"Report! Report! The fossil pterosaur the opponent is riding is too fast for us to catch up!"

"Requesting additional manpower!"

After chasing for ten minutes, the traffic police also stopped. The speed of the fossil pterosaur was too fast. The traffic police's elves were exhausted and could only send more manpower. At this moment, Zhao Xu had caught up with Meng Qin's kidnapper. That group of people.

This group of people had already driven the car onto the highway, and it seemed that they wanted to take Meng Qin out of Baishan City.

Moreover, this group of people did not find the fossil pterosaur in the air, and kept moving at a normal speed.

"Ghosts and Wandering Eidolons, when you get close to the black business car below, you will release the strange light."Zhao Xu ordered to his shadow.


"Imitation spirit!"

Three eyes emerged from the shadow, one was that of the Wandering Eidolon, and the other two were from Ghost.

"The fossil pterosaur went down and picked up the black business car!"


The fossil pterosaur leaned down and rushed down, quickly approaching the black business car. Its two sharp claws easily tore the roof of the car, held it firmly, and then waved its wings vigorously, directly taking the black business car into the sky.

"Damn it!"

"what's the situation!"

"Boss, why are you flying!"

The voices of three men were heard in the car.

The three men in the car had no idea what was going on and were suddenly frightened and panicked.


"Imitation spirit!"

Ghost and Wandering Eidolon followed the claws of the fossil pterosaur into the car.


"Wandering night spirit!"

"not good!"

The three men in the car recognized the two elves, but unfortunately they were unprepared and were all attacked.

"The fossilized pterosaur landed in that lane."

Zhao Xu pointed at the emergency vehicle and ordered the fossil pterosaur to descend.

The fossil pterosaur flew over the emergency lane, landed slowly, and put the car down.

After stopping, Zhao Xu jumped off the fossil pterosaur and opened the door.

The car The three men inside all looked confused, as if they had drunk fake wine.

"At this!"

Opening the rear door, Zhao Xu discovered Meng Qin.

Meng Qin had already fallen asleep. She must have been drugged by these people, so she was not affected by the strange light.

"Guisi used hypnosis on three people!"

Will the chaotic state be resolved? It's better to let the three people fall asleep."

"Hiss! Guisi nodded and ran to the three men to release the hypnotic wave.

After the three men fell asleep, Zhao Xu took Meng Qin out of the car and shook Meng Qin hard, but Meng Qin did not wake up.

"It seems like he was really drugged."

Zhao Xu stopped playing the Mengqin and stayed where he was, waiting for the traffic police to come.

Although the elves the traffic police were riding were not as fast as the fossil pterosaurs, they were still faster than the cars.

Zhao Xu didn't wait long before he saw Seven or eight large flying elves appeared in the sky.

The traffic police were very nervous and did not come down because Zhao Xu did not take back the fossil pterosaur. The traffic police were worried that Zhao Xu would suddenly attack.

"Trainers below, please take note and take back your elves, otherwise we will attack you!"

The traffic policeman above used a loudspeaker to warn Zhao Xu.

"So cowardly."

Zhao Xu was also speechless, but he still took back his elf ball according to the traffic police's words.

Seeing that Zhao Xu was so obedient, the traffic police were a little confused. They still didn't fully believe Zhao Xu, so they only sent one traffic policeman down to talk to Zhao Xu. communicate

"Um? Are you Zhao Xu?"

You couldn't see clearly from the sky. The traffic policeman who came down to talk saw Zhao Xu's appearance and immediately recognized him.

"Yes, it's me."

Zhao Xu nodded and admitted.

"Why are you speeding? What's going on here?"The traffic policeman was also confused.

The previous notification he received was that someone was speeding and trying to attack the policeman and flee.

What was the situation with the car behind Zhao Xu? The traffic policeman could still see the three sleeping men and Meng Qin in the car. Don't even know what's going on

"The matter is rather special. Let's take these people to the police station first. I won't run away. Mr. Tang will also go directly to the police station later."

This matter cannot be discussed in detail. We can only wait until Tang Yong comes. After all, it is related to Victini and must be kept secret."

"Can you show me your trainer ID card?"

The traffic police are still very vigilant. Although Zhao Xu's words have already shown Zhao Xu's identity, the traffic police still want to see if Zhao Xu is himself.

"for you."

Zhao Xu took out his identity as a trainer and handed it to the traffic police.

"Platinum trainer!"

Seeing the silver frame of the ID card, the traffic policeman was even more surprised and looked at Zhao Xu in disbelief.

"Don't be surprised, hurry up and deal with the matter, your leader will call you soon."

While waiting for the traffic police to come over for a few minutes, Zhao Xu also explained what happened here to Tang Yong.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhao Xu finished speaking, all the traffic police in the sky came down.

"Mr. Zhao Xu, I have received the notice from above and will follow your instructions in everything."The traffic policeman headed by him immediately reported to Zhao Xu

"Cuff these three people and take them to the police station, and send this little girl to the hospital."

"No! I'd better deliver it myself."

Zhao Xu was a little worried that the group would attack Meng Qin, and planned to take him to the hospital himself.

The traffic police acted quickly and took the three men away immediately.

Zhao Xu took Meng Qin to the hospital for examination. After waiting for the people brought by Tang Yong to hand over, Zhao Xu followed Tang Yong.

Tang Yong did not take Zhao Xu to the police station, but went directly to the Alliance Center.

Entering a reception room in the Alliance Center, after entering Look, there's already a person inside

"Chen Lang!"

Zhao Xu was shocked when he saw the person in the reception room.

It was Chen Lang, whom he had met once in Binhai City, and the current league champion in the Longxia region.

"Hello, this is not the first time we have met."

Chen Lang took the initiative to say hello to Zhao Xu

"It seems that the alliance attaches great importance to Victini."Zhao Xu secretly thought

"Sit down and let's talk about what happened today."Chen Lang didn't hesitate and went straight to the topic.

After sitting down, Zhao Xu explained in detail what he had experienced today, and also took out the Q message chat records between himself and Meng Qin.

"So you think someone within the league leaked the news?"

After listening to Zhao Xu's analysis, Chen Lang could tell that Zhao Xu suspected that a spy in the alliance had revealed Zhao Xu's identity, otherwise the group of people would not have found Zhao Xu.

"Most likely yes, but it doesn't feel like it."

Zhao Xu also suspected that the leak was from the alliance at first, but he did not know where Victini was placed, and the other party obviously made a mistake.

This means that the other party only knew that he was related to Victini, and did not I don’t know that Zhao Xu actually doesn’t know the location of Victini.

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