Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 60 - The Left Hoof


Sitting at a Luau sipping on coconut based mixed drinks with my beautiful fiance in a stunning red and white floral dress, what could be better?

Well, maybe the same thing without the hardly subtle glares some of the locals are sending our way.

Lacy touches my arm, "Maybe we should have just left like Dawn did on the last ferry."

Ty, who joined me in Hawaiian shirt fun, hears and sets down his drink, "Oh for sure, but we made commitments to the regional tourism department."

Our tables are just big enough for us ȧduŀts - Gabby, Ty, May, Lacy and I - to have one and the girls to have a second.

The Melemele Iki Cultural Center, the Mic, is a lovely garden park surrounded by a museum built to modern standards yet designed to appear historically accurate. Right down to the fake grass woven roofs. Torches line paths, flower beds in full bloom, and even a snaking stream ending in a pond.

All afternoon young rookies have been challenging the Kahuna Hau on the bamboo stage for their right to advance to the next island. The man is a bit shorter than me, a bit rounder too, but I suspect he's got some muscle under that big, pineapple-yellow Hawaiian shirt.

I have my earpiece in for my dex app to help me study all the battles. In practice however, May and Gabby have been far more insightful. Ty has been using the time to edit footage of the day while being ready to film our upcoming battles. Apparently, Vermilya will also be facing Hau.

Hau's microphoned voice sounds from the stage over the cheers of the crowd, "Give it up again for young Lincoln folks!"

A blue haired youth hops down and runs over to Andrew, giving his older brother a high five.

Gabby takes another sip of her drink before leaning on the table, "That kid's Munchlax was fast, he must have a special training method. The Ariados was as accurate as you'd like, which is perfect for countering Hau's fighters."

My Joltik could do better… but I'm not gonna compare myself to a 14 year old… much, "I'm still surprised Alola has the oldest minimum for starting their league."

May chuckles, "You might have noticed the jungle wasn't very welcoming. Each island has an even spread of difficulty zones. From a place to find a starter,"

"To giant ghost types firing waves of spectral arrows." I cut in.

Lacy nudges me with her knee, "Oh, sorry that's where you took an arrow right? Not the twig I pulled out of your calf?"

I laugh but whatever comeback I might have thought up is interrupted by Hau.

"Next up is young Citro!"

One of the green twins from earlier, I can't tell the difference between them, yells from a table that reminds me of the Weasleys of Harry Potter. Miss Mallow and her hoard of kids, all different fathers should gossip be believed.

"Don't cry to mom when our dad stomps you little brother!"

While the young boy with hair leaning close to blonde sulks his way up stage, I spot Hau and Mallow have the decency to scowl at the twins.

Gabby snorts under her breath, "Not sure how that gal can still pump em out, twice was plenty for me."

Oh, "You never mentioned having kids."

Ty grins with pride, "Yup, our girl is studying in Kalos starting this year. The boy is in his second year as a trainer. He'll be participating in the Unova Regional Invitational."

Up on stage the ref calls match start as Hau let's out mongoose.

Ping* "Yungoos," according to Dexa

The unripe lemon headed kid throws out his ball to reveal a knee high, green furred ape.

Ping* "Thwackey."

As the monkey commences it's beat down of the rodent, I spot plenty of frowns in the crowd.

Gabby explains, "It's tradition for the challenger to use pokemon caught on the host island."

Glancing at my dex, "I saw an evolved one of these near the meadow."

"I'm sure that's why Hau hasn't said anything, he would certainly know as it's his job. It might not be common knowledge among the town however."

Hau grins as he returns his Yungoos, "Nice work Citro, you've been training hard, so I hope you don't mind I'm raising the bar a little."

Next to appear on stage is a waist high bipedal boar with orange and ash grey fur.

Ping* "Pignite."

May whistles, "The kid's in trouble."

Sure enough as the boar starts it's flame charge, Citro yells for the monkey to dodge.

Thwackey does so with a smooth dodge roll that let's him hop up and pop the stumbling boar once with his branch.

Citro returns the grass ape to it's ball and sends out the flapping form of a Noibat.

"Smooth swap," May comments, "And now his flying type should clean up."

As predicted, the Pignite struggles to land more than glancing blows as it gets smacked around by repeating Wing Attacks from every direction.

Hau returns his pokemon, "Text book performance Citro, you're gonna be a great trainer!"

Once more the crowd gives a less than enthused round of applause. I'm sure there's a story here. While Mallow hugs her son that was one step from rubbing his win in his older brother's face, Hau takes center stage.

"Before we move on to tonight's special event,"

"Booo!" call out some of the folks that had the subtlety of a train wreck in their glares at us.

He powers on, "I'm reminded of a suddenly very relevant story, along with some news."

At his signal, some of the torches are snuffed out while a pair of serving staff bring out a portrait of a teen girl on stage. She's wearing a small smile in a floral dress, her nationality is clearly closer towards Kanto or Johto compared to the tanned locals.

"Tonight, I will speak about young Laura."

I see some of those rude townsfolk visibly flinch.

