can be anticipated and tracked based on their moltings. Normally Joltik molt once a year in spring. When nearing evolution they will molt weekly three times on average depending on how much they eat during the process. You can tell the difference between an annual molt and evolution molt by both the timing and if the Joltik gains hints of Galvantula's stripes."

The slide shows a normal yellow Joltik with larger pedipalps and slight brown striping.

Sliding back Tesla's blanket a bit I can see some grey lines coming in, "Looks like you're gonna need more food, girl."

She nuzzles into my palm for scritches and quickly drifts off to dream land.

There's a bit left to the video so I hit play, "Once they molt, Joltik should be allowed to rest while their new exoskeleton hardens. One day is plenty."

While I relax and ignore my Golbat ripping ȧss in the corner, I flip on the TV.

A reporter is interviewing Mr. Stone, "Do you have any comment on Brawly, ex gym leader of Dewford, returning to Kanto?"

In typical political fashion, "It's not my place to comment on him. However the city council has my support as they have a sterling track record this last decade."

That reminds me, I better send that researcher Mario an email since we're in town.

Barely two minutes pass before I get a reply asking me to meet him at the Oceanographic Institute in an hour.

Well, it is only seven. I text the girls, Naomi will join me and hit the pokemart on the way. Jane is with her aunt.

Looking around the room, "Blue guard Tess and the egg, Shak, off your ȧss bud."

Walking down stairs I'm already having a hard time keeping up with a team of five. Not to mention that we're headed inland again.

Watts is waiting in the lobby with her new Mienfoo in her arms like a teddy, it seems perfectly fine with it.

She hops in front of me, "Kurt, meet Froosh. Froosh, this is Kurt. I hope you don't mind Kurt, if she joins us tonight?"

I'm not calling her that, it's kungfu weasel or Mienfoo, "Let's get to shopping. I wanted to ask what our plan for the next couple weeks are regarding our water pokemon?"

We make for the front door which I hold for the little heiress. Her reply, "Thank you. We can leave them in Mauville for now. There is a public Aquarium in the city which has a private section for those who can afford it. My family Owns it. It won't be for too long, after Rustboro gym we'll be visiting Alola after all."

Honestly the idea of leaving any of my pokemon behind for a time seems stressful. I need my own place with a caretaker, which I guess is exactly what she's talking about.

The shops hear in Slateport are loaded with the hard to find stuff. Best of which are all the supplements for bug and electric type that my Joltik will need. Naomi actually is a huge help here.

When we pass the doll shop, Naomi cuddles her Mienfoo more. Again, it seems to enjoy the attention.

It's a short walk to the institute. The buildings are all glass shaped like eggs. Marius meets us at the gate and escorts us to the main lobby where he has a ŀȧptop sitting on a bench. Another older man in a grey suit is waiting near an exhibit featuring a massive mural of Kyogre.

He turns to us, "Hello I'm Captain Stern, Marius was kind enough to arrange this quick meeting, I'd like to thank you again for helping him with his project."

I laugh, heck of a project, "It was quite the adventure and I'm happy it went so well for your institute."

Stern chuckles, "Really I don't know how it could have gone better. Well except perhaps if the Sharpedo nest and Dhelmise had been cleared. In fact I was actually hoping to offer you that commission."

Time is a bit tight, "We just came from there, what kind of timetable are we talking about?"

The young researcher steps into the conversation, "There won't be an available institute on site crew for nearly a month. However Mr. Stone has kindly agreed to close off the area. Those were powerful pokemon so hopefully that gives you some time to figure out a plan."

I look to Noami, she considers our schedule, "By that time we'll be back from Alola, explored some spots near Rustboro and gotten our Petalburg badges. It should fit perfectly for Jane to visit Mr. Stone again as well."

"Sounds like we have a plan then." I offer my hand for Captain Stern to shake.

Marius looks like he's about to pull up his ŀȧptop but Stern cuts him off, "Not this time Marius. Thank you for your time Kurt, Miss Wattson, I know it was rather late to ask for a meeting."

Guess you're still low on the totem pole Mario.

Meeting adjourned, we're escorted out.

Watts hops ahead a bit, "What do you think Marius was going to show us Kurt?"

Hmm, "Probably something to do with Lugia. Personally I think we have a long way to go before that mess. I'm more worried about that Mega Sharpedo."

Naomi sticks out her tongue, "Boo, but I guess we have been on the water plenty. I need to catch up. You already have eight Pokémon if we count the fossil, egg, and eevee. We only have one badge!"

Well, "I have two. The eevee is for my girlfriend, and my Skrelp is gonna spend a lot of time in fishtanks it seems."

Seeing the hotel ahead, "I think we should ask Jane's aunt for more advice on the drive tomorrow. I hardly feel we have time to train our Pokémon with this tight schedule."

She looks at her new Mienfoo, "You're probably right. I want time to get to know Froosh. This is why the season takes nearly all year."

Ah that reminds me, "We should also battle the other teams at some point. I'm surprised your cousin didn't come with us."

The young girl turns away, ���Vermilya and I don't get along. She… thinks I'm 'So stuck up I couldn't notice her if she punched my face!' Was how she put it."

Unfortunately I chuckle, "You've been playful and polite as far as I've seen.. Don't worry, we'll show her whose head is in the clouds."

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