Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 38 - Dressed to Thrill

The musicians head up for an encore song to close the event while the rest of us head back to the locker room area. While we leave our pokemon with the inhouse med station and staff I catch more than a few dirty looks. Fortunately Jane is a bit distracted by the trophy guitar but Naomi seems to have caught on.

This is Mauville however, and the staff here technically works for our petit princess. I lead the girls over to sit by the security desk. Apparently it's not too uncommon for disputes to break out down here after the battle. The guard on duty sitting back while scratching his Electabuz's head.

"Mr. Kurt, a woman named Lacy Cutter is waiting just outside. You can bring her in but she needs this pass." He hands me a card on a lanyard.

"Can I have two," Cindy came as well, "she and her friend came from Rustboro, can't leave one of them just hanging out there."

He looks to Naomi then nods and hands me another.

I turn to her, "Thanks. Hey, try and call over your cousin. Congratulate her about her win, try to reconnect. The less you talk about yourself the better."

She appears to think that over while nodding and looking for Vermilya in the crowd. Leaving her and the dazed Jane I head for the exit.

Alloy stops me on her way to Naomi, "Better luck next time Mr. Kurt."

A polite smile, "No worries, I'm already looking forward to participating again. The girls got their moment to shine, including you, congrats."

The Amplitude badge on her ŀȧpel looks like a lightning bolt over a speaker. She smiles with a glow that I'm sure drives the teen boys wild.

Glancing over my shoulder I catch Jane looking this way and in daze for an entirely different reason. ….Teenagers.

Lacy leaps into my arms just outside the doors, "Congratulations! Your team did great."

Her lips have a hint of strawberry flavor as I take in the sight of her coppery red hair and golden eyes.

"This is definitely a pleasant surprise," I set her to my side and hand both the girls their passes, "And you too Cindy thanks for coming."

The blonde nurse awkwardly chuckles, "She didn't want to come all the way alone, and I'd never seen the Mosh live."

"Well I'm glad you did, let's head in. Mind the grumpy kids though."

Even as I speak the words the doors behind me slam open and two boys and two girls in dark purple outfits walk out. The Pyre Wisps give me a glare but don't stop on their way up the stairs. Other teams start to come out.

The Fallarbor Ronin seem glum but the boy who had the Zangoose pauses to shake my hand, "Nice battle Kurt, guess we may face off again later."

With a firm handshake, "I'm looking forward to it, train hard."

All of them nod, "We will, believe it."

Next out the door are the Spitfires and I have to call out, "Awesome Torkoal, and where y'all get a Quilava?"

Two of the three girls grin, the other puffs her cheek, hers was the Koffing.

Torkaol's trainer, a tall teen with a massive mohawk of dreads shakes my hand, "There's an exotic fire type breeder in Lavaridge, Amber's Cinder is descended from the late Master Moore's Typhlosion. My Torkoal, Oni was alpha of his heard,"

"Enough Avril, you can talk his ear off at the dinner. Let's go." I get a polite wave as they move on.

I look at Lacy who's on my arm, "I guess there's a dinner."

Shrugging, "That's fine, I figured this would be an all night event."

As the door opens again I'm getting the idea I should move or face every team.

The three dragon lads walk out chatting giving me only a passing, "Awesome battle Kurt! See you upstairs."

Ah, and now I have the venue. Heading in I find my team chatting with Alloy and Vermilya while Dawn and May are having a quiet conversation.

Cindy pipes up, "Oh Arceus, I get to meet Dawn!"


Lacy leads me forward, "Hey May!"

The rivals separate, May smiling, "Heya Doc!"

"Oh," Dawn checks out my girl, "So you're the gal keeping the human Lucky Charm to herself."

"Certainly Miss Dawn," her arm tightens slightly around mine, "and I've no intention of sharing."

I laugh, "Ah, babe, you really missed me?"

Cindy actually mutters, "I know I did."

She whispers, "Winston started making noise again last week. I think he's paying visiting trainers to cause problems for our cousin, Chief Haley. Probably wants to get her demoted for rattating him out to Father."

Right, the creep who wants Naomi. The girl in question is all smiles right now however, it looks like Alloy helped bridge the gap between old friends. Now the Stone heiress is checking out the guitar trophy.

"Kurt," May calls, "We've got an hour before the dinner social in the atrium garden. I noticed you looked a bit surprised by the Furfrou show earlier. You should let us take Doc dress shopping while your team gets ready."

Cindy loses it, "Arceus, dress shopping with May and Dawn!"

I bonk her on the head.


"They're people, and one's a total wench."

May looks to Dawn, daring her to deny it. However she just shrugs, "I'm sure we can find something nice in the world's largest mall."


Myself, well Naomi's designer might have gotten carried away. Slim black suit with onyx cufflinks and red paisley vest and tie...and black leather cowboy boots.

Lacy Cutter's wide eyed thirst when the elevator doors open make the uncomfortable boots more than worth it.

"Howdy Ranger," she whispers, sliding her arm into mine.

