"Do you want to borrow it or not? You have to say something! Seeing that

Zhao Xu was silent for a long time, Song Li urged again.

"What research does Teacher Song want to borrow?"

Zhao Xu was unwilling in his heart, but Song Li had helped Zhao Xu a lot.

If he refused directly, Zhao Xu felt that it would be embarrassing, so he had to ask Song Li first what he wanted to borrow the fossil pterosaur for.

"There is no big research, I just want to study the ancient elf genes, just give me some blood of fossil pterosaurs," Song Li said

"this...Teacher Song, do you have any equipment to preserve blood?"Zhao Xu didn't remember that Song Li had a research laboratory.

"The school has a laboratory and a storage library!"Song Li said

"Let’s wait until the league is over."

It's just a little blood, Zhao Xu doesn't care, just treat it as a return of favor.

"Okay, I'll see you again after the game."Song Li nodded, but then she seemed to be thinking about something, and then said,"By the way, you already have fossil pterosaurs, haven't you discovered anything?"

Since warning Zhao Xu more than a month ago, Zhao Xu has been very good and has not published academic papers since then.

Seeing that Zhao Xu stopped publishing academic papers, Song Li was still a little itchy, but it was hard to explain clearly. , after all, Zhao Xu has to prepare for the competition, so it is normal not to publish a paper.

But now that it is known that Zhao Xu really has a fossil pterosaur, based on the three papers Zhao Xu published before, Song Li thinks that Zhao Xu may have discovered something from the fossil pterosaur. What

"I didn’t find anything, it’s similar to the information published so far, except it’s extremely fast!"

There is really nothing special about the fossil pterosaur. The only thing worth mentioning is that the super evolved form of the fossil pterosaur is considered by most elf scholars to be what it should have been like in ancient times.

But no one in this world has let the fossil pterosaur I've been super evolved, so I don't have this opinion.

"Got it, watch the game!"

After listening to Zhao Xu's words, Song Li felt that she was a little too natural. Although Zhao Xu published three very good papers and proved that they were all right, in the end he was just a child. He could study these three results. What a genius.

Zhao Xu nodded and turned to look at his opponent tomorrow.

Zhao Xu's opponent in the second game was the person who won the first game of Group C.

The person was a young man named Tao Wen, a bug user. A trainer in the lineup, the initial elf is Flying Mantis, which is a professional trainer with a dream start.

In today's game, Tao Wen also used Flying Mantis, but Flying Mantis has evolved into Giant Claw Mantis.

In addition to Giant Claw Mantis, Tao Wen also has Armored Warrior, Kairos, Heracross and Dragonfly.

It can be said that these insect elves in Tao Wen's hand are the best among the insect elves.

The race values ​​are all above 500, Dragonfly After evolving into an ancient dragonfly, it also has a race value of 515.

Just as Zhao Xu was thinking, Tao Wen noticed that Zhao Xu was looking at him and gave a polite smile.

When Zhao Xu saw this, he was stunned for a moment, and then turned back

"Strange, why is this guy smiling at me?"

Zhao Xu muttered in his heart and continued to watch the game.

There were eight games in the morning, and it was already the seventh game when Zhao Xu competed.

After watching one game, Zhao Xu and Song Li left the venue to compete with Zhou Sisi and the others. We met at the appointed place.

In addition to Zhou Sisi and Dai Xue, Zhou Hao also brought Zhu Yanxia with us, and they went to a restaurant near the competition area to eat together.

Because he was playing on behalf of the school, the school paid for the expenses during the competition.

Anyway, Zhou Sisi and Dai Xue were girls and couldn't eat much, so they ate together.

After eating and resting until 1:30 in the afternoon, Song Li and Zhou Hao took Zhao Xu and Zhu Yanxia to continue to the stadium.

Zhu Yanxia It's the third game of Group B and the second game in the afternoon!

Zhao Xu followed, naturally watching the game and recording the players' elves by the way.

The information Niuda gave was not detailed. Almost all of the participating students had small trump cards. Elves are useless.

For example, Zhao Xu's opponent Tao Wen tomorrow. The information Niuda gave him said that he only has Tianfei Mantis and Dragonfly, without mentioning that he has Armored Warrior and Heracross. The eight games in the afternoon continued until It ended at 4 p.m..

Zhou Hao and Song Li sent Zhao Xu and Zhu Yanxia back to school after the game.

Because they were both players, they had to ensure that Zhao Xu and Zhu Yanxia acted under their noses.

"Zhao Xu, you won very well today!"

Zhou Sisi and Dai Xue came back after having dinner outside.

When they came back, Zhao Xu was in the backyard with the elf

"Fortunately, it's just a little too fast, and the opponent doesn't have to fight!"

Although I battled with Wang Shuang today and my elves were upgraded, it was more than a month of training and fighting.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Zhao Xu's elves to upgrade in today's duel.

"Um! You are the best!"

Zhou Sisi also praised Zhao Xu.

Compared with the Golden Conference, the players in the College Elf League really can't compare with Zhao Xu.

"I'm so awesome, do you want to reward me?"

Zhao Xu looked up at the sky, with a proud expression on his face, and took a step closer to Zhou Sisi.


Zhou Sisi stood on tiptoe and pecked Zhao Xu's cheek.

"Now you are happy."

Zhou Sisi said, then gave Zhao Xu a meow punch.

"I want to come too!"...!......!

The two were intimate together again, and at 8 o'clock, Zhou Sisi went back to the room to talk to her mother on the phone.

Although Zhou Sisi's mother is very annoying, I have to say that this makes Zhao Xu and Zhou Sisi cherish the time together more.

After Zhou Sisi left, Zhao Xu released Ibrahimovic. After feeding Ibrahimovic, he asked Dai Lubi and Fire Spot Meow to play with him.

Zhao Xu decided to first let Ibrahimovic get used to moving at night. Dairubi and Fire Spot Meow were both night owls. With them setting an example, he would definitely make his Ibrahimovic become a night owl as well.

After finishing all this, Zhao Xu also went back to his room to rest.

At dawn, Zhou Sisi woke Zhao Xu up early and prepared breakfast for Zhao Xu, acting like a good wife.

After eating the breakfast prepared by Zhou Sisi, Zhao Xu went out to meet the teachers and headed to the battle area.

Zhou Sisi and Dai Xue are spectators, so they can go an hour later.

After yesterday's game, there are now only 16 players left, and the order of the game is still the same as yesterday, one group per group.

There are only eight duels today, all in the morning.

According to the order, the match between Zhao Xu and Tao Wen was the fifth one.

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