Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 44 - Off the Beaten Path

Well plans change. We spend the afternoon and evening having a relaxing time at the house. Frank helped me ȧssemble the sandbox set while the girls did some online swimsuit shopping.

Our pokemon got some free range time in the backyard. The Doc doesn't have a ton of space mind, we are in what you could call downtown Rustburo. Still, there's a nice pergola covered sitting area. Small plants and a vine covered fence surround a grassy area just large enough for Jane's Onix to lay out for some afternoon sun. Some of the pokemon hop in the branches of Lacy's flowering tree while the rest socialize or in Blue's case, play construction foreman.

Our new fossils thought they were hot stuff right up until the Onix and mammoth Golbat appeared. The bat in question is doing his best snorlax impression, sleeping in the shade of the tree. Jane's Venipede initially looked left out but she patted her ŀȧp and now it's happily getting some one on one time, shell polishing.

Naomi's Mienfoo seems to be on self imposed egg duty, ready to jump kick each time the Aerodactyl pup flies close.

Zilla the Tirtouga seems to be trying to challenge Crooky the Sandile to a battle, but there just isn't the space and we're aiming for a relaxing evening.

Floette and Joltik take in the lovely evening breeze from the high branches while chittering away in their own strange way.

It's peaceful, in a way I definitely didn't expect to find amidst a pokemon journey. I'm still eagerly awaiting what exciting adventure and scenery we'll visit next, but this is nice too.


Cut to the following morning, a late start apparently has consequences.

"Naomi, what am I looking at?"

The princess scowls at legit traffic crowding the road as we walk from Lacy's house to the trailhead for Meteor falls.

"Well, we headed out quickly but after the first mosh, trainers often get fired up and flock to areas rumored to have powerful pokemon… I forgot."

Like a national park on a holiday weekend, a line of cars jams the road. From the tunnel clear through town and up the hill towards the north mountains where the falls are located.

"I thought it was mostly kids that go on journeys?"

Jane snorts, "Everyone wants a dragon Kurt, especially the weekend of the opening mosh. Really it is the single worst weekend to come here."

The sight doesn't get any more encouraging once we reach the actual preserve. And it is a preserve, signs posted and everything. A big sign over the dusty parking lot entrance, 'Welcome to Meteor Falls, Home of Dragons!'

It almost seems too much a hassle to try and come here today but, the breeder commission for a female Bagon was specifically ASAP, and I don't want Naomi to miss out on her Swablu goal because they all got caught.

"Um," turning to my teen partners in potential misdemeanors, "I don't suppose there is a less public option?"

Noami shrugs but Jane pounds her fist, "I heard that there are some amazing spots along the coastal side of the mountain."

"That some Juvi gossip or do you have a solid source?"

She hits my shoulder, "They ain't a bunch of liars Kurt, but Aunt Lucy also mentioned it at some point I think."

As most folks here seem too busy unloading their jeeps or headed for the trail start among the big pines. The couple fellas in ranger uniforms are busy directing the parking. So no one notices us hop the wooden fence and head west towards the coast. I know from the map that we're a couple miles from the coast and another few to the western cliffs.

Also, based on the ridiculous article in the dex app complete with pictures, more cliffs mean higher chance of finding Bagon. Really what in the name of Darwin inspires an entire species to dive off cliffs in hope of learning to fly without wings. Only to evolve them out of pure force of will!?

Morning sunlight means my bat is riding the bench until we find some caves but my Phantump has no problem scouting ahead along with the Aerodactyl Ares. While Blue does scrounge up a valuable berry or twenty, it's Ares that wins a prize when he herds a small flock of Swablu right towards us!

The pigeon sized birds have no hope of out speeding our little terror so they fly right into the eager trap of Naomi's Floette and Mienfoo.

"Just like we planned, Go!" Naomi lets Mienfoo hop from her shoulder to a low branch and then ride Floette's Fairy Wind to reach the height to drop kick one of the Swablu just as they pass us.

"Swa!" Cries the poor avian as it plummets.

Naomi dashes to catch her falling ninja weasel while shouting, "Delphi, Trap it with Leaf Tornado!"

Her little flower fairy salutes before conjuring the smallest twister of leaves and pine needles from the forest floor.

I guess she picked up a TM for it back home.

Swablu tries to stabilize despite the battering but it seems out maneuvered. Ares chases off any help from it's flock while Mienfoo bounces from Naomi's arms into what looks like a stuffed animal version of a superman punch.

Which misses spectacularly as the little miss gets caught in the whirlwind of foliage.

"No, Froosh!" Watts checks her panic, "Reversal Froosh!"

Round two superman punch lands on the still trapped Swablu causing it to slam into a tree trunk before hitting the dirt.

Naomi tosses a glimmering blue and white pokeball, with a flash of light it encapsulates the unconscious bird. It pings immediately and Naomi wastes no time in scooping it up with all the fanfare of an excited teen girl.

Froosh the Mienfoo and Delphi the Floette give each other tiny high-fives before Watts scoops them up in a little twirly dance.

Jane cheers as well, "Awesome work Ares! Nice catch Naomi!"

The Aerodactyl seems proud as can be while the princess in red throws up a victory sign.

"Those were some fun combos," I step closer past the shrubbery, "What was that ball?"