Her Archen hops onto my shoulder while I admire her copper dress making her look like a grecian goddess, "looking quite gorgeous yourself. How you doing Archy?"

The foot tall winged dinosaur gives a whistle and chirp while nuzzling my hair.

Catching sight of Cindy I immediately avert my gaze, "Why Miss Devon, that yellow dress is going to make some young boys start puberty."

Her frilly electric yellow outfit only has a foot of modesty between the neckline and the waistline.

She barks a laugh, "Well normally boyfriends don't just wash up on beaches."

May is in a modest pink dress you might find at any summer barbeque. Which is a stark contrast to Dawn, whose blue gown has a leg slit that actually does ride her hɨps and connect to the neckline like silky shoe lace.

Dawn catches my confusion, "This is the annual party celebrating the league entering full swing. Many of the most influential people in Hoenn are likely in attendance. Back in Sinnoh most of the gym leaders would be in attendance. Famous trainers, contest favorites, world league participants, the whos who."

Um, hell no, "Naomi, remember what we just talked about informing me of large events?"

"Ah," she clearly realises I wouldn't have known about this, "Sorry Kurt, it's an annual event. I forgot that you, well, forgot."

"Right, well no mosh pits like back at the casino. Let's find a table and your friends."

Don't think I miss the visible disappointment as she glances towards a stage off in the distance. Luckily it's not hard to spot the lights reflecting off of Alloy's silver hair. She and Vermilya are at a table tucked off to the side.

May and Dawn split off their own ways, meeting old acquaintances or in May's case I see her hop into the arms of a tall fellow in a nice beige suit. He is accompanied by a grinning Swampert with a clip on bowtie.

I let my own Joltik out of her ball. Lacy immediately picks her up, "Her there darling, you're growing wonderfully!"

After making sure Jane and Naomi are settled and under watch of nearby Wattson Security, I lead my girlfriend to a table just a bit further along the treeline. Still in sight of the girls of course, I won't neglect that I'm definitely on the clock here.

Lacy brushes back the subtle curls of her coppery hair, "So, have you been a good boyfriend Kurt?"

Trying not to be distracted by her readjusting legs, "I've successfully fended off international supermodels and farmgirls alike I'll have you know."

She gives Tesla some scratches to the sound of happy chirps, "Could have called more, but I guess I'll let it slide this first couple weeks."

I let Archen hop to the nearby trees to play, "Actually, what are your plans for returning to Rustboro? We can probably head that way together. Five might make the jeep tight but the princess is tiny, she'll fit between Jane and Cindy in the back."

"Such royal treatment," She laughs, "That would be great though."

Scooting our chairs closer together, "While talking about travel, ever thought about visiting Alola?"

Her brow raises, "I mean of course but I just took a week off for this. Also, You really wanna take that step to planning vacations together? What about finding out who you are? Acreus Kurt, I admit I've fallen for you by no small amount," She pauses to look at the sky as if hoping not to wake from a dream, "but you're old enough you could have a family already and not remember it!"

Reaching in my coat, I pull out the Luxury Ball, "I ran into someone in Dewford, claimed she worked for me." Lacy's eyes are locked on the pokeball, "The gal told me I did the memory wipe to myself, and to just live my best new life."

There's a slight quiver in her voice, "That's crazy Kurt, but, that ball…"

"Relax," I put my arm around her, "I got this for you before Naomi told me how proposals are done. I can't just sit on it for months into a relationship when anyone reasonable would think to purpose."

"Haaa," I can't even begin to figure the range of emotions in that half sigh, half laugh. "Look at you being all reasonable while holding what looks like an engagement ball for a girl you've known for bȧrėly more than a month."

A quirk of my lips, "I didn't say it wasn't."

Her gold eyes search mine for a hint of lies or something else.

But the moment is doomed to be soured in such a public setting.

"Hey old man!" Interrupts some punk kid in a black and purple suit.

One of the Pyre Wisps, his Growlithe snarling from his heel.

Slowly rising from my chair I kiss a fuming Lacy on the temple, "We have all the time in this world to figure it out."

Now standing before the punk, straightening my cuffs as two of his teammates step forward, the girl with the Meditite and the boy with the Duskull.

I notice some of the party goers nearby looking this way, including my own team whom I signal to back off.

Looking between the three of them, "There was another of you wasn't there? And it's incredibly rude what you just did, interrupting a couple having a private moment and all."

"She's still looking after her Gloom, and like you give a shit about being proper. Bringing a massive pokemon like Onix to the first mosh of the year!"

Are these three going to challenge me to a battle? "Don't be stupid kid, you saw the posted average pokemon level even before the fight. And what makes you think I don't care when I sent in a tiny Joltik?"

That makes the other two pause but the brat is too headstrong, "That so? Fine let's see what makes you believe crushing our pokemon with an Onix counts as caring!"

His growlithe takes a step forward.

"Let's see if you're all bark kid," I pull out Shak's ball, "You know, one of the best parts about Mauville is that it has everything a growing pokemon needs."

My seven foot tall, winged bear of a Golbat appears in front of the teen boy and his little dog.

"Even barrels of blood."

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