Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 42 - Totally Not Jurassic Park

Ripping past us with a stream of tail wind, a young Aerodactyl barrel rolls away before taking a neck breaking bank around one of the stone pillars.

"Damn, are they all that fast?" No way Shak can move like that.

Naomi fixes her wind blown hair, "I highly doubt it."

Rob just chuckles and points as three more race by us followed by a somewhat larger one that's flapping hard just to keep up.

He chuckles, "Well introductions are out of the way, those five are the ones at a proper age to join a trainer on a journey."

Suddenly the entire catwalk shakes and the sound of claws on metal come from behind us. A fully grown dino bird is perched above us. It lowers its head to the side of the fenced in walkway and gives each of us a look over.

Our guide gives it a wave, "This girl is the alpha female of the aviary, meet Titania. She's also the adoptive mother of those five. We try not to have more than three clutches in here otherwise there's not enough room to fly around."

*Aerooo!* Titania gives Rob a cheerful squawk before taking off after her kids, causing the path to shake again.

Jane is practically hopping, "She must be taller than Kurt!"

Easily, and Rob confirms, "Six foot five, 'bout as big as they...normally get."

Cause that doesn't sound incriminating at all, "I take it you've seen bigger?"


Robert didn't catch that, "In some labs they've done limit tests on the genomes connected to overall size. The biggest was over double Tina here at 14 feet tall, had a wingspan just over 30 feet. Unfortunately such drastic variation resulted in the poor guy only living to about ten years old before the tendons in his wings just gave out."

Sounds about right, "What about the smallest?"

He grimaces, "Multiple organ failures in each specimen. Heart too big, kidney underdeveloped, hernias, you name it. That's why we stick as close as possible to a size based on the average complete fossils discovered. Across all species for that matter, we don't wanna be like the lab in Kalos."

Naomi nods and explains for me, "Last year there was a big scandal at the largest fossil lab in the world. Champion Bonnie arrested several of the scientists who were doing under the table projects for private collectors."

I can't help a chuckle, "So my dream of a hundred foot tall Carracosta is a no go?"

RIP adventures with Godzilla.

The scientist smirks, "Well, maybe not that tall but ours are above average." He continues before I can point out the contradiction. "You see we plug the genetic gaps with samples of similar modern pokemon, all in the hopes of the most healthy specimens."

Oh come on, at least be original, "Let me guess, Blastoise?"

"Correct, and for this latest batch of Aerodactyls we used Noivern DNA samples."

Looking as best we can as the flock streaks by once more, a couple do have odd markings.

Jane points at one of the three in the middle of the pack, "Does that one have feathers?!"

It's too far to see now but Rob nervously chuckles, "ya… he picked up whatever gene causes Noivern to grow large manes, so feathers."

Lacy hums, "sounds a bit close to that hybrid line you mentioned."

I'm beginning to suspect she really doesn't like this place.

"Fortunately our data records provide proof we didn't even get close to the 10% policy. Still," he eyeballs them diving after some meat that was just thrown in from a platform across the water. "I'd prefer he was taken into a team before the quarterly inspection."

Jane's Bossy persona kicks in, "call him over."

Rob sputters, "they aren't trained. It's not like I can just,"

She points and yells, "Hey! You with the feathers, get over here!"

Two fly over here while the others try to get more food.

The first is the maned fella, grey body with flecks of black in the feathers. Second one is slightly smaller with a charming plume at the crown of its head.

They're only about two feet tall, hatchings bȧrėly over a month old.

I turn to Rob, "yall ever submit these to the lab for rookie day?"

"No, they're too,"

The smaller one with the purple plume lands first in the catwalk and preens as if to declare itself here to save the day.

"Haaa, Wild?"

Lacy snickers while Jane gives this one a flat look, "you're cute but I'm here for him."

It visibly deflates and moves to step in front of the other hatchling just stumbling through the protective wires on the walkway.

Seeing it's sibling interfere, he puffs up and flares his still growing mane while growling.

The plumed shorty flinches and moves aside before scrambling out of the path.

"I like him," Jane squats down and looks him in the eyes, "wanna go on an adventure tough guy?"

The scaled lips turn up in a smirk as it gives an excited, "Daak!" and beats his wings once.

Jane laughs, "alright go say your goodbyes then!"

He flies off while the despondent Rob mutters, "they always listen better to trainers."

Well let's get some other questions out of the way, "So what else have you tried? Seems like plenty of time has gone by to nail down a recipe."

Shrugging, "I can see how you'd expect that. We've tried just piecing together pure Aerodactyl but something about their biology doesn't mix well with modern times, they all developed autoimmune problems."

Titania swoops by once more getting another wave from the researcher, "She's been a great pillar for the program, we used Garchomp sampling."

"She's completely bipolar," Lacy cuts in with a frown, "About every other month your lab sends me someone who's limb is bȧrėly attached or completely severed." Dialing back her tone, "How is Frank by the way?"

"He's regained most of his movement, still won't be seeing him in the weight room." He straightens his back, "But after last years fiasco with the Charizard variants we've determined that dragon typing is the best avenue for a healthy clutch."

"So no fire breathing options?"

His dark look might make a toddler cry, "It's heartbreaking having to euthanize an entire clutch of baby pokemon… Charizard have an extremely complicated system of internal heat regulation, Aerodactyl don't."

I raise my hands, "Hey I can only imagine. Let's take this party to the turtles huh? Jane can hang out here and get better acquainted with… What ya naming him kid?"

Jane folds her arms while watching the pups fly about, "Manes are for alpha pokemon, I need something regal and aggressive."

"Ares," I mean it fits, "Hot tempered... warlord from history back home," ish, "Wore a big feathery helmet."

She grins, "I like it, Ares it is!"