"Years ago her family moved to our island looking for a fresh start. Unfortunately, Laura's father had difficulty finding anyone willing to hire him. Her mother didn't receive much support from the community when she fell ill…"

Now the ȧduŀts in the crowd look extremely uncomfortable.

"After the death of her mother, Laura's rookie debut didn't pan out so great either. Rival trainers didn't seem to care when her pokemon could no longer fight…"

This... is getting a bit dark for a party.

"And so, as Everyone living on this island knows, Laura took her own life. Arceus witnessed all, our sins brought our curse. Laura's released Dartrix evolved, Mephisto swore his revenge."

Somewhere, I hear a child crying.

"Three years of nightmares have haunted those who refused to show remorse. The repentant have not been affected as much. While the stubborn, have suffered accidents easily linked to sleep deprivation."

Lacy grips my hand, this is exactly why she spent most of her life fearing pokemon. I look at the girl's table and see most of them appalled. Jane is practically glaring back at some of the folks that boo'd a bit ago.

"So while our best trainers searched for the sinister bird, he remained hidden to any trainer of local origin. Such was the will of Arceus."

A few people bow their heads.

Hau's eyes find mine, "Today, Tapu Koko was able to strike down Mephisto after our visiting friend Kurt over there lured the menace out."

Cheers erupt from the crowd, some people even begin to openly weep. I give my best polite smile to this messed up community.

The Kahuna waves to the portrait, "We have been granted this reprieve, but remember how it was wrought. Support your community, be kind to your neighbor, no matter their origin of birth."

Even with all that, I still see some sour faces, as if they would rather just blame people for coming to their island.

Muttering to the table, "Somehow, I doubt the lesson will hold."

May and Ty agree while the torches around the garden are relit.

"So now!" Hau moves back to his side of the stage, "Our first guest challenger tonight is Vermilya of Dewford!"

Some genuine, others obligatory, applause accompanies the stone faced girl with purple hair on her way up. She's dressed in a purple floral dress that ends just past her knees, her trainer gear neatly tucked in a matching courier bag.

Naomi brightly cheers alongside Vermilya's teammates, "Go get em Milly!"

Hau pulls another pokeball off a cart nearby, a large pink and black bear appears like some sort of carnival grand prize. Its adorable until it roars.

Ping* "Bewear."

Vermilya pauses while holding the ball she was about to use. I swear her eyes find mine before switching to Naomi and she actually winks.

Instead she grabs a different ball from her bag.

May sits a little straighter, "So she's not starting her Tyrunt."

With a flash a strange, pink jellyfish appears, floating through the air towards the edge of the stage connecting to the waterfall part of the garden's water feature.

Ping* "Frillish."

Some of the more experienced trainers in the crowd groan or sigh, a few even laugh including May.

Hau pats his bear on the shoulder, "Well thought out, that's a lovely ghost type. I won't fuss, part of being a good trainer is knowing how to study challenges and use type advantages effectively."

As Hau returns his Pokémon, Gabby fist bumps my shoulder, "Just like your Dewford match, there was nothing the bear could do to touch the ghost. It's an auto Pokémon advantage to Vermilya."

The Kahuna smirks, "ya know, I don't get to let this girl shine often!"

Appearing from the ball is a Pokémon even I recognize, Raichu. Although this one has been getting a tan it seems.

Vermilya takes initiative as the ref starts the fight.

With the full seriousness of a fight in her tone, "Bubble Bath!"


Clouds of bubbles burst from the waterfall and crash like a tidal wave across the stage.

"Holy Shit!"

Ping* "Water Sport, Bubble?"

Dexa seems iffy on the move identity.

Hau just nods in appreciation as the wave approaches his side of the field, "Very cool, but its nothing to my Raichu. Get it girl!"

The Raichu's tail practically glows as she hops on and my Dex app loses her shit.

Ping* "Calm Mind, Agility, Surf!"

That last one…

Sure enough, May groans as we see the waist tall mouse ride the wave, static sparks popping bubbles by the dozen.

The Hoenn expert grumbles, "It would be one of those surfing pikachus."

While Raichu hangs ten at an increasing speed, Vermilya decides to crank it to eleven, "Typhoon and Burst!"

Visually, it's insane. The bubbles start spinning into a miniature hurricane while the occasional black bubble fires out in an attempt to knock out the electric mouse riding the storm!

Ping* "Ominous Wind, Shadowball."

Hau measures how much more his Raichu can take, "You gotta end this, Detect and Thunder Punch!"

Raichu hooks into the eye of the storm leaving bolts of yellow lightning in her wake that branch along the conductive water bubbles.

The Dewford prodigy calls out, "Nightshade!"

A shadow of some horrifying creature of the deep opens its maw to swallow Raichu whole. The mouse is a lightning clad comet in the dark as a nova of sparks sunders the storm!

Bubbles burst in a chain reaction.

When the last of the water spills from the edge of the stage, both pokemon are passed out on the floor.

A double knockout.

May grins, "That was awesome, and Milly is still a Pokémon up!"

Gabby shakes her husband and coworker, "Tell me you got all that!"

He smirks, "You bet your perky ȧss!"

Lacy giggles, "Did the camera catch that too?"


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