She reveals a ball with a sky blue underside, the top is a swirl of white pearl scales resembling clouds. Mounted in the center where the buŧŧon is, a brilliant pink gemstone with shards of blue and white inside.

"That what I think it is?" I ask while pointing.

"Haha!" She couldn't stop smiling right now if she tried, "That's right, I've been waiting for this. I had this ready and waiting at the Devon Corp building. I might have made a few rough trades to get my hands on a piece of Altarianite, but it'll be worth it come the conference when I show off my Mega Altaria!"

"That's only nine months away you know." Tough as I try to sound, I'm still impressed. She really has been planning stuff out.

"Six months," Jane counters, "With a top quality stone, six months is enough to break past the normal and enter the Mega classification."

Well I'll trust the niece of the Pike Queen on this.

"Whelp," I look up and see the sun approaching noon, "Let's try to reach the water and break for lunch."

Another half hour of trekking through progressively thicker underbrush of ferns and ivy, and finally we spot a break in the dense woods. A passing gust brings the heartwarming smell of saltwater. I can even hear a distant Wingul call.

It takes another twenty minutes of carefully following the cliffs which the forest abruptly ends with before we find a grassy clearing ahead of a rocky outcrop that connects to the looming mountain cliffs.

Blue finds traces of Bagon impacts in the soft grass and dirt but we don't spot any.

Naomi opens her CloudBall and starts spraying the shivering bird with a Super Potion while softly cooing, "It's okay little Nimbus. I'm going to make you the most eligible bachelor in all Hoenn!"

Now that I get a good look at the thing, I guess it could pass as a young peacock type of bird. The cloud-like features are actually super fine and fluffy white feathers. Apparently it is a He, and each time another of our pokemon approaches him he ducks his head under the cloud fluff of his wings. I don't think a basketball's worth of cotton is much of a natural disguise there buddy.

Slowly he seems to warm up to Naomi's apologies and ȧssurances. Lunch passes by uninterrupted save for the occasional chilly gust of wind up the sea cliffs. Honestly, the whole time I was slightly on edge expecting one of these crazy dragon pups to come landing head first right on my sandwich.

The coast itself is beautiful. Spires of rock spot the tidal zone, each covered in ocean plant life and kelp at it's base that transitions to ferns and small trees as you go up and...wait-

"Anyone else see what I see? The spire at my two o'clock."

I pull up my binoculars from my pack and sure enough, a blue dragon is sunning itself on top of the rock. Dexa links with my specs to give me some details.

Ping, "Druddigon, carnivorous and violent, these dragons are among the most difficult to train and are best avoided if found in the wild. Recent studies of variants have shown that they may have been dual type grass historically but now predominantly live in caves. They still surface in order to warm their bodies in the sun using their leaf like wings."

Ping, "Trainer Id detected."


Looking down my app shows a profile pic of a young man and looking back through the binoculars I can just spot a guy climbing onto the back of the spiny blue dragon.

Jane squeals, "Holy Arceus look over there!"

Panning over to where she's pointing, further north along the coast I can spot another large dragon on approach.

Ping, "Mega Dragonite," Excuse me!? "This is the only recorded specimen belonging to Dragon Master Lance. His powerful breath attacks and claws have repeatedly held back the full wrath of rampaging guardian class pokemon."

By my guess the big boy is probably close to Jane's Onix from head to tail, the aquamarine wingspan alone must be near twenty feet.

As the Dragonite banks around the spire with the Druddigon I spot the wild red mane of the Dragonite's rider.

"That must be Lance then."

"No way!" Jane is practically hopping in place, "Give me those specs old man!"

"Easy fan girl," I pass them over while watching the Druddigon glide off from one spire to the next, leading Lance's Dragonite towards the cliffs north of us and then out of sight. Glancing at the chill Naomi, "You met him before?"

She actually pouts a bit, "He visited once to meet gramp's Zapdos. Adult stuff or so they say, he pat my head like I was a Poochyena."

Our mascot red haired rebel is in full 'teen girl meets boy band' mode, "That's not just a World Champion guys, he won the crown!"

"Crown?" since when is there royalty?

Watts with the info, "We have the World Championship for pros, and then there is the Coronation Series hosted by Galar. A tournament every five years for only the absolute Master class trainers, each region can only nominate one entrant."

She pauses to stare off where they flew, "I bet he's visiting the hidden village. That other trainer has been seen with Zinnia a few times."

Cool, "I suppose that not a place we can check out?"

Jane has my answer this time, "Nah, invite only. My aunt was given the honor once her Gyarados officially hit Mega."

"Darn," I stretch while Jane puts the binoculars away. "Let's get back to hunting Bago-"


Buried head first in the dirt just behind us is a knee high blue lizard. Its hind legs and stub of a tail kick about trying to shake itself free.

Ping, "Bagon, their dream of soaring in the sky lead them to jump off cliffs as a form of stress relief."

It finally relaxes the flailing and plants its feet and begins to shove against the ground.

Dexa's scan indicates that this is a female…

The poor girl bȧrėly pops free and falls to her but when my pokeball clocks it from the side.

""Kurt!"" the girls protest.

My Great Ball shakes twice before pinging success.

"Well, that's one commission done!" I strike my own dumb victory pose like Noami did earlier.

Jane and Watts scowl at me.


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