As we exit I look around once more at the habitat. It's strange, I can tell the pillars are real stone, the plants too. The other enclosures as well, nothing in here is molded plaster or similar. It's all made out of natural materials or metal.

"So Kurt, will you be adopting as well?" Rob asks after getting a thumbs up from one of his colleges checking my shell fossil.

"Sure, show me what you've got." This is just like buying a pet back home, they always said adopt instead of buying from a breeder… Except I work with the top breeder in the region.

Okay let's not overthink this.

The Tirtouga and Carracosta exhibit is less grand than the aviary but no less interesting from my perspective. As we walk through an aquarium tunnel surrounded by large kelp species I can't help but think this must be open to the public.

"You get a lot of visitors?"

"Of course," Rob gets a bit of pep in his step, the pride radiating from him, "Fundraising events, school trips, and to a limited extent the general public. We have open house hours on the weekends when we also have more part time staff on hand."

Beyond the glass I see a Tentacool swim by, Staryu, Qwilfish, and these sea urchin pokemon called Pincurchin and Pyukumuku. There's even this massive sea anemone called a Toxapex that shrinks down as a blue hulk of a sea turtle glides over it, the Carracosta.

It's an impressive diversity, "lots of painful pokemon in there, are they all from fossils?"

Robert the Science Guy is ready to school me, "Some, to you first point however, Carracosta are predators. It's not good for their mental wellness to be the only species in the habitat but the other residents need to be capable of defense."

He points towards the Toxapex, "She's from the fossil program on exchange from Alola, part of studying how ancient species interacted and how they interact with modern species."

We take a ramp out of the tunnel and enter a beach inside the enclosure where we find an older woman on a beach chair in a bathing suit that really should hide more of someone her age. On a chair next to her is a blue sea bird… a Cramorant.

Lacy gives a loud hum, "I see you've expanded the number of ancient species on display."

Down the beach a Tirtouga is tussling with another turtle, Chewtle, but every one is looking at my girlfriend wondering, 'what the hell?'

The older woman doesn't look up from her book, "Good morning Doctor Cutter, sharp as always."

Rob coughs, "Kurt this is Doctor Hudson, she's one of our... higher ranked, staff members."

Lacy gives a dark laugh, "He was going to say Senior. Isn't that right, Shelly? I see you're an injured coworker shy of your usual productivity."

Shelly sighs and places a bookmark, "I was just getting to the steamy bit." Her Cramorant squawks, "I'll read it to you later Aqua."

Our peacekeeper steps in, hesitantly, "Doctor Hudson, Kurt here will be adopting a Tirtouga."

Now she sits up, while taking a moment to check her own tan, "That's good news, not many trainers choose these bullies."

He gives a nervous laugh, "They are a tad snippy but I wouldn't call them bullies."

Finally she looks at me, "No tauros shitting, the young ones bite anything in reach and the older they get the more stubborn they become. Especially our Big Momma. So, still want one?"

Guess I'll buy a chew toy, "It's just what I need for my team, and I'm fine if it's on the aggressive end."

Blue eyes stare me down before she turns to Rob, "Let's get one of the older ones out of here, better they go to a ċȯċky ȧduŀt than some kid with their head in the clouds."

Hold on, "How old? Yall never did mention how well your Carracosta program is performing aside saying they're tall."

This puts a smirk on the gal, "Why Robbie, you usually don't fail to brag. We're the best coastal pokemon facility outside of Alola, especially these blue brutes. They'll outlive you, young man."

"Maim," ol' Robbie tries to cut in but she keeps going on her defensive rant.

"Did he tell you it was just Blastoise sampling? Or was he at least semi honest and say we also use several sequences from Drednaw as well?"

Naomi finally has something to say, "Doctor Hudson, it sounds to me like you're about to reveal corporate secrets, that I'm certain falls under whatever NDA you signed. Which would likely… um."

Shelly stares at the Wattson heiress, "I recognize you, you're the old man's granddaughter." then the mocking tone arrives, "Little Wattson Princess on the news every other week."

Lacy steps in front of Naomi, "Enough you human Tentacruel. Arceus, that's probably an insult to Tentacruels."

Well, didn't think I'd meet a bikini clad sea witch today, "Regardless of personal histories or sentiments. Your professional guarantee is that you have a pokemon for me that won't kick the bucket from some genetic malformation?"

And for the first time, the hag looks actually well and truly offended, "Absolutely, my little snappers are all future eternal rulers of the battlefield. That's a guarantee with a capital G."

With that she pulls a whistle from her bikini top and gives it a blow.

Splashes from the surf reveal four Tirtouga and the one Carracosta, the other Tirtouga that was battling on the beach shuffles over. Each of them is near the size of a military duffle bag.

The Carracosta however, now standing face to face… is just as tall as me. Which considering the dex put the average at four feet, she's a big girl.

A couple of the turtles immediately begin squaring off with each other. The last one shuffling over decided better I guess and turned back around. Another is attempting to bite Big Momma's tail. While the last is posing proudly beside the mother, trying to lift its front up to stand bipedal like her.

I point at the proud one, "Boy or girl?"

Doctor Shelly rolls her eyes, "The best are always female."

Okay lady, "If you say so," squatting in front of the turtle, "So, do you want to get out of this kiddy pool and see the real ocean? Show people what you've got?"

She gives me the side eye and begins to turn away but the Big Momma stomps her foot.

Leaning down she lets out a long and deep growl, "Cahrrrrrrraa."

I don't move, it's intimidating sure, but more than anything I'm curious of just how intelligent these things are sometimes. She then reaches with her massive arm and shoves the young one towards me with an authoritative, "Costa."

There's a shadow of pouting, but the Tirtouga raises her head and sits before me.

"Welcome to the party girl, your new name is Zilla."

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