Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 62 - Blacktop Battles


While the knock off Malfoy seems ready to scream at the stars to let his frustration with this island be known, I look to his mother. I won't claim to be the best at reading people but it's fairly obvious she's hoping we'll agree.

"You alright with your son leaving the region in his rookie year?"

She closes her eyes and looks at the pier under her feet, "There's nowhere in Alola where people won't look at my little lemon and not feel hate…"

He turns, "Not even home."

The woman flinches a bit at that. Is she scared of her son?

My phone buzzes in my pocket, not really the time to check my messages.

"Kurt," Gabby whispers.

Looking at the pair, Ty is trying to subtly wave his phone.

Oh fine, while Naomi tries to judge the boy via some sort of staring contest, I check my phone.

Ty sent me two articles, one is a local gossip column about Miss Mallow, effectively telling the whole town she's a horny drunk. The second is an international headline, "Cause of Aether Disaster Revealed!" The picture shows a burning island sinking with what looks like a sub picture of blond twins that look just like older versions of the boy in front of us. The subheader, "Ultra Gladeon's death blow stuns the world."

Alright, I can put two and two together. I put my phone away and return to the little teen staring contest, "Kid, I'd bet you need paperwork to transfer regions. Meanwhile it shouldn't be an issue to give you a ride to Akala, ȧssuming Naomi's fine with it. Call it a trial run."

Naomi just nods while the boy practically sags with relief. I won't say I have any friendly feelings about his mother looking even more relieved. From the only perspective that matters, she's doing what she hopes is best for her son... And her.

It's reflected in the way the boy goes over to hug his mother and it might just be the most awkward thing I've seen all night.

"Alright, get your shit on the boat. Naomi, how we doing on rooms?"

The heiress panics at not knowing something she probably thinks I expect her to know.

"Naomi, Captain Johanna is leaning on the railing over there," the older blonde woman just up the gangplank gives her miniature boss a wink, "You never have to know all the details kiddo, just need to know who does have them."

Of course I know that at least tonight we won't be on the boat for more than five hours so if he wants to sleep he can pass out on a deck chair for all it matters. Lad's gotta get used to ruffing it at least a little bit. Must be nice having the first leg of your journey being centered around your home.

Everyone does get some sleep however, the girls have a bit of a slumber party in Naomi's master bedroom. The boy does find a deck chair and spare sheet, his Thwackey doing a teddy bear impression. We'll just spend the night on the boat, even after reaching Akala.

When morning comes, we spend some time in a little sandy cove just off the harbor. Citro introduces his pokemon, the Thwackey, Noibat, and a Whiscash. The catfish pokemon is bȧrėly large enough to ride like some sort of inflatable pool toy.

While May and her team left for the volcano, we spent an extra hour focusing on our water pokemon. Setting up little practice spars from my Skrelp, Nessie and Zilla the Tirtouga. Jane's Corphish played with Ruby the Clauncher, while King the Magicarp slammed against her Wimpod like two brats in a bounce house. Lastly Naomi's Clamperl decided she'd rather play at being boogie board. Naomi held on while giggling as the giant clam jetted about the shallow surf.

It was honestly relaxing. I was even able to let Tesla work with my little Sandshrew, Rusty. If we had all day I'm sure I could have let Blue meet the Murkrow pair for some beach side treasure hunting with the Sandygast I caught.

But, I've got work to do before the race this evening, "Alright team, we've got a volcano to climb and pokemon to catch."

It's another thirty minutes of prep, checking our gear, stopping at the Mart and Center, before we're finally in the jeep and headed towards the east side of the island. I've already contacted the Wela Ranger station and gotten clearance to proceed with my commission as long as I abide by standard ethics laws. No, forcefully snatching up nests and such, I have an additional duffle bag full of pokeballs to do things the 'Right' way. In other words, I have to convince or battle every pokemon.

As we start seeing the rolling plains of hardened, black lava rock, "All right our shopping list is: Salandit galore, two Fletchlings, a female Magby or Magmar, and a female Tepig."

Jane leans past the passenger seat from the back where she's crammed with Naomi and Citro, "I need a fire type for my team."

Our new kid raises his hand awkwardly from being squished between the two girls, "I was hoping to catch a female Salandit before leaving Alola."

Naomi just shrugs, "I caught plenty yesterday, but is this commission for the Lavaridge ranch?"

I nod while turning off the main road to what looks like a marked out parking area.

"Perfect," she looks fired up, "Let's do our best so they'll save me their best Ponyta when we get back!"

After twenty minutes of hiking the black rock, thank Arceus my girlfriend brought sunblock, we started finding other trainers and of course, wild pokemon.

First up was a very young Torkoal, my Sandshrew put up a good fight with his sand attacks and 'Bulldoze' (more of rolling into the tortoise while flinging dirt) until the wild pokemon turtled up in his shell and refused to come out.

Next we found some Fletchcinders that were too fast for us to battle, but Jane's Aerodactyl was able to follow them to a cliffy area where dozens of nests could be seen.

Naomi's Swablu, Nimbus finally got some training in. She was slower than the little fire hawks but by coordinating with Ares and the Noibat, she was able to peck down two Fletchlings. Which royally pissed off a Talonflame. Citro's catfish stalled it with a strong Water Gun while we put some distance between us and the nesting grounds. I caught sight of it circling back to the cliffs to attack a Torracat that was taking advantage of the distraction we created.

