Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 8 - Exposition Road

Max walks across the field giving a sigh at the webs everywhere, "I don't have anyone to clean this up today."

He pulls out a black pokeball and releases it. After the normal flash of light a three foot black porcupine with flaming quills sits up on its hind legs, a Quilava.

"Valla, would you please clean up these webs? Try not to burn too much of the grass if you can help it."

She sits up and much like Lenny, gives a salute before proceeding to start using her flaming tail like a broom to sweep away the webs.

Max then walks over to me and pulls a small pin from his pocket. It looks like a green and white, yin yang symbol.

"Here ya go Kurt, my balance badge. Was a bit of a messy battle but a win's a win. I hope you take some time to train up your partners more before your next gym."

Hes got a bit of a reluctant grin.

May pokes his side with an elbow, "Common Max, you know you should get over it by now, losing's part of the job for a gym leader."

He nods then looks at me, his expression seeming like he wants to make up for his attitude a moment ago, "So where ya headed next?"

Shaking my head, "I'm not overly sure. I plan on making the circuit though."

May chimes in, "I'll be starting myself here soon. I've always done the contests before, now that my husband is in the elite four I thought it would be fun to challenge him. I'm even gonna pick up a fresh starter and make a new team and everything!"

Max nods, "That reminds me May, Professor Birch called this morning. He asked if you could pick him up from the Oldale Town ruins on your way to his lab in Littleroot."

It would be really interesting to see the lab were the kiddos get their starters.

May tilts her head my way, "By the way, my father-in-law would probably reward ya pretty nicely if you let him get some data on your shiny joltik. Plus, Littleroot has a ferry to Dewford for your next badge."

Welp I'm sold, "Sure why not. Those ruins sound interesting as well, maybe I'll have a chance at finding a fossil to take back to Rustboro."

Off to the side I hear a toddler crying, the woman stands up, "Alright Max dear, time for lunch. Your sister should be heading off before it gets much later as well."

Max nods, "sure Viv," and gives May a hug, "Alright sis, I may not be allowed to set limits by the league rules yet but you're different, see ya when ya got three badges!"

She laughs, "Oh don't worry, I'm saving you for last!"

Turning to me she's definitely excited, "Let's get going, my jeep is out back. It's good you're coming, especially since I'm not taking any pokemon with me."

We head outside while talking, "You're really going at it fresh? I'm sure you have some killer pokemon already."

Proving me right she stops to give the Snorlax sitting outside a hug, "Take care Munchy, I'll be back before ya know it!"

It gently pats her head before going back to eating a bunch of berries.

May turns to me with a nod, "Yup, I want a fun challenge and a big surprise for my husband."

Pulling a set of keys from her pocket she unlocks a red jeep and hops in the driver seat before leaning over to unlock the passenger side for me.

Starting down the small town road I ask, "So I thought gyms stick to a monotype theme?"

May waves her hand dismissively, "A decade ago, and maybe still for a few gyms or other regions. But the point is to educate trainers. Virtuous reasoning aside, the League knows that better battles means better viewership. Max is gifted at thinking out of the box. He's taken our father's tradition of tricky Normal types as well as the local Plant type specialty."

We stop in front of the mart and center.

While we wait I ask May some other stuff that crossed my mind earlier, "What happens If I catch a 7th pokemon?"

It cant possible teleport away like the show and games.

Her brow arches but she answers all the same, "The Pokeballs you keep are synced to your dex account as soon as you catch a pokemon. It takes in your fingerprints and gps data along with tracking your on hand catch count. Once you catch your 7th Pokemon the ball locks until you come to a center and rotate your roster in accordance with the league rules."

Ha I knew there was a limit to the sheer level of nonsense on that show, "What about when you're not travelling?"

She leans against the counter, "You can set your home as a neutral gps point allowing you to have any number out, within reason. The police will fine you if you have some absurd number of pokemon running around your local neighborhood. On a related note, do you need to hit the mart before we leave? It's just next door, I ȧssume you need more potions or balls?"

I've got plenty of 'balls' thank you, "Right, I'll hop over there if you don't mind waiting for my pokemon."

Waving her hand, "No sweat."

I jog outside and next door, sure enough there's a small mart no larger than a Seven Eleven.

Walking up to the counter to find a nine or ten year old boy, "I need some pokeballs and a grape slurpee."

The kid drops his handheld game and stares at me, "You want what pee?!"

Shit, "I said I need to pee dude where's your bathroom, damn kids these days!"

In utter confusion he points to a back wall, "it's over there mister, pokeballs are in the front aisle."

After dodging an awkward situation and taking care of nature I come to the rack of balls….ha. They are arranged like a vending machine, lined up in rows behind a glass window. To the side is a key pad, punching in a number displays the price before asking how many and a confirmation.

Honestly I can't afford most of them but I think a few great balls… are within range.

I voice my complaint, "These sure ain't cheap balls."

