"The next stage is... performer Sana and Bulbasaur." Pierre said slowly, then took Sana's hand and said.

"We succeeded, Bulbasaur," Sana said happily to her own Pokémon.

"Dan." Bulbasaur was also very happy.

Xiaozhi and the other four were happy for Sana.

"It's inexplicable." Musashi gritted his teeth and left.

"This is not good, meow meow." Kojiro in the audience said nervously.

"We have to think of a way."



Then came the performances of other performers, some were happy, some were in tears.

Serena looked at all this, and her hands shook involuntarily.

Sana saw Serena's nervousness, thought for a while, and said: "Serena, it's no problem."

"Thank you."

At this time, the staff opened the door and let Serena and the other two people perform on stage.

Serena took a deep breath.

“Then the next group will come on.”

With the lights and equipment, Serena and two other people came on stage.

Xiaozhi and the other two were also very happy to see Serena on stage.

Fire Fox noticed Serena's nervousness and turned to look at Serena.

Serena noticed Fire Fox's operation and thought: "Yes, I am not alone, Fire Fox is with me."

“Well, it's time to start our dream.” Serena said this firmly.

“Then, please start styling.”

“This and that.” Serena said, looking at the decorations in the room.

Take out a blue and a pink ribbon to compare with Fire Fox, thinking which one is cuter. Decide to use the pink one.

Take out the scissors to modify it, and put a pink hat and tie on Fire Fox.

"Fox, we have practiced a lot for this day."

"Xiaozhi also said that nothing in the trip so far has been useless, so today I will use everything I have learned until yesterday."


"Okay, it's ok, Fox."

At this time, Pierre's voice also came, "The styling time is over, so please come to the catwalk."

"First, the performer Blanche and Meowth."

Blanche's Meowth is covered with a lot of golden sequins.

Clary's Little Arrow is a gentleman's outfit.

Finally, it was Serena's turn to appear.

Serena and Fox walked to the catwalk.

"Fox, I feel very happy." Serena said with a smile as she watched the audience cheer.

Because Xiaozhi reminded her not to wear too many decorations in advance, Fox's decorations were less than in the original animation, so no accidents happened.

Then Serena successfully advanced.

After several games. The theme performance officially came to an end. Pierre announced, "It's finally time for the free performance session where performers and Pokémon are one."

"This is an original stage created by combining acting skills and skills. You can use the two Pokémon in your hands. Of course, the judges are watching this stage, so please enjoy it, free performance."

One by one, the contestants performed with their own Pokémon.

Next is Sana.

Sana brought Bulbasaur and Flowerbebe.

"Flowerbebe Fairy Wind."

"Bulbasaur Petal Dance."

Flowerbebe released a pink wind ring around Sana, and Bulbasaur released colorful petals around Sana.

Sana picked up the ribbon and danced like a fairy. The pink mist enveloped Sana.

"Bulbasaur, Sunshine Flame". Seeing that the atmosphere was almost set, Sana planned to end it.

The golden beam of light defeated the pink mist like fireworks, revealing the situation on the stage. Hua Beibei landed steadily on the petals of Bulbasaur, while Bulbasaur used a vine whip to wrap around Sana's feet as support, and the shape of the vine whip was even a heart.

Seeing Sana's performance, the audience burst into warm applause. Sana also politely responded.

Then it was Serena, who used Fire Fox and Naughty Panda.

"Fire Fox Flame Vortex."

Fire Fox opened its mouth and shook it to spit out flames, gradually forming a ring of fire in the air.

Naughty Panda jumped up and passed through one ring of fire after another, landing handsomely.

"Naughty Panda Evil Wave." Serena then ordered.

Naughty Panda condensed dark purple light, shattered the ring of fire, and turned it into starlight that sprinkled on the field.

One person and two Pokémon, took advantage of the starlight to dance and end the performance. The audience also gave warm applause.

Then everyone's performance was over.

"Then the next is the judges' results."

Countless stars came to the contestantson the personnel's code card.

"Got it, who will be the performer that everyone cheers the most?"

Hearing this, the audience held their breath, curious about who will win.

Finally, the light shone on Shana.

"Performer Shana, it is you who got the princess key."

Shana's two elves jumped up and cheered happily.

Finally, Shalina's first Triple Crown Satellite Tournament ended in failure.

"I saw it to the end!" Yashio said to the man next to him in the VIP room and then left.


"Congratulations, Shana." Although Shalina was sad, she still congratulated her good friend!

"Thank you, Shalina."

"You have to tell Doroba and Tierno too." Xiaozhi suggested.

"Before telling them, please remember to keep it a secret. I want to see how surprised they are."

"Shalina, wait for me, I will catch up with you soon."

"Then let's work hard towards Queen Carlos together. Goodbye, everyone." Shalina walked away and left.

"Goodbye X3".

"Okay, let's go to the Pokémon Center for dinner."

Sarina pulled Sodrega towards the Pokémon Center.

"Sarina, is she okay?" Citron asked Xiaozhi worriedly.

"Sarina is fine, she's very strong." Xiaozhi replied.

"That's true."

The four walked towards the Pokémon Center.

On the other side, the trio walked out of the venue.

"I was left behind! The Carlos guys are so tasteless!" Musashi complained.

"In that case, let Team Rocket mobilize."

"Next time, Musashi and I will go together, meow."

"Are you serious?" Kojiro said puzzledly when he heard this answer.

"I'm also unwilling."

The three were full of fighting spirit.

"Let's go, Kojiro, meow, I must become the queen and dominate Carlos."



"The next challenge is for Xiaozhi, the fifth badge." Serena said.

"Is that so."

"Well, the promised time has come." Citron said.

"Well, the gym battle with Citron." Xiaozhi looked at Citron with fighting spirit.

"Then let's go back to Miare City."


"Sure enough, there's still nothing," Yashio complained to someone on the phone.

"Six o'clock in the morning, right? I see." Listening to the voice on the other end of the phone.

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