Salandit were the next easiest to find, due to them moving about the lava fields in packs. This group seemed to also be heading to raid the bird nests. Citro once more used his Whiscash to Water Gun the front few lizards until the back line crawled over them and started spitting poison our way.

Jane's Onix used a single whip of her tail to bring that situation to a halt.

"We're supposed to be bringing up our less used pokemon Jane," then noticing the luxury ball Citro was about to use on a female lizard, "Where'd you get one of those?"

He scratches his head nervously, "Legal inheritance."

Ah, cool, this lava field has landmines too, "Alright how many we catch?"

Naomi tallies up the results, "Ten, and I'm with Jane, I'd rather not play at dodging volleys of poison spit."

I see Lacy and Citro nodding in agreement.

"Fine," pulling up some articles on my dex app for our remaining targets, "Magmar line pokemon live in caves, and Tepig prefer living along the tree line. So let's head a little further up the mountain along the edge of the park."

Some areas are quite pretty, patches of flowers attract brilliant red Oricorios that tempt Jane and Naomi. When we find a pair including a male shiny I have to all but drag them by the collar to stop them.

"What are you going to do with that little bird? It's completely counter to your battle styles. And Naomi, these pokemon like this type of habitat, which is pretty counter to your garden plan."

While both girls grumble, Lacy whispers in my ear, "How are your Trumbeaks doing Mr. Hypocrite?"

"They'll do just fine in Naomi's garden, thank you."

She gives me a kiss on the cheek before continuing up the path to the area on the west side of the volcano. Spires of rock create washes of hardened lava flows and in the areas spared from molten rock grow patches of jungle trees.


A loud squeal from around the trail bend causes us to pick up the pace. Passing a spire to a small clearing with growing bamboo we find Dawn's team. Tommy is battling a Pignite with his rock critter, Boldore. Meanwhile Edgar is fending off a few Tepig with his shiny grey Corvisquire.

Dawn spots our arrival from her seat on a boulder, "Oh, Mr. Action Hero coming to the rescue? Don't worry, my boys are managing, if a big bad Emboar shows up I'll keep it busy."

"Actually," I point at the Tepig, "I'm after one of those little oinkers Eddy is playing with."

The lad wipes some sweat from his forehead, "By all means Mr. Kurt. One last gust Monty and we're pulling back!"

I send out two pokemon, my Sandshrew and Sandygast, "Alright lads keep em busy. Rusty, the left one is a female, we're gonna catch her."

All of the crushed volcanic rock allows my Sandygast to practically wall off two of the Tepig while Rusty makes his first, in battle, attempt at Gyro Ball. The opponent Tepig uses tackle.

Basically the piglet and baby anteater headbutt each other and both come away confused, "Not bad buddy but just smack him with a bunch of dirt!"

"Yes!" shouts Tommy behind me.

Dawn yelps, "Tommy Dive!"

I look back to see Tom hit the deck like his life depends on it. Which, going by the Flamethrower blasting over his head, it did.

With a flash a large pelican appears in front of Dawn, "Relax big boy, you know what's going on here. Your kids look very strong, they'll make you proud."

The flames disperse to show a boar standing upright as tall as I am and probably double my weight. Fire and smoke exit his mouth with every breath as I swear one of his brows arches at Dawn's statement.

Lacy grips my arm, her fingers digging into my bicep to a point that if she let her nails grow I'm sure they'd be drawing blood. Naomi and Citro are peeking out over the boulder Dawn was sitting on. Ed boy is actually hiding behind Jane, Onix's ball in her hand.

The Emboar looks from Tommy to my Sandygast and then to me, he points at my ghost, "Boar."

Carefully I recall my pokemon. He nods with a flaming grunt, and then as those two Tepig fall over themselves to hide behind him he looks to the female fighting my Sandshrew and growls out a menacing, "Embooooar."

She squares up and inhales a large breath.

Shit, "Sand Attack Rusty!"

Ember meets a plume of gravel and dust only to be parted by a charging Tepig coated in flames.


Rusty bȧrėly gets half buried as the flame charging Tepig basically trips over the little mound of dirt and scales. My Sandshrew pops back up and begins flinging dirt to put out the little Firestarter…

Emboar sighs and gives Dawn a withering gaze before leading his two remaining children back into the patch of jungle. I don't think he bought Dawn's flattery but he was aware of what we were doing.

My pokeball flashes to signal a successful catch. I can't help but think it's unfortunate that this pokemon that, while clumsy, seems to be at a decent level, is going to a breeder ranch instead of a trainer.

Looking at Jane, "I think you missed out here."

She smirks while smacking Edgar's shoulder, causing the rich boy to wince, "Nah, Eddy's got me covered. There's a few caves further up and on the north side we should check out."

Pretty sure you covered him. Glancing at the midday sun and the shade of trees here, "Well, let's have lunch first. Hopefully those caves pan out, we just have a Magby and whatever you're targeting left."

Naomi is checking her phone when she gasps, "They found the missing engineer for the Zekrom!"

I look at the news article from Mauville, a picture shows police trying to clear the press away from a charred figure suspended in the wires above Mauville's power plant. That's a nasty way to go, and I highly doubt he did it to himself.

The next headline down catches my eye, "Vivian's Quagsire takes first place in the second mosh of the season!" Seems my 'employee' has been having a good time.


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