The kid at the counter snorts.

Faking a cranky old man voice, "What you laughin at boy!? Brats got no respect anymore."

He chuckles, "Whatever mister, make up your mind?"

Keeping a straight face, "I want some great balls."

On my way out the kid calls after me, "Have a good time with your balls sir."

While waiting for May I call my doctor and tell her the good news. She's sweet, and promises a proper celebration once I get back so long as I keep my pants zipped in the meantime.

Once we got on the road the drive was a bit boring so I ask May, "You are picking a new starter then, it's not free right?"

She nods, "Yup last time I got a torchic, this time I'll be paying to help support the program but I'm sure my father in law Proffessor Birch will set me up. He said he has a nice new set for me to pick from. They get in other regions' starters some times to help encourage trainers to travel more."

Oh? "It's still water, fire, or grass right?"

Another nod as she keeps her eyes on the road, "You can pick from the traditional array but five years ago the league started mixing it up some. Now kids can pick from one of the 3 region region specific choices or from three other options, each from a different region."

From who knows were I think of biology textbooks, "That doesn't create a risk of invasive species?"

May glances my way with a chuckle, "It's all tightly monitored, any one or two of the same pokemon given out months apart aren't exactly too likely to meet up and start a colony while their trainers' backs are turned."

Eyes back on the road, "Also, they've moved away from strictly fire, grass, and water types. It was decided a healthy mix was in order… jeez, you got amnesia or something?"

Or something, "Yup, it's the weirdest thing, I only can't remember personal information and pokemon stuff from the last decade or so. Even my name, Kurt, my new girlfriend back in Rustboro came up with it."

She laughs, "Didn't let memory loss keep ya down huh? Who is it? I might know her."

I can't help but grin, "Lacy Cutter, she's a doctor."

May whistles, "Aimed high huh? I know Doc Cutter. Nice gal, comes to petalburg to check on Wally every few months."

That guy, "You didn't seem to like him too much."

A sigh, "You might not guess from looking at his chair but he's the current league champ. My Brendan was champ until last season. Now Brendan is stationed in Ever Grande City with the elite four while Wally, as champ, can simply be on call from home."

"On call?"

She glances my way again, "Forgot about the champ eh? They're tasked with large scale incident management as long as they're in the region, as well as former champions. The most recent unseated champ takes a spot on the elite four alongside three elected trainers."

Alright I get it, "Who are the current Elite Four?"

Counting on her fingers, "My husband Brendan, my father Norman, Miss Phoebe is on her last year, and finally Miss Zinnia. Phoebe will be returning to her home in the Alolan region. Zinnia was a troublemaker a while back but she's come around and has been a force to be reckoned with to any group causing problems in the region."

Now for the important part, "What teams do they run?"

May gets a competative look in her eyes, "Dad uses mostly normal types, Phoebe uses ghosts, Zinnia uses dragons, and I'm not telling what my husband might use. Wally uses plants mostly."

She laughs and I can only think that's fair enough. But that limits me a bit on looking for any type advantages, I should probably look into a dragon type I guess.

Glancing at May again, "What kind of team you looking to build?"

Her grin gets sly, "Hey mister we're competitors this year. Not that it makes too much of a difference. I'll pick a grass starter, I'll need a flyer, a ground type for sure, a fighter, maybe a water. I think I want an ice pokemon, some of them are adorable!"

I think I see what's going on, "You are totally targeting your husband's team aren't you?"

Another laugh proves me right, "That's why I'm doing this to begin with so why not?"

Putting my hands up, "Sounds fun to me, good luck."

"Ofcourse," she points forward, "We'll be there soon."

In the afternoon light I can see the a small farming town in in the distance as we crest a large hill coming out of the mountainous part of the region.

All told the drive took bȧrėly less than an hour. On the remaining bit out of the hills I considered what I would get for the rest of my team. I already decided on some kind of dragon, I'll need at least one water type in the eastern part of the region, it's all islands. The last one I'm not sure, I'll want to round out the team.

Glancing through the dex app at the fossil pokemon leaves me a bit off put until I see Carracosta. Looks badass and checks off my water type. Its got the bulk to pull me around the coastal islands too! The double weakness to plant type might be a snag if I actually reach Champion Wally, bit early to worry about that though. Oh and it can fight on land aswell.

Looking through the regional dragon types on the dex ...there's only 3 common native species. A bug, a bird and a ... winged whale? I think these are a pass.

Asking May, "I heard you can do jobs for breeders to help get out of region pokemon?"

She nods, "Ya I plan on sticking to what I can catch. Traded pokemon are tougher to reign in. If ya think you're up for it though it may give you a leg up come the final tournament. A curveball or two will put even the most talented local rookie on their back foot."

Checking other dragons ... mostly legendaries or super rare, meh oh well.

As we pull into town I can't help but be excited at the idea of bounty hunting pokemon to make my ideal team.

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