Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 64 - Hot Blooded


The shrine grounds near the top of Wela Volcano are filled with food stands and carnival games, there is even a large stage where trainers battle it out! I bȧrėly herd the kids into the small pokemon center before they're nearly running back out the front doors. It's a lively atmosphere helped along by festive drum music from somewhere on the grounds.

Naomi is practically hopping about between us, "Let's play Games!"

Citro is bȧrėly holding back joining her in excitement.

"Alright," grabbing Lacy's hand, "Lead on punks, but I want snacks ASAP."

The first stall we find has kababs and I'm going to avoid the question of which flying type pokemon was cooked in this delicious honey glaze. Definitely a twist on the 'Who's that Pokemon?!' challenge.

Moving on, the first game we try is a classic, using a pokemon's attack to cause a balloon to fill until it pops. Entering as a group, it's my Joltik powering an inflator versus Jane's new Marowak using hot air, Naomi's Vulpix blowing Icy Wind, Lacy's Ribombee focusing a Fairy Wind, and Citro hauls his Whiscash onto the counter to use Water Gun.

It may or may not surprise anyone that the high pressure water spout from Citro's massive catfish filled the balloon in an instant, although my Joltik powered inflator was a close second.

Next up is a bell ringer game, just punch the pad to send up the ringer. Jane is keeping Marowak out to get the new fire pokemon to warm up to her. It handedly beats out Citro's Thwackey while my little Sandshrew and Naomi's Mienfoo are probably better off in a lower division.

Lacy might have felt sour from the several games her pokemon couldn't participate in because she actually accepted a battle challenge from a rookie trainer. The girl probably thought Lacy was a regional challenger or something.

One moment I was collecting my tickets for winning a target shooting game via Tesla's string shot, the next I saw Lacy on stage to the cheers of the crowd.

Leafeon is staring down the rookie's puppy, a Rockruff. If it wasn't for Leafeon being clearly young, I'd expect the crowd would boo over the older trainer using type advantage. Sure enough, the Leafeon does her Swords Dance (a fancy little dodging motion) into Leaf Blade combo. The puppy gets sent tumbling from the leafy tail to the face.

The rookie gets frustrated, "Come on, get up and lock it down with a bite!"

Unfortunately for the pup I think it has less bite than it's trainer's bark.

Leafeon dashes forward and does a spinning double kick with her hind legs sending Rockruff right out of the ring just as it was getting up.

Lacy returns her pokemon and it looks like she tries to get a word in with the girl but the rookie just storms off after smashing something into Lacy's hand.

My fiance walks back over to us practically in a daze, "She just shoved the pokeball in my hand, that she'd rather I take 'the useless runt' than her 300 poke."

Citro glares at the girl fading into the crowd, "This region sucks. All the trainers are so…"

"Angsty?" I guess.

He blinks at me, "I have no idea what that means."

Jane smirks, "moody, angry, feisty? More importantly," She looks to Lacy, "What ya gonna do with the pokemon?"

Lacy sighs and hands the ball to Citro.

"Me?!" he almost drops it.

"I'm not the best match for a pokemon so battle oriented. I'm not entering tournaments or battling gyms. Willow, my Leafeon, is all the fighter I need."

The boy then looks at me.

"Nah kid," I feel their literal weight in my bag, "I have more pokemon than I can legally field right now. Besides, that pup isn't quite my style."

Naomi snickers, "Kurt prefers the tricky, mean pokemon."

Hey now, "Tesla just likes cuddles!"

"She's a spider!"

"Rusty is a noble and dedicated student!"

"To your ghosts and Jane's savage rage monster!"

Ya, the rest are jerks, "Fine. Anyway, Citro."

Time for some ȧduŀting, this is a real world not a game or anime. The boy is holding the ball like it's gonna bite him.

Flicking his head so he looks at me, "Hey, if you want it, have it. Just remember there are bad trainers, not bad Pokémon." I can see he's not quite sold still, "Look, it's fine if Rockruff isn't your style or whatever. The right thing to do in this case is actually to report this."

Naomi chimes in, "This shrine is where the Akala Kahuna takes challengers, that's the equivalent of a gym back home."

Citro sighs with relief, "I want what's best for the Pokémon, but ya, I wasn't planning on catching anymore Alolan pokemon."

"That's totally cool," I glance around, not sure what I'm even looking for. Not like this alternate world Hawaii will have Japanese shrine maidens. "Maybe we should just find the Kahuna?"

Citro flinches a bit, "I've heard Kiawe gets really fired up about this sort of thing. He might make a huge deal out of it. We should look for his sister Miss Mimo, she's always on the news as Akala's tourism board representative. I'm sure she's here today."

Turns out this Mimo gal is a bit of a local celebrity. Akala residents easily point her out for us. The woman with fiery red highlights in her silky black hair is taking pictures with rookie trainers while simultaneously working to organize this event. Seems like a lot on the shoulders of someone one her age. But if ya thrive then good on ya I guess.

Unfortunately she takes on quite the scowl at our approach, her eyes are locked on Citro, "You, what do you want?"

Really!? Is everyone out for this boy?

Looking at the sulking mop of hazel hair, "No wonder you're transferring regions bud. Everyone here hates you for someone you never even met."

Mimo freezes, and the locals nearby suddenly find something else to go do.

Her spite filled gaze shifts to me, "That someone, killed my boyfriend."

A part of me just can't let this go on without saying anything, "And he probably rȧpėd this kid's mom."

I grab Rockruff's pokeball, "One of your rookies abandoned their Pokémon after refusing to pay up a loss."

Tossing the ball to her, she catches it on reflex, not having any reply.

Turning to my team, Citro is staring at the ground. I wouldn't be surprised if he's imagining what meeting his father would be like. What he'd say, what he'd do.

I still catch the same look on Jane from time to time. Naomi isn't much better, she seems perfectly fine avoiding her parents.

Looking at the young heiress, "Call Gabby, tell her we're declining further participation in this event. We're leaving."

Mimo shouts, "The Wattson Media Group has contracts with the Akala Tourism Board!"

Naomi scowls and calmly replies, "We also have the best lawyers."

It's a quiet car ride.

Citro mutters out, "I'm sorry."

Ya no, "Nothing that happened today is your fault kid. Nothing."

Lacy glances back, I can tell she feels a bit responsible.

What a shit vacation, "So what do ya know about Hoenn bud?"

"Err…" he draws a blank.

Naomi whips out her tablet, "Just wait until you see Mauville!"

Jane snorts, "Hey, LaRousse is pretty awesome too!"

Lacy hops in, "Rustboro has its own charm."

Citro looks at me, a growing excitement in his eyes.

"Um, I'm technically homeless, but I found a lovely beach."

My fiancé swats my arm, "If you had anything to move, you could have moved in!"

"I see, it's my fault for washing up with nothing then."

"Just your soggy, nice ȧss," she grabs my hand, "and if that's all you got then park it at my place."

"You see kids, she just wants me for my body!"

You know, it's hard to drive down a volcano while your girlfriend has your arm in a death grip.

With the kids chatting about Hoenn on our way back to the hotel, I can mull over what happened enough to realize we probably overreacted a bit. It is certainly true, hundreds of people probably died in what amounts to a terrorist attack on this region. However long ago, I wouldn't doubt people to get upset remembering it.

But that isn't the boy's fault.

Whatever, it's early enough in the afternoon we can get some good training down at the beach. Especially if tomorrow we'll be doing a bunch of battles… Although we may need to stop by the hotel room for an hour or two if my girlfriend keeps moving her hand up my thɨġh.


The following morning Gabby meets us in the hotel lobby with a scowl, "I don't want to talk about yesterday, I understand everyone was upset. It's the lawyer's problem now."

Her stern attitude is slightly undercut by her husband standing behind her, giving me a thumbs up.

"Alright, then let's talk about this battle tower!" I'll freely admit I'm excited for today.

Miss Publicist is too apparently, "Towers are fantastic for any trainer's brand recognition."

Ty cuts in, "Nevermind the dozens of awesome battle formats, what really makes the difference is the tech! Each arena in the tower is outfitted with the highest quality recording and streaming capabilities. Viewers around the globe can tune in and watch the whole match, pro view, live expert breakdowns, 360 cams, literally anything is possible."

I can see the kids starting to get a bit nervous, Citro is actually inching towards a mirror in the lobby while trying to smooth his hair.

Gabby just walks over and grabs him by the arm, "We'll take care of that at the tower, the important thing is not to be late. We still need to get you under contract and discuss terms of your onscreen presence."

"Um, can I not?" He's already trying to hide his face from every local in the lobby with his long bangs. Bright, lime green hair doesn't exactly let him play it subtle in a crowd to begin with.

Naomi steps in front of him, "Do you know how to get out from under a shadow? Shine Brighter!"

Atta girl!

Citro takes that in a moment, "Alright, I'll do it."

Gabby sighs, "Great, now move it kids, we're on a time crunch. Oh, and you guys owe the company a race. Personally, I think you all should consider the Hoenn Grand Prix this fall."

It only takes fifteen minutes to get to the Alola Battle Tower. I'm once more stunned by the amount of interior gardens flourishing up the center of the tower. While Naomi takes a moment to check on Zapdos we get our outfits for the day triple checked by the tower production team.

A wall screen in the lobby switches from match reruns to a sports center type desk but with more potted plants. A blonde haired man in a green polo smiles for the camera.

"GOood morning trainers, Barry here and welcome to another exciting day here on the Battle Tower Network!" the camera zooms out, "I'm on location in Alola today with my guests Professor Kukui, Pike Queen Lucy, and Tower Boss Guzma!"

While the professor and Lucy just grin in response, Guzma takes the lead, "I'm happy to have everyone in our studio this morning. We've got an awesome line up of battles today with our guests from Hoenn."

Lucy shows off her sharp smirk, "Our rookies are ready for some action that's for sure."

Kakui chuckles, "Not before we have a heck of an opener however."

"That's right!" Barry steers the intro back on track, "First up this morning in the never ending Region Rep Series, a banger of a battle folks! Two Titans of past competition circuits, old rivals Dawn and May will be facing off in a special Hoenn vs Sinnoh match here in the Alola Tower."

The screen splits to profiles on the two ladies with lists of dozens of competitions accolades each.

"The ladies are participating in what the league is calling a mentorship year."

Kakui chuckles, "I think we still need to work on the name, but the idea is taking off!"

Lucy agrees, "I'm even considering it if I don't get placed on the elite four next year."

Barry pulls it back again, showing his host skills, "Both have brought teams to Alola's tower today. But first, they'll be participating in a classic Battle Tower Doubles match."

The scene switches to the Dawn and May at either end of an arena covered in grass with spots of jungle plants, and small igneous boulders peppered across the field.


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