Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 57 - For Every Yang


The Jolteon docked across from the ferry terminal on Melemele's only pier large enough to accommodate her. The rest of the harbor has a few older sail boats and recreational fishing boats. I don't see any of the liveliness that was present back in Akala's harbor area. Instead I spot a few local salty dogs scowling at us from a seaside pub.

Making my way down to the pier, "I guess Melemele isn't the flourishing hub of tourism in Alola?"

While my team shrugs at my question, Gabby has an answer, "When the league really became rooted in the region two decades ago, everything was fine. Then as it grew, there wasn't a lot of room for some of the old traditions. Time moves on, some of the islands kept up, others didn't."

Naomi visibly has a lightbulb go off in her head, "This is related to the regional lab and trainer school moving to Akala as well!"

I get it, "So Akala has the labs, league, farms, and tourism. Meaning all that's left here are sour locals and traditionalists," Only half joking, "So why did we come again?".

Gabby laughs, "Outreach Kurt, the public eats up this sort of thing."

I feel dirty.

"Actually Kurt," the Wattson heiress looks slightly ashamed for some reason, "When we originally made this plan, I kind of expected to have something with a bit more power on my team."

"Ironically," considering her bug, fairy, and plant types, "You're pokemon are mostly late bloomers or lack training."

Gabby cuts to the point, "You, or Jane, are gonna challenge Hau, the Melemele Kahuna."

I give our rowdy redhead a pat on the back, "You got this kid!"

Lacy is last off the boat and bȧrėly catches the last part, "Oh, and why doesn't my handsome man feel like showing off for the cameras?"

Bringing up one of the things we talked about when planning this trip, granted I wasn't paying the best of attention at the dinner party that night in Mauville, "You said each island has a few special spots right? This one has two very specific points of interest for our group."

Naomi pipes up, "The fairy meadow! That's definitely first on our list today, the challenge isn't until this evening."

"Right," pulling up my phone, I did my own research after all, "This is just beyond the fancy meadow."

Jane recognizes it, "A Trevenant! But that's insane!"

Gabby takes a look, "Must have been a totem pokemon, all the top trainers from Alola field one in the international tournaments. Safe to say that one is dead though."

Doesn't mean I can't pull some anime protagonist bullshit and use its bark to power up my little trickster, "I think Blue will benefit from seeing it."

The publicist shrugs, "I don't know anything about ghost types."

More of a weird esoteric, borderline Chinese fantasy concept actually, but whatever.

Jane is getting her thoughts organized, "So meadow, big tree, Kahuna. That's a lot, and we couldn't exactly bring the jeep."

Naomi grimaces, "No, we couldn't."

Having walked to the end of the pier I spot something that doesn't bode well, "Gabby, why is there a small herd of Tauros waiting over there, and why is May hopping up to ride one?"

"Outreach Kurt," she repeats while motioning Ty to get the camera ready, "We're embracing traditions today."

The dozen bulls turn out to be gentle as can be. One even insists on ŀɨċkɨnġ Jane which results in a rather uncharacteristic, girly shriek. I'm happy to confirm Ty got the whole thing on film.

Lacy hops up in my ŀȧp to ride one together.

I'm on to her though, "I happen to know your dad has a few Tauros."

Her buŧŧ slides back until it's right against my crotch, "I just wanted to have a nice ride."

Whether it's the sensation below or the sultry glance she's giving me, the mood is heavily contrasted by the annoyed pokemon we're riding looking back at us as if to say 'dial it back or you'll be on the ground before you can say rodeo clown.'

Jane is gripping her bull's saddle with white knuckles while Naomi actually hops on one with her cousin Vermilya. May is coaching her other two girls Juanita and Patricia. Funnily enough, Ty is getting the same treatment from Gabby that I'm enjoying, except he has to keep his camera steady and pretend nothing's happening.

Leading this not so little, not quite pony, ride are a pair of green haired twin boys. They look to be just older than Jane at 17 or 18 and both are futilely attempting to impress my tomboy protégé. Their blue haired buddy is doing the actual work of guiding the herd.

I ask the teen with messy blue hair, "Your friends always this dedicated to helping pretty girls?"

With a roll of his eyes, "The twins keep trying to land a girlfriend from anywhere off this island so they have an excuse not to take over their mom's restaurant. Stupid if you ask me, Miss Mallow's is practically the best thing on this island."

Talk about a gender trope role swap, "Alright, I'll only mess with them a bit then. In the meantime, can ya tell us anything about this meadow we're headed to? And I didn't catch your names."

He points up a winding hill of houses amongst a sea of lush jungle, "It's about thirty minutes from here, past the neighborhood and through a narrow pass. I'm Andrew, the twins are Terry and Dash."

Lacy giggles, "Are those boys named for food seasonings?"

Andrew smirks, "Ya, Teriyaki and Dashi. Anyway the meadow itself is teaming with pokemon but each species has their favorite spots. What are you looking to catch?"

Pulling up her phone, "I read an article about Alolan doctors using Ribombee gardens to help patients recover faster."

"Oh for sure," he doesn't fail to lead the pack of Tauros up a side trail through the floral suburb while keeping conversation, "There are several hives within the meadow, so it won't be hard to find one willing to get out and see the world. Many of the fairy pokemon in the meadow are willing to venture with a trainer without the need to even battle as long as they like you."

Even the pokemon want off this island.

Vermilya nudges her Tauros forward so Naomi can ask her question, "I'm hoping for a shiny Cottonee!?"

"Well," He takes a second, "Cottonee are all over the meadow, so all I can say is good luck. Most of ours have a more blonde color as the predominant wildflowers in the meadow are all yellow."

I glance over to the other girl on the bull, "What about you Vermilya?"

"Eh," she shrugs, "I'll keep my eyes open, but I'm really here more for the rest of the team."

Andrew looks back at me, "What about you Kurt?"

Showing him the same picture on my phone from earlier, "I'm after something a little more spooky than pretty flowers."

"Old Elder huh?" This time his pause has a clear hint of judgment in his look, "Why?"

"My Phantump, I figure seeing the pinnacle of his species can only be beneficial."

That gets a nod, "I can show you the Grim Grotto, but we can't take the whole group. Mother says the negativity on the island gathers there, such a noisy group might aggravate the pokemon inside."

Just before we reach the top of the neighborhood we turn down an overgrown path that curves along the side of the jungle mountain while still climbing. Markers guide us to stay on a path so narrow we're keeping single file. Eventually it curves into the mountain itself, a crack in the volcanic rock stretching dozens of yards above.

"Here we are," Andrew pulls out of the canyon and leads his Tauros aside so we can see the stunning fields of golden flowers surrounded by jungle, "Welcome to Melemele Meadow!"

The large group of girls make their own sounds of surprise and excitement at the sight of the rolling hills blanketed in wildflowers. From the entrance I can already see hundreds of pokemon from Butterfree to Whimsicotts, including several I haven't learned about yet.

"Holy Shit," Jane points towards the edge of one side and I spot a familiar, giant grass pokemon, "We can catch Meganium here?!"

One of the twins jumps to explain, "That one belongs to a retired trainer that lets her stay here."

The other twin buŧŧs in, "But she has laid eggs in the meadow over the last five years so there are Chikorita and Bayleef."

Andrew sums it up while pointing to a group of local rookies out in the field, "Many Alolan trainers specialize in types found in this meadow. When they finish their journeys, or pro careers, they often release those pokemon here in this protected meadow. Now make sure to leave the Tauros here, they'll graze a bit and we won't be trampling all the flowers."

I actually spot a ranger riding his Tropius at the top of another hill, there's even a wooden watch tower in the tree line behind him. Several bird pokemon are perched on the roof.

"Well," I look over at Gabby, "We're here, it's ten now, let's meet in the center of the meadow at noon for lunch."

Catching May before she rides off, "Do me a favor and keep the cousins in sight as best you can?"

May nods and just before we all split up I wave over one of the green haired twins and whisper over to him, "Jane acts tuff but she'll be real excited if you find her the cutest pokemon in the field."

While the kids all scatter, I chuckle knowing there probably isn't a single thing in all these flowers that will interest Jane. The jungle on the other hand…

Just on the far edge I spot a Donkey Kong sized gorilla with a green mane chomping down a bushel of fruit. Rillaboom, apparently, from Galar.

"Right," poking my fiancé, "Shall we find your fancy bug?"

While Lacy attempts to appeal to the endless Cutieflys to find the perfect one for her, I let my Joltik get some much needed training in.

I watch Jane getting her croc to battle an Ivysaur but doesn't try to catch it while the twins are reluctantly showing a Mareep to May.

After an hour Lacy finally catches a Ribombee, skipping over the Cutieflys in favor of their fully evolved form. The next hour we don't see anything too crazy other than Lacy's Leafeon finding the Alolan version of Exeggutor. Anything with more than one head just creeps me out.

When lunch rolls around I'm interested to find out what every one caught.

Naomi is ecstatic about catching two pokemon, a blue Steenee, and a red and gold Cottonee. Jane of course didn't catch any pretty flower pokemon but is similarly bursting with pride over her Sandile. Having gained a full proficiency of walking on its hind legs it can be considered a Krokorok now.

I chuckle at the sour looks the green twins are sending my way. Did someone tell them Jane likes brute pokemon or that she's not into boys.

May introduces us to her new Jigglypuff, which looks like a normal, if a bit fat, rabbit to me. Before anyone else can show their spoils, Dawn and her boys walk up out of nowhere and slump to the grass beside us. All three have scuffed up clothes and bits of plants caught in places. Although Ed seems rather happy.

Tommy looks around our group and scowls at the local boys, "Don't let them fool you, their little haunted forest is no joke!"

Dawn grumbles, "I don't believe for a minute that place is safe for rookie trainers."

Andrew chuckles, "Did you get scared or did you wake up Mephisto